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Mustafa, S & Al-Abdallah, G. (2020). The evaluation of traditional communication channels and its impact on purchase decision.Management Science Letters , 10(7), 1521-1532.
Abideen, Z. U., & Saleem, S. (2001). Effective advertising and its influence on consumer buying behavior. European Journal of Business and Management, 3(3), 55-65.
Aboumoghli, A. & Alabdollah, Gh. (2012). Evaluating the association between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(4), 1-10.
Alabdollah, Gh., & Aboumoghli, A. (2012). The effect of brand association on customer loyalty: Empirical study on mobile devices in Jordan. American Academy and Scientific Journal, 5(1), 122-134.
Alabdollah, Gh., & Aboumoghli, A. (2012). Market analysis and the feasibility of establishing small businesses. European Scientific Journal, 8(9), 94-113.
Ackerberg, D. A. (2001). Empirically distinguishing informative and prestige effects of advertising. RAND Journal of Economics, 32(2), 316-33.
Agwu, E., Ikpefan, A., Atuma, O. and Achugamonu, U. (2014). Conceptual review of the effects of advertising on consumer buy-ing behavior. International Review of Social Sciences, 2(11), 502-18.
Allan, D. (2007). Comparative effectiveness of 30- versus 60- second radio commercials on recall and rate. Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 165-77.
Anu, M., & Aswathy, S. (2014). Influence of television advertising and purchase decision making of FMCG- A study Hindustan Unilever Limited. IRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, 3(5), 744- 47.
Armstrong, G., & Kotler, Ph. (2003). Principles of Marketing. 10th ed., Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Balkafl, E., Akbulut, N. T. and Kartopu, E. (2005). An evaluative study of billboard advertisement's attention-perception and de-sign criteria. In Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium of Interactive Media Design, 2(1), 1-5.
Bansal, M., & Gupta, Sh. (2014). Impact of newspaper advertisement on consumer behavior. Global Journal of Financial and Man-agement, 6(7), 669-74.
Barroso, A. (2008). Advertising and Consumer Awareness of a New Product. Centre for Economic Policy Research Paper, pp. 1-30.
Bataineh, A., Alabdollah, Gh., Salhab, H., & Shoter, A. (2015). The effect of relationship marketing on customer retention in the Jordanian pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Bossiness and Management, 10(3), 117-131.
Belgaonkar, P., & Dash, M. (2013). Comparative effectiveness of radio, print, and web advertising. Asia Pacific Journal of Market-ing & Management Review, 2(7), 12- 19.
Bergh, B., & Katz, H. (1990). Advertising Principles: Choice, Challenge, Change. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Press.
Bisht, S. (2013). Impact of TV advertisement on youth purchase decision – Literature review. International Monthly refereed Jour-nal of Research in Management & Technology, 2, 148-51.
Calder, B. J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2004). Qualitative effects of media on advertising effectiveness. In ESOMAR WAM Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
Cannon, H., & Riordan, E. (1994). Effective reach and frequency: Does it really make sense?. Journal of Advertising Research, 34(2), 19-29.
Clow, K., & Baack, D. (2012). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications. 5th ed., UK: Pearson.
Comegys, Ch., Hannula, M. and Vaisanen, J. (2006). Longitudinal comparison of finnish and US online shopping behavior among university students: The five-stage buying decision process. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14(4), 336-56.
Costa, J. (2014). The impact of advertising on students: An empirical study of students from Goa. International Journal of Ad-vanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 3(12), 239-49.
Danaher, P., & Rossiter, J. (2011). Comparing perceptions of marketing communication channels. European Journal of Marketing, 45(1/2), 6-42.
Deepa, I. (2013). Impact of advertisements on purchase decision of youth with reference to consumer goods. Advances in Manage-ment, 6(9), 36-40.
Delimayanti, A. (2014). The Role of Television Advertisements Toward Housewives Buying Pattern in Manado City”, Journal EM-BA, 2(4), 225-31.
Duffett, R. (2014). Facebook advertising’s influence on intention-to-purchase and purchase amongst millennials. Internet Research, 25(4), 498-26.
Fatima, S., & Lodhi, S. (2015). Impact of advertisement on buying behaviors of the consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in Ka-rachi City. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 4(10), 125-37.
