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Peng, Q., Yang, J., Strome, T., Weldon, E & Chochinov, A. (2020). Evaluation of physician in triage impact on overcrowding in emergency department using discrete-event simulation.Journal of Project Management, 5(4), 211-226.
Affleck, A., Parks, P., Drummond, A., Rowe, B. H., & Ovens, H. J. (2013). Emergency department overcrowding and access block. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine, 15(6), 359-370.
Alhaider, A. A., Lau, N., Davenport, P. B., & Morris, M. K. (2020). Distributed situation awareness: a health-system approach to assessing and designing patient flow management. Ergonomics, 63(6), 682-709.
Allihaibi, W. G. M., Cholette, M., Masoud, M., Burke, J., & Karim, A. (2020). A heuristic approach for scheduling patient treatment in an emergency department based on bed blocking. International Jour-nal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 11, 1-20.
Amorim, F. F., Almeida, K. J. Q. D., Barbalho, S. C. M., Balieiro, V. D. A. T., Machado Neto, A., Dias, G. D. F., ... & Dasu, S. (2019). Reducing overcrowding in an emergency department: a pilot study. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, 65(12), 1476-1481.
Ardagh, M. W., Wells, J. E., Cooper, K., Lyons, R., Patterson, R., & O'Donovan, P. (2002). Effect of a rapid assessment clinic on the waiting time to be seen by a doctor and the time spent in the department, for patients presenting to an urban emergency department: a controlled prospective trial. The New Zea-land Medical Journal (Online), 115(1157).
Asplin, B. R., Magid, D. J., Rhodes, K. V., Solberg, L. I., Lurie, N., & Camargo Jr, C. A. (2003). A con-ceptual model of emergency department crowding. Annals of emergency medicine, 42(2), 173-180.
Bahari, A., & Asadi, F. (2020). A Simulation Optimization Approach for Resource Allocation in an Emergency Department Healthcare Unit. Global Heart, 15(1).
Bond, K., Ospina, M. B., Blitz, S., Afilalo, M., Campbell, S. G., Bullard, M., ... & Rowe, B. H. (2007). Frequency, determinants and impact of overcrowding in emergency departments in Canada: a national survey. Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.), 10(4), 32-40.
Bouzon Nagem Assad, D., & Spiegel, T. (2020). Improving emergency department resource planning: a multiple case study. Health Systems, 9(1), 2-30.
Bovim, T. R., Christiansen, M., Gullhav, A. N., Range, T. M., & Hellemo, L. (2020). Stochastic master surgery scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 285, 695–711.
Carter, E. J., Pouch, S. M., & Larson, E. L. (2014). The relationship between emergency department crowding and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(2), 106-115.
Chalk, D. (2020). Using computer simulation to model the expansion needs of the ambulatory emergency care unit at Derriford Hospital. Future Healthcare Journal, 7(1), 60-64.
Choi, Y. F., Wong, T. W., & Lau, C. C. (2006). Triage rapid initial assessment by doctor (TRIAD) im-proves waiting time and processing time of the emergency department. Emergency medicine journal, 23(4), 262-265.
Das, D., Pasupathy, K. S., Storlie, C. B., & Sir, M. Y. (2019). Functional regression-based monitoring of quality of service in hospital emergency departments. IISE Transactions, 51(9), 1012-1024.
Davis, S., & Fard, N. (2020). Theoretical bounds and approximation of the probability mass function of future hospital bed demand. Health care management science, 23(1), 20-33.
d'Etienne, J. P., Zhou, Y., Kan, C., Shaikh, S., Ho, A. F., Suley, E., ... & Wang, H. (2020). Two-step predictive model for early detection of emergency department patients with prolonged stay and its management implications. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Duma, D., & Aringhieri, R. (2020). An ad hoc process mining approach to discover patient paths of an Emergency Department. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 32(1), 6-34.
Easter, B., Houshiarian, N., Pati, D., & Wiler, J. L. (2019). Designing efficient emergency departments: Discrete event simulation of internal-waiting areas and split flow sorting. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 37(12), 2186-2193.
Greasley, A., & Edwards, J. S. (2019). Enhancing discrete-event simulation with big data analytics: A re-view. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-21.
Günal, M. M., & Pidd, M. (2010). Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care: a review of the literature. Journal of Simulation, 4(1), 42-51.
