In facing increasingly stiff competition in higher education services, it is imperative to institute precise management of higher education organizations to maintain their ideal aspects. Beyond merely implementing marketing concepts, every individual within the organization must be capable of envisioning the institution's vision and mission, bolstered by formulating appropriate tactical strategies to foster competitive advantage for the University. This research aims to ascertain the influence of the relationship between competitive advantage, digital transformation, and resource advantages on Sustainable Performance College through strategy agility as a mediating variable and leadership as a moderating variable. The research methodology employs path analysis using Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS) software version 3.0 with a population of 66 private universities in the LLDikti III region, namely private universities. A sample of 198 respondents is selected using the saturated sample method. The research findings demonstrate that Competitive Advantage positively and significantly affects Strategic Agility, Digital Transformation positively and substantially impacts Strategic Agility, Resource Advantage positively influences Strategic Agility, Competitive Advantage positively influences Sustainable Performance College, Digital Transformation positively and significantly affects Sustainable Performance College, Resource Advantage positively impacts Sustainable Performance College, and Strategic Agility positively and significantly influences Sustainable Performance College.