Foxall, G. (2005). Understanding Consumer Choice. 1st ed., UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gao, T., Sirgy, M., & Bird, M. (2005). Reducing buyer decision-making uncertainty in organizational purchase: Can supplier trust, commitment, and dependence help?. Journal of Business Research, 58(4), 397-405.
Habib, A., Hossain, A., & Oma, T. (2015). Impact of advertisement on consumer choice: A case of SME and consumers. Singapo-rean Journal of business Economics, and Management Study, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1-15.
Heath, R., Brandt, D. and Nairn, A. (2006), “Brand Relationships: Strengthened by Emotion, Weakened by Attention”, Journal of Advertising Research, 46(4), 410-19.
Hennessey, S., Yun, D., MacDonald, R., & MacEachern, M. (2010). The effects of advertising awareness and media form on travel intentions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(3), 217-43.
Higuera, V. (2014). Advantages & disadvantages of traditional marketing. Small Business Chron. Available: marketing-25573.html, Retrieved December 21/2016.
Hoch, S., Drèze, X., & Purk, M. (1994). EDLP, hi–lo and margin arithmetic. Journal of Marketing, 58(4), 16–27.
Iqbal, R., & Batool, S. (2016). Impact of billboard advertisement on customer buying vehavior: A study on Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scholarly Research, 2(1), 9-15.
Jackson, F., Titz, K., & Defranco, A. (2014). Frequency of restaurant advertising and promotion strategies. Journal of Food Prod-ucts Marketing, 10(2), 17-31.
Jung, H., & Yoon, H. (2012). Why does satisfied customers switch? Focus on the restaurant patron variety-seeking orientation and purchase decision involvement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 875-84.
Katz, E., Haas, H., & Gurevitch, M. (1973). On the use of mass media for important things. American Sociological Review, 38, 164-81.
Kelley, L., Jugenheimer, D., & Sheehan, K. (2004). Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. 4th ed., , Armonk, NY: M.E Sharpe.
Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and Organizational Culture: A Key to Understanding Work Experiences. (Second Edition), US: SAGE Publications.
Khanfar, I. (2016). The effect of promotional mix elements on consumers buying decisions of mobile service: The case of Umniah telecommunication company at Zarqa City- Jordan. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(5), 94-100.
Kotler, P., & Keller, KL. (2006). Marketing Management, 12th ed., USA: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, A. and Jha, M. (2009), Marketing Management- A South Asian Perspective, but China and Japan also Contribute, (Thirteenth Edition), India: Prentice Hall.
Kumar, A. (2012). Dimensionality of consumer beliefs toward billboard advertising. A Journal of Marketing Communication, 8(1), 22-26.
Kumar, D., & Raju, V. (2013). The role of advertising in consumer decision making. Journal of Business and Management. 14(4), 37-45.
Lane, W., King, K., & Reichert, T. (2011). Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure, 18th ed., USA: Pearson.
Lichtenthal, J. D., Yadav, V., & Donthu, N. (2006). Outdoor advertising for business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(2), 236-47.
Lino, K., Santos, C., Santos, D., Matsumoto, M., Cardoso, P., Yamamoto, T., & Isabella, G. (2013). The promotion of Flyers and consumer purchase decision: A quantitative- descriptive research. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion and Media research, 13, 67-87.
Lippmann, S. (2007). The institutional context of industrial consolidation: Radio broadcasting in the United States 1920-1934. So-cial Forces, 86(2), 467-96.
Maddala, G.S. (1992), Introduction to Econometrics. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Mendelson, A., & Bolls, P. (2002). Emotional effects of advertising on young adults of lower socio-economic status", Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San Diego,CA Online . 2009-05 26 from
Mortimer, K., & Grierson, S. (2010). The relationship between culture and advertising appeals for services. Journal of Marketing Communication, 16(3), 149-62.
Murray, B., & Jenkins, R. (1992). The concept of effective reach in advertising. Journal Advertising Research, 32(3), 34-42.
National Restaurant Association (2011). Restaurant Industry Sales Turn Positive in 2011 After Three Tough Years.
Nayak, K., & Shah, B. (2015). Effectiveness of newspaper print ads. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(2), 328-31.
Nour, M., Almahirah, M., Mohammed, S., & Freihat, S. (2014). The impact of promotional mix elements on consumers purchase decisions. International Journal Business and Management, 8(2), 143-51.