Guttmann, A., Schull, M. J., Vermeulen, M. J., & Stukel, T. A. (2011). Association between waiting times and short term mortality and hospital admission after departure from emergency department: population based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. Bmj, 342, d2983.
Higginson, I. (2012). Emergency department crowding. Emergency medicine journal, 29(6), 437-443.
Holroyd, B. R., Bullard, M. J., Latoszek, K., Gordon, D., Allen, S., Tam, S., ... & Rowe, B. H. (2007). Impact of a triage liaison physician on emergency department overcrowding and throughput: a ran-domized controlled trial. Academic Emergency Medicine, 14(8), 702-708.
Hoot, N. R., & Aronsky, D. (2008). Systematic review of emergency department crowding: causes, ef-fects, and solutions. Annals of emergency medicine, 52(2), 126-136.
Hopp, W. J., Desmond, J. S., Saghafian, S., Van Oyen, M. P., & Kronick, S. L. (2012). Patient Stream-ing as a Mechanism for Improving Responsiveness in Emergency Departments. Operations Research, 60(5).
Hunter-Zinck, H. S., Peck, J. S., Strout, T. D., & Gaehde, S. A. (2019). Predicting emergency department orders with multilabel machine learning techniques and simulating effects on length of stay. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 26(12), 1427-1436.
Jilani, T., Housley, G., Figueredo, G., Tang, P. S., Hatton, J., & Shaw, D. (2019). Short and Long term predictions of hospital emergency department attendances. International journal of medical informat-ics, 129, 167-174.
Jurishica, C. J. (2005, December). Emergency department simulations: medicine for building effective models. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005. (pp. 7-pp). IEEE.
Kaushal, A., Zhao, Y., Peng, Q., Strome, T., Weldon, E., Zhang, M., & Chochinov, A. (2015). Evalua-tion of fast track strategies using agent-based simulation modeling to reduce waiting time in a hospital emergency department. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 50, 18-31.
Kolker, A. (2008). Process modeling of emergency department patient flow: Effect of patient length of stay on ED diversion. Journal of Medical Systems, 32(5), 389-401.
Mahmoudian-Dehkordi, A., & Sadat, S. (2020). A Generic Simulation Model of the Relative Cost-Effectiveness of ICU Versus Step-Down (IMCU) Expansion. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 35(2), 191-202.
Marchesi, J. F., Hamacher, S., & Fleck, J. L. (2020). A stochastic programming approach to the physician staffing and scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 142, 106281.
McAvoy, S., Staib, A., & Treston, G. (2020). Can a system dynamics model of the emergency depart-ment show which levers reduce bottlenecks and delays to improve access to care?. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 1-19.
McKinley, K. W., Babineau, J., Roskind, C. G., Sonnett, M., & Doan, Q. (2020). Discrete event simula-tion modelling to evaluate the impact of a quality improvement initiative on patient flow in a paediatric emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 37(4), 193-199.
Moustaid, E., & Meijer, S. (2019, December). A system approach to study waiting times at emergency departments in metropolitan environments. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 996-1007). IEEE.
Munavalli, J. R., Rao, S. V., Srinivasan, A., & van Merode, G. G. (2020). An intelligent real-time sched-uler for out-patient clinics: A multi-agent system model. Health Informatics Journal, 1460458220905380.
Ordu, M., Demir, E., Tofallis, C., & Gunal, M. M. (2020a). A novel healthcare resource allocation deci-sion support tool: A forecasting-simulation-optimization approach. Journal of the Operational Re-search Society, 1-16.
Ordu, M., Demir, E., & Tofallis, C. (2020b). A decision support system for demand and capacity model-ling of an accident and emergency department. Health Systems, 9(1), 31-56.
Oredsson, S., Jonsson, H., Rognes, J., Lind, L., Göransson, K. E., Ehrenberg, A., ... & Farrohknia, N. (2011). A systematic review of triage-related interventions to improve patient flow in emergency de-partments. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine, 19(1), 43.
Paul, S. A., Reddy, M. C., & DeFlitch, C. J. (2010). A systematic review of simulation studies investigat-ing emergency department overcrowding. Simulation, 86(8-9), 559-571.
Petrosoniak, A., Hicks, C., Barratt, L., Gascon, D., Kokoski, C., Campbell, D., ... & Brydges, R. (2020). Design thinking–informed simulation: an innovative framework to test, evaluate, and modify new clin-ical infrastructure. Simulation in Healthcare, 15(3), 205-213.
