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Mortazavi, S., & Kargozar, N. (2011). The study of Relationship between Organizational Justice, job Satisfaction and emotional commitment and Nurses organizational citizenship behavior: the case of Imam Reza Hospital. The Journal of Zanjan medical science University, 80, 84-97.
Nikpour, A., Manzari Tavakkoli, A., & Hosseinnezad, M. R. (2010). The relationship between workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Employees of Kerman Bonyad-e- Shahid Organization. Beyond the management, 16, 155-172.
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Podsakoff, P., MacKenzie, S., Moorman, R., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
Podsakoff, P., MacKenzie, S., Paine, J., & Bachrach, D. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26(3), 513–563.
Alotaibi, G. (2005). Antecedents of organizational citizenship behavior. A study of public personnel in Kuwait. Public Personnel Management, 30(3), 350-363.
Ashmos, D., & Duchon, D. (2000). Spirituality at work: a conceptualization and measure. Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(2), 134-145.
Bateman, T., & Organ, D. (1983). Job satisfaction and the good soldier: The relationship between affect and employee citizenship. Academy of Management Journal, 26, 587–595.
Beikzad, J., Hamdellahi, M., & Hamdellahi, K. (2010). The influence of workplace Sprituality on Organizational Citizenship behavior of Tabriz Amoozesh va Parvarsh Employees,. Quarterly Journal of Leadership, 4, 23-24.
Bienstock, C., DeMoranville, C., & Smith, R. (2003). Organizational citizenship behavior and service quality. Journal of Service Marketing, 17(4), 357-373.
Chen, C.-Y., & Yang, C.-F. (2012). The Impact of Spiritual Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Multi-Sample Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 105, 107–114.
Farh, J., Circa, C., & Organ, D. (2004). Organizational citizenship behavior in the people’s republic of china. Organization Science, 15, 241-253.
Farhangi, A., Fattahi, M., & Vasegh, B. (2007). Workplace Sprituality and improving organizational behavior Improvement. Management Culture, 13, 5-36.
Freshman, B. (1999). An exploratory analysis of definitions and applications of Spirituality in the workplace. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 12(4), 318-327.
Milliman, J., Czaplewski, A., & Ferguson, J. (2003). Workplace spirituality and employee work attitudes, an exploratory empirical assessment. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 16(4), 426-447.
Mitroff, I., & Denton, E. (1999). A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America: A Hard Look at Spirituality, Religion, and Values in the Workplace. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mortazavi, S., & Kargozar, N. (2011). The study of Relationship between Organizational Justice, job Satisfaction and emotional commitment and Nurses organizational citizenship behavior: the case of Imam Reza Hospital. The Journal of Zanjan medical science University, 80, 84-97.
Nikpour, A., Manzari Tavakkoli, A., & Hosseinnezad, M. R. (2010). The relationship between workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors in Employees of Kerman Bonyad-e- Shahid Organization. Beyond the management, 16, 155-172.
Organ, D. (1988). Organizational citizenship behavior: The good soldier syndrome. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books.
Pawar, B. (2009). Some of the Recent Organizational Behavior Concepts as Precursors to Workplace Spirituality. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(2), 245-261.
Podsakoff, P., MacKenzie, S., Moorman, R., & Fetter, R. (1990). Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers’ trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior. Leadership Quarterly, 1(2), 107-142.
Podsakoff, P., MacKenzie, S., Paine, J., & Bachrach, D. (2000). Organizational citizenship behaviors: A critical review of the theoretical and empirical literature and suggestions for future research. Journal of Management, 26(3), 513–563.