Osewe, G. (2013). The Effectiveness of Internet Advertising on Consumer Behavior: The Case of University of Nairobi Students, Un-published Master Thesis, Business-University of Nairobi, Nairobi.
Panagopoulos, C., & Green, D. (2008). Field experiments testing the impact of radio advertisements on electoral competition. American Journal of Political Science, 52(1), 156-68.
Park, J., & Jang, S. (2014). Revisit satiation patterns: Are you restaurant customers satiated?. International Journal of Hospitality and Management, 32(1), 20-29.
Parker, P.H., & Kim, N. (1997). National brands versus private labels: An empirical study of competition, advertising and collusion. European Management Journal, 15(3), 220-35.
Patwardhan, M., Flora, P., & Gupta, A. (2010). Identification of secondary factors that influence consumer’s buying behavior for soaps and chocolates. Journal of Marketing Management, 9(1/2), 55-72.
Pedraja, M., & Yagüe, J. (2001). What information do customers use when choosing a restaurant?. International Journal of Con-temporary Hospitality Management, 13(6), 316-18.
Pekala, N. (2009). Why buy? The role of neuromarketing in understanding consumer behavior. American Marketing Association.
Peter, J., & Donnelly, J. (2001). Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills, 6th ed. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Pfeiffer, M., & Zinnbauer, M. (2010). Can old media enhance new media? How traditional advertising pays off for an online social network. Journal of Advertising Research, 50(1), 42-49.
Pine, R., & Johns, N. (2002). Consumer behavior in the food service industry: A review. Hospitality Management, 21(2), 119-34.
Poltrack, D., & Bowen, K. (2011). The future is now: In pursuit of a more efficient and effective media strategy. Journal of Adver-tising Research, 51(2), 345-55.
Pride, W., & Ferrell, O. (2012), Marketing 2012 Edition, USA: Southwestern Cengage Learning.
Rao, K., & Rao, U. (2012). Impact of advertisements on consumer decision making process. Publishing India Group, 3(1), 15-27.
Rice, R., D’Ambra, J., & More, E. (1998). Cross-cultural comparison of organizational media evaluation and choice. Journal of Communication, 48(3), 3-26.
Sachdeva, B. (2016). Impact of Advertisements on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Comparative Study of Cosmetics Market in Haryana, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, India: Jhunjhunu.
Siddiqui, K., Tarani, S., Fatani, S., Raza, A., Butt, R., & Azeema, N. (2016). Effect of size, location and content of billboards on brand awareness. Journal of Business Study Quarterly, 8(2), 40-57.
Sissors, J., & Baron, R. (2002). Advertising Media Planning. 6th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill.
Soh, H., Reid, L., & King, K. (2007). Trust in different advertising media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 455-76.
Sojka, J., & Giese, J. (2003). Using individual differences to detect customer shopping behavior. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 13(4), 337–53.
Swimberghe, K., & Wooldridge, B. (2014). Drivers of customers relationships in quick – service restaurants: The role of corporate social responsibility. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 55(4), 354-64.
Taylor, C. R., & Franke, G. R. (2003). Business perceptions of the role of billboards in the US economy. Journal of Advertising Re-search, 43(2), 150-61.
Taylor, C. R., Franke, G. R., & Bang, H.K. (2006). Use and effectiveness of billboards: Perspectives from selective-perception theo-ry and retail-gravity models. Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 21-34.
Taylor, Ch. (1997). A technology whose time has come or the same old litter on stick?. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 16(2), 179-86.
Winer, R., & Dhar, R. (2010). Marketing Management. 4th ed., USA: Pearson.
Wire, B. (2002). Magink and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. to Develop Full Color Digital Ink Outdoors Displays”.
Woo, J., Ahn, J., Lee, J., & Koo, Y. (2015). Media channels and consumer purchase decisions. Industrial Management & Data Sys-tem, 115(8), 1510-1528.
Woodside, A. (1990). Outdoor Advertising as Experiments. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(3), 229-37.
Zikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2009). Business Research Methods. 8th ed., Canada: Cengage Learning.
Aboumoghli, A. & Alabdollah, Gh. (2012). Evaluating the association between corporate entrepreneurship and firm performance. International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 22(4), 1-10.
Alabdollah, Gh., & Aboumoghli, A. (2012). The effect of brand association on customer loyalty: Empirical study on mobile devices in Jordan. American Academy and Scientific Journal, 5(1), 122-134.