Richardson, J. R., Braitberg, G., & Yeoh, M. J. (2004). Multidisciplinary assessment at triage: a new way forward. Emergency Medicine, 16(1), 41-46.
Rowe, B. H., Guo, X., Villa‐Roel, C., Schull, M., Holroyd, B., Bullard, M., ... & Innes, G. (2011). The role of triage liaison physicians on mitigating overcrowding in emergency departments: a systematic review. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(2), 111-120.
Ruohonen, T., Neittaanmaki, P., & Teittinen, J. (2006, December). Simulation model for improving the operation of the emergency department of special health care. In Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 453-458). IEEE.
Saghafian, S., Austin, G., & Traub, S. J. (2015). Operations research/management contributions to emer-gency department patient flow optimization: Review and research prospects. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(2), 101-123.
Shakoor, M., Qureshi, M. R., Jadayil, W. A., Jaber, N., & Al-Nasra, M. (2020). Application of discrete event simulation for performance evaluation in private healthcare: The case of a radiology department. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-8.
Shea, S. S., & Hoyt, K. S. (2012). “RAPID” team triage: one hospital's approach to patient-centered team triage. Advanced emergency nursing journal, 34(2), 177-189.
Subash, F., Dunn, F., McNicholl, B., & Marlow, J. (2004). Team triage improves emergency department efficiency. Emergency Medicine Journal, 21(5), 542-544.
Swan, B., Ozaltin, O., Hilburn, S., Gignac, E., & McCammon, G. (2019, December). Evaluating an emergency department care redesign: a simulation approach. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1137-1147). IEEE.
Wiler, J. L., Gentle, C., Halfpenny, J. M., Heins, A., Mehrotra, A., Mikhail, M. G., & Fite, D. (2010). Optimizing emergency department front-end operations. Annals of emergency medicine, 55(2), 142-160.
Wu, X., Xu, R., Li, J., & Khasawneh, M. T. (2019). A simulation study of bed allocation to reduce block-ing probability in emergency departments: A case study in China. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(8), 1376-1390.
Yousefi, M., & Yousefi, M. (2019). Human resource allocation in an emergency department. Kybernetes, 49(3), 779-796.
Alhaider, A. A., Lau, N., Davenport, P. B., & Morris, M. K. (2020). Distributed situation awareness: a health-system approach to assessing and designing patient flow management. Ergonomics, 63(6), 682-709.
Allihaibi, W. G. M., Cholette, M., Masoud, M., Burke, J., & Karim, A. (2020). A heuristic approach for scheduling patient treatment in an emergency department based on bed blocking. International Jour-nal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 11, 1-20.
Amorim, F. F., Almeida, K. J. Q. D., Barbalho, S. C. M., Balieiro, V. D. A. T., Machado Neto, A., Dias, G. D. F., ... & Dasu, S. (2019). Reducing overcrowding in an emergency department: a pilot study. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, 65(12), 1476-1481.
Ardagh, M. W., Wells, J. E., Cooper, K., Lyons, R., Patterson, R., & O'Donovan, P. (2002). Effect of a rapid assessment clinic on the waiting time to be seen by a doctor and the time spent in the department, for patients presenting to an urban emergency department: a controlled prospective trial. The New Zea-land Medical Journal (Online), 115(1157).
Asplin, B. R., Magid, D. J., Rhodes, K. V., Solberg, L. I., Lurie, N., & Camargo Jr, C. A. (2003). A con-ceptual model of emergency department crowding. Annals of emergency medicine, 42(2), 173-180.
Bahari, A., & Asadi, F. (2020). A Simulation Optimization Approach for Resource Allocation in an Emergency Department Healthcare Unit. Global Heart, 15(1).
Bond, K., Ospina, M. B., Blitz, S., Afilalo, M., Campbell, S. G., Bullard, M., ... & Rowe, B. H. (2007). Frequency, determinants and impact of overcrowding in emergency departments in Canada: a national survey. Healthcare quarterly (Toronto, Ont.), 10(4), 32-40.
Bouzon Nagem Assad, D., & Spiegel, T. (2020). Improving emergency department resource planning: a multiple case study. Health Systems, 9(1), 2-30.
Bovim, T. R., Christiansen, M., Gullhav, A. N., Range, T. M., & Hellemo, L. (2020). Stochastic master surgery scheduling. European Journal of Operational Research, 285, 695–711.
Carter, E. J., Pouch, S. M., & Larson, E. L. (2014). The relationship between emergency department crowding and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(2), 106-115.
Chalk, D. (2020). Using computer simulation to model the expansion needs of the ambulatory emergency care unit at Derriford Hospital. Future Healthcare Journal, 7(1), 60-64.
Choi, Y. F., Wong, T. W., & Lau, C. C. (2006). Triage rapid initial assessment by doctor (TRIAD) im-proves waiting time and processing time of the emergency department. Emergency medicine journal, 23(4), 262-265.
Das, D., Pasupathy, K. S., Storlie, C. B., & Sir, M. Y. (2019). Functional regression-based monitoring of quality of service in hospital emergency departments. IISE Transactions, 51(9), 1012-1024.
Davis, S., & Fard, N. (2020). Theoretical bounds and approximation of the probability mass function of future hospital bed demand. Health care management science, 23(1), 20-33.
d'Etienne, J. P., Zhou, Y., Kan, C., Shaikh, S., Ho, A. F., Suley, E., ... & Wang, H. (2020). Two-step predictive model for early detection of emergency department patients with prolonged stay and its management implications. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine.
Duma, D., & Aringhieri, R. (2020). An ad hoc process mining approach to discover patient paths of an Emergency Department. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 32(1), 6-34.
Easter, B., Houshiarian, N., Pati, D., & Wiler, J. L. (2019). Designing efficient emergency departments: Discrete event simulation of internal-waiting areas and split flow sorting. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 37(12), 2186-2193.
Greasley, A., & Edwards, J. S. (2019). Enhancing discrete-event simulation with big data analytics: A re-view. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 1-21.
Günal, M. M., & Pidd, M. (2010). Discrete event simulation for performance modelling in health care: a review of the literature. Journal of Simulation, 4(1), 42-51.
Guttmann, A., Schull, M. J., Vermeulen, M. J., & Stukel, T. A. (2011). Association between waiting times and short term mortality and hospital admission after departure from emergency department: population based cohort study from Ontario, Canada. Bmj, 342, d2983.
Higginson, I. (2012). Emergency department crowding. Emergency medicine journal, 29(6), 437-443.
Holroyd, B. R., Bullard, M. J., Latoszek, K., Gordon, D., Allen, S., Tam, S., ... & Rowe, B. H. (2007). Impact of a triage liaison physician on emergency department overcrowding and throughput: a ran-domized controlled trial. Academic Emergency Medicine, 14(8), 702-708.
Hoot, N. R., & Aronsky, D. (2008). Systematic review of emergency department crowding: causes, ef-fects, and solutions. Annals of emergency medicine, 52(2), 126-136.
Hopp, W. J., Desmond, J. S., Saghafian, S., Van Oyen, M. P., & Kronick, S. L. (2012). Patient Stream-ing as a Mechanism for Improving Responsiveness in Emergency Departments. Operations Research, 60(5).
Hunter-Zinck, H. S., Peck, J. S., Strout, T. D., & Gaehde, S. A. (2019). Predicting emergency department orders with multilabel machine learning techniques and simulating effects on length of stay. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 26(12), 1427-1436.
Jilani, T., Housley, G., Figueredo, G., Tang, P. S., Hatton, J., & Shaw, D. (2019). Short and Long term predictions of hospital emergency department attendances. International journal of medical informat-ics, 129, 167-174.
Jurishica, C. J. (2005, December). Emergency department simulations: medicine for building effective models. In Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005. (pp. 7-pp). IEEE.
Kaushal, A., Zhao, Y., Peng, Q., Strome, T., Weldon, E., Zhang, M., & Chochinov, A. (2015). Evalua-tion of fast track strategies using agent-based simulation modeling to reduce waiting time in a hospital emergency department. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 50, 18-31.
Kolker, A. (2008). Process modeling of emergency department patient flow: Effect of patient length of stay on ED diversion. Journal of Medical Systems, 32(5), 389-401.
Mahmoudian-Dehkordi, A., & Sadat, S. (2020). A Generic Simulation Model of the Relative Cost-Effectiveness of ICU Versus Step-Down (IMCU) Expansion. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 35(2), 191-202.
Marchesi, J. F., Hamacher, S., & Fleck, J. L. (2020). A stochastic programming approach to the physician staffing and scheduling problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 142, 106281.