Alabdollah, Gh., & Aboumoghli, A. (2012). Market analysis and the feasibility of establishing small businesses. European Scientific Journal, 8(9), 94-113.
Ackerberg, D. A. (2001). Empirically distinguishing informative and prestige effects of advertising. RAND Journal of Economics, 32(2), 316-33.
Agwu, E., Ikpefan, A., Atuma, O. and Achugamonu, U. (2014). Conceptual review of the effects of advertising on consumer buy-ing behavior. International Review of Social Sciences, 2(11), 502-18.
Allan, D. (2007). Comparative effectiveness of 30- versus 60- second radio commercials on recall and rate. Journal of Radio Studies, 14(2), 165-77.
Anu, M., & Aswathy, S. (2014). Influence of television advertising and purchase decision making of FMCG- A study Hindustan Unilever Limited. IRACST – International Journal of Commerce, Business and Management, 3(5), 744- 47.
Armstrong, G., & Kotler, Ph. (2003). Principles of Marketing. 10th ed., Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Balkafl, E., Akbulut, N. T. and Kartopu, E. (2005). An evaluative study of billboard advertisement's attention-perception and de-sign criteria. In Proceeding of the 3rd International Symposium of Interactive Media Design, 2(1), 1-5.
Bansal, M., & Gupta, Sh. (2014). Impact of newspaper advertisement on consumer behavior. Global Journal of Financial and Man-agement, 6(7), 669-74.
Barroso, A. (2008). Advertising and Consumer Awareness of a New Product. Centre for Economic Policy Research Paper, pp. 1-30.
Bataineh, A., Alabdollah, Gh., Salhab, H., & Shoter, A. (2015). The effect of relationship marketing on customer retention in the Jordanian pharmaceutical sector. International Journal of Bossiness and Management, 10(3), 117-131.
Belgaonkar, P., & Dash, M. (2013). Comparative effectiveness of radio, print, and web advertising. Asia Pacific Journal of Market-ing & Management Review, 2(7), 12- 19.
Bergh, B., & Katz, H. (1990). Advertising Principles: Choice, Challenge, Change. Lincolnwood, IL: NTC Press.
Bisht, S. (2013). Impact of TV advertisement on youth purchase decision – Literature review. International Monthly refereed Jour-nal of Research in Management & Technology, 2, 148-51.
Calder, B. J., & Malthouse, E. C. (2004). Qualitative effects of media on advertising effectiveness. In ESOMAR WAM Conference, Geneva, Switzerland.
Cannon, H., & Riordan, E. (1994). Effective reach and frequency: Does it really make sense?. Journal of Advertising Research, 34(2), 19-29.
Clow, K., & Baack, D. (2012). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications. 5th ed., UK: Pearson.
Comegys, Ch., Hannula, M. and Vaisanen, J. (2006). Longitudinal comparison of finnish and US online shopping behavior among university students: The five-stage buying decision process. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 14(4), 336-56.
Costa, J. (2014). The impact of advertising on students: An empirical study of students from Goa. International Journal of Ad-vanced Research in Management and Social Sciences, 3(12), 239-49.
Danaher, P., & Rossiter, J. (2011). Comparing perceptions of marketing communication channels. European Journal of Marketing, 45(1/2), 6-42.
Deepa, I. (2013). Impact of advertisements on purchase decision of youth with reference to consumer goods. Advances in Manage-ment, 6(9), 36-40.
Delimayanti, A. (2014). The Role of Television Advertisements Toward Housewives Buying Pattern in Manado City”, Journal EM-BA, 2(4), 225-31.
Duffett, R. (2014). Facebook advertising’s influence on intention-to-purchase and purchase amongst millennials. Internet Research, 25(4), 498-26.
Fatima, S., & Lodhi, S. (2015). Impact of advertisement on buying behaviors of the consumers: Study of Cosmetic Industry in Ka-rachi City. International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 4(10), 125-37.
Foxall, G. (2005). Understanding Consumer Choice. 1st ed., UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Gao, T., Sirgy, M., & Bird, M. (2005). Reducing buyer decision-making uncertainty in organizational purchase: Can supplier trust, commitment, and dependence help?. Journal of Business Research, 58(4), 397-405.
Habib, A., Hossain, A., & Oma, T. (2015). Impact of advertisement on consumer choice: A case of SME and consumers. Singapo-rean Journal of business Economics, and Management Study, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 1-15.
Heath, R., Brandt, D. and Nairn, A. (2006), “Brand Relationships: Strengthened by Emotion, Weakened by Attention”, Journal of Advertising Research, 46(4), 410-19.
Hennessey, S., Yun, D., MacDonald, R., & MacEachern, M. (2010). The effects of advertising awareness and media form on travel intentions. Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, 19(3), 217-43.
Higuera, V. (2014). Advantages & disadvantages of traditional marketing. Small Business Chron. Available: marketing-25573.html, Retrieved December 21/2016.
Hoch, S., Drèze, X., & Purk, M. (1994). EDLP, hi–lo and margin arithmetic. Journal of Marketing, 58(4), 16–27.
Iqbal, R., & Batool, S. (2016). Impact of billboard advertisement on customer buying vehavior: A study on Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scholarly Research, 2(1), 9-15.
Jackson, F., Titz, K., & Defranco, A. (2014). Frequency of restaurant advertising and promotion strategies. Journal of Food Prod-ucts Marketing, 10(2), 17-31.
Jung, H., & Yoon, H. (2012). Why does satisfied customers switch? Focus on the restaurant patron variety-seeking orientation and purchase decision involvement. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 31(3), 875-84.
Katz, E., Haas, H., & Gurevitch, M. (1973). On the use of mass media for important things. American Sociological Review, 38, 164-81.
Kelley, L., Jugenheimer, D., & Sheehan, K. (2004). Advertising Media Planning: A Brand Management Approach. 4th ed., , Armonk, NY: M.E Sharpe.
Keyton, J. (2011). Communication and Organizational Culture: A Key to Understanding Work Experiences. (Second Edition), US: SAGE Publications.
Khanfar, I. (2016). The effect of promotional mix elements on consumers buying decisions of mobile service: The case of Umniah telecommunication company at Zarqa City- Jordan. European Journal of Business and Management, 8(5), 94-100.
Kotler, P., & Keller, KL. (2006). Marketing Management, 12th ed., USA: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Kotler, P., Keller, K., Koshy, A. and Jha, M. (2009), Marketing Management- A South Asian Perspective, but China and Japan also Contribute, (Thirteenth Edition), India: Prentice Hall.
Kumar, A. (2012). Dimensionality of consumer beliefs toward billboard advertising. A Journal of Marketing Communication, 8(1), 22-26.
Kumar, D., & Raju, V. (2013). The role of advertising in consumer decision making. Journal of Business and Management. 14(4), 37-45.
Lane, W., King, K., & Reichert, T. (2011). Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure, 18th ed., USA: Pearson.
Lichtenthal, J. D., Yadav, V., & Donthu, N. (2006). Outdoor advertising for business markets. Industrial Marketing Management, 35(2), 236-47.
Lino, K., Santos, C., Santos, D., Matsumoto, M., Cardoso, P., Yamamoto, T., & Isabella, G. (2013). The promotion of Flyers and consumer purchase decision: A quantitative- descriptive research. Brazilian Journal of Marketing, Opinion and Media research, 13, 67-87.
Lippmann, S. (2007). The institutional context of industrial consolidation: Radio broadcasting in the United States 1920-1934. So-cial Forces, 86(2), 467-96.
Maddala, G.S. (1992), Introduction to Econometrics. 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Mendelson, A., & Bolls, P. (2002). Emotional effects of advertising on young adults of lower socio-economic status", Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Communication Association, Marriott Hotel, San Diego,CA Online . 2009-05 26 from
Mortimer, K., & Grierson, S. (2010). The relationship between culture and advertising appeals for services. Journal of Marketing Communication, 16(3), 149-62.
Murray, B., & Jenkins, R. (1992). The concept of effective reach in advertising. Journal Advertising Research, 32(3), 34-42.
National Restaurant Association (2011). Restaurant Industry Sales Turn Positive in 2011 After Three Tough Years.
Nayak, K., & Shah, B. (2015). Effectiveness of newspaper print ads. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 5(2), 328-31.
Nour, M., Almahirah, M., Mohammed, S., & Freihat, S. (2014). The impact of promotional mix elements on consumers purchase decisions. International Journal Business and Management, 8(2), 143-51.