McAvoy, S., Staib, A., & Treston, G. (2020). Can a system dynamics model of the emergency depart-ment show which levers reduce bottlenecks and delays to improve access to care?. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 1-19.
McKinley, K. W., Babineau, J., Roskind, C. G., Sonnett, M., & Doan, Q. (2020). Discrete event simula-tion modelling to evaluate the impact of a quality improvement initiative on patient flow in a paediatric emergency department. Emergency Medicine Journal, 37(4), 193-199.
Moustaid, E., & Meijer, S. (2019, December). A system approach to study waiting times at emergency departments in metropolitan environments. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 996-1007). IEEE.
Munavalli, J. R., Rao, S. V., Srinivasan, A., & van Merode, G. G. (2020). An intelligent real-time sched-uler for out-patient clinics: A multi-agent system model. Health Informatics Journal, 1460458220905380.
Ordu, M., Demir, E., Tofallis, C., & Gunal, M. M. (2020a). A novel healthcare resource allocation deci-sion support tool: A forecasting-simulation-optimization approach. Journal of the Operational Re-search Society, 1-16.
Ordu, M., Demir, E., & Tofallis, C. (2020b). A decision support system for demand and capacity model-ling of an accident and emergency department. Health Systems, 9(1), 31-56.
Oredsson, S., Jonsson, H., Rognes, J., Lind, L., Göransson, K. E., Ehrenberg, A., ... & Farrohknia, N. (2011). A systematic review of triage-related interventions to improve patient flow in emergency de-partments. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine, 19(1), 43.
Paul, S. A., Reddy, M. C., & DeFlitch, C. J. (2010). A systematic review of simulation studies investigat-ing emergency department overcrowding. Simulation, 86(8-9), 559-571.
Petrosoniak, A., Hicks, C., Barratt, L., Gascon, D., Kokoski, C., Campbell, D., ... & Brydges, R. (2020). Design thinking–informed simulation: an innovative framework to test, evaluate, and modify new clin-ical infrastructure. Simulation in Healthcare, 15(3), 205-213.
Richardson, J. R., Braitberg, G., & Yeoh, M. J. (2004). Multidisciplinary assessment at triage: a new way forward. Emergency Medicine, 16(1), 41-46.
Rowe, B. H., Guo, X., Villa‐Roel, C., Schull, M., Holroyd, B., Bullard, M., ... & Innes, G. (2011). The role of triage liaison physicians on mitigating overcrowding in emergency departments: a systematic review. Academic Emergency Medicine, 18(2), 111-120.
Ruohonen, T., Neittaanmaki, P., & Teittinen, J. (2006, December). Simulation model for improving the operation of the emergency department of special health care. In Proceedings of the 2006 Winter Simulation Conference (pp. 453-458). IEEE.
Saghafian, S., Austin, G., & Traub, S. J. (2015). Operations research/management contributions to emer-gency department patient flow optimization: Review and research prospects. IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(2), 101-123.
Shakoor, M., Qureshi, M. R., Jadayil, W. A., Jaber, N., & Al-Nasra, M. (2020). Application of discrete event simulation for performance evaluation in private healthcare: The case of a radiology department. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 1-8.
Shea, S. S., & Hoyt, K. S. (2012). “RAPID” team triage: one hospital's approach to patient-centered team triage. Advanced emergency nursing journal, 34(2), 177-189.
Subash, F., Dunn, F., McNicholl, B., & Marlow, J. (2004). Team triage improves emergency department efficiency. Emergency Medicine Journal, 21(5), 542-544.
Swan, B., Ozaltin, O., Hilburn, S., Gignac, E., & McCammon, G. (2019, December). Evaluating an emergency department care redesign: a simulation approach. In 2019 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1137-1147). IEEE.
Wiler, J. L., Gentle, C., Halfpenny, J. M., Heins, A., Mehrotra, A., Mikhail, M. G., & Fite, D. (2010). Optimizing emergency department front-end operations. Annals of emergency medicine, 55(2), 142-160.
Wu, X., Xu, R., Li, J., & Khasawneh, M. T. (2019). A simulation study of bed allocation to reduce block-ing probability in emergency departments: A case study in China. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(8), 1376-1390.
Yousefi, M., & Yousefi, M. (2019). Human resource allocation in an emergency department. Kybernetes, 49(3), 779-796.