Osewe, G. (2013). The Effectiveness of Internet Advertising on Consumer Behavior: The Case of University of Nairobi Students, Un-published Master Thesis, Business-University of Nairobi, Nairobi.
Panagopoulos, C., & Green, D. (2008). Field experiments testing the impact of radio advertisements on electoral competition. American Journal of Political Science, 52(1), 156-68.
Park, J., & Jang, S. (2014). Revisit satiation patterns: Are you restaurant customers satiated?. International Journal of Hospitality and Management, 32(1), 20-29.
Parker, P.H., & Kim, N. (1997). National brands versus private labels: An empirical study of competition, advertising and collusion. European Management Journal, 15(3), 220-35.
Patwardhan, M., Flora, P., & Gupta, A. (2010). Identification of secondary factors that influence consumer’s buying behavior for soaps and chocolates. Journal of Marketing Management, 9(1/2), 55-72.
Pedraja, M., & Yagüe, J. (2001). What information do customers use when choosing a restaurant?. International Journal of Con-temporary Hospitality Management, 13(6), 316-18.
Pekala, N. (2009). Why buy? The role of neuromarketing in understanding consumer behavior. American Marketing Association.
Peter, J., & Donnelly, J. (2001). Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills, 6th ed. Irwin/McGraw-Hill.
Pfeiffer, M., & Zinnbauer, M. (2010). Can old media enhance new media? How traditional advertising pays off for an online social network. Journal of Advertising Research, 50(1), 42-49.
Pine, R., & Johns, N. (2002). Consumer behavior in the food service industry: A review. Hospitality Management, 21(2), 119-34.
Poltrack, D., & Bowen, K. (2011). The future is now: In pursuit of a more efficient and effective media strategy. Journal of Adver-tising Research, 51(2), 345-55.
Pride, W., & Ferrell, O. (2012), Marketing 2012 Edition, USA: Southwestern Cengage Learning.
Rao, K., & Rao, U. (2012). Impact of advertisements on consumer decision making process. Publishing India Group, 3(1), 15-27.
Rice, R., D’Ambra, J., & More, E. (1998). Cross-cultural comparison of organizational media evaluation and choice. Journal of Communication, 48(3), 3-26.
Sachdeva, B. (2016). Impact of Advertisements on Consumer Buying Behavior: A Comparative Study of Cosmetics Market in Haryana, Unpublished PhD Thesis, Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University, India: Jhunjhunu.
Siddiqui, K., Tarani, S., Fatani, S., Raza, A., Butt, R., & Azeema, N. (2016). Effect of size, location and content of billboards on brand awareness. Journal of Business Study Quarterly, 8(2), 40-57.
Sissors, J., & Baron, R. (2002). Advertising Media Planning. 6th ed., New York: McGraw-Hill.
Soh, H., Reid, L., & King, K. (2007). Trust in different advertising media. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, 84(3), 455-76.
Sojka, J., & Giese, J. (2003). Using individual differences to detect customer shopping behavior. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 13(4), 337–53.
Swimberghe, K., & Wooldridge, B. (2014). Drivers of customers relationships in quick – service restaurants: The role of corporate social responsibility. Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, 55(4), 354-64.
Taylor, C. R., & Franke, G. R. (2003). Business perceptions of the role of billboards in the US economy. Journal of Advertising Re-search, 43(2), 150-61.
Taylor, C. R., Franke, G. R., & Bang, H.K. (2006). Use and effectiveness of billboards: Perspectives from selective-perception theo-ry and retail-gravity models. Journal of Advertising, 35(4), 21-34.
Taylor, Ch. (1997). A technology whose time has come or the same old litter on stick?. Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 16(2), 179-86.
Winer, R., & Dhar, R. (2010). Marketing Management. 4th ed., USA: Pearson.
Wire, B. (2002). Magink and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. to Develop Full Color Digital Ink Outdoors Displays”.
Woo, J., Ahn, J., Lee, J., & Koo, Y. (2015). Media channels and consumer purchase decisions. Industrial Management & Data Sys-tem, 115(8), 1510-1528.
Woodside, A. (1990). Outdoor Advertising as Experiments. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 18(3), 229-37.
Zikmund, W., Babin, B., Carr, J., & Griffin, M. (2009). Business Research Methods. 8th ed., Canada: Cengage Learning.