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Sahoo, S & Goswami, S. (2024). Theoretical framework for assessing the economic and environmental impact of water pollution: A detailed study on sustainable development of India.Journal of Future Sustainability, 4(1), 23-34.
Ahmed, T., Imdad, S., Yaldram, K., Butt, N. M., & Pervez, A. (2014). Emerging nanotechnology-based methods for wa-ter purification: a review. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(22-24), 4089-4101.
Alcamo, J. (2019). Water quality and its interlinkages with the Sustainable Development Goals. Current opinion in en-vironmental sustainability, 36, 126-140.
Azizullah, A., Khattak, M. N. K., Richter, P., & Häder, D. P. (2011). Water pollution in Pakistan and its impact on pub-lic health—a review. Environment international, 37(2), 479-497.
Babatunde, A. O., Zhao, Y. Q., O'neill, M., & O'sullivan, B. (2008). Constructed wetlands for environmental pollution control: a review of developments, research and practice in Ireland. Environment International, 34(1), 116-126.
Belayutham, S., Gonzalez, V. A., & Yiu, T. W. (2016). A cleaner production-pollution prevention based framework for construction site induced water pollution. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1363-1378.
Chakraborty, B., Roy, S., Bera, A., Adhikary, P. P., Bera, B., Sengupta, D., ... & Shit, P. K. (2021). Eco-restoration of river water quality during COVID-19 lockdown in the industrial belt of eastern India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 25514-25528.
Chen, Y., Wen, D., Pei, J., Fei, Y., Ouyang, D., Zhang, H., & Luo, Y. (2020). Identification and quantification of micro-plastics using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: current status and future prospects. Current Opinion in Envi-ronmental Science & Health, 18, 14-19.
Coggins, J. S., & Rosato, P. (2002). Market-based mechanisms for environmental improvement. Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, 255-267.
Davies, J. M., & Mazumder, A. (2003). Health and environmental policy issues in Canada: the role of watershed man-agement in sustaining clean drinking water quality at surface sources. Journal of environmental management, 68(3), 273-286.
Deletic, A., & Wang, H. (2019). Water pollution control for sustainable development. Engineering, 5(5), 839-840.
Duttagupta, S., Mukherjee, A., Bhanja, S. N., Chattopadhyay, S., Sarkar, S., Das, K., ... & Mondal, D. (2020). Achieving sustainable development goal for clean water in India: influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwa-ter microbial pollution. Environmental Management, 66, 742-755.
Dwivedi, A. K. (2017). Researches in water pollution: A review. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 118-142.
Giri, S., & Qiu, Z. (2016). Understanding the relationship of land uses and water quality in Twenty First Century: A re-view. Journal of environmental management, 173, 41-48.
Goswami, S. S., Mohanty, S. K., & Behera, D. K. (2022). Selection of a green renewable energy source in India with the help of MEREC integrated PIV MCDM tool. Materials today: proceedings, 52, 1153-1160.
Halder, J. N., & Islam, M. N. (2015). Water pollution and its impact on the human health. Journal of environment and human, 2(1), 36-46.
Jalil, M. A. (2010). Sustainable development in Malaysia: A case study on household waste management. Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(3), 91.
Kalpande, S. D., & Toke, L. K. (2021). Assessment of green supply chain management practices, performance, pressure and barriers amongst Indian manufacturer to achieve sustainable development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 70(8), 2237-2257.
Khan, M. N., Mobin, M., Abbas, Z. K., & Alamri, S. A. (2018). Fertilizers and their contaminants in soils, surface and groundwater. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, 5, 225-240.
Lacey-Barnacle, M., Robison, R., & Foulds, C. (2020). Energy justice in the developing world: a review of theoretical frameworks, key research themes and policy implications. Energy for Sustainable Development, 55, 122-138.
Lam, J. S. L., & Li, K. X. (2019). Green port marketing for sustainable growth and development. Transport Policy, 84, 73-81.
Laudon, H., Kuglerová, L., Sponseller, R. A., Futter, M., Nordin, A., Bishop, K., ... & Ågren, A. M. (2016). The role of biogeochemical hotspots, landscape heterogeneity, and hydrological connectivity for minimizing forestry effects on water quality. Ambio, 45, 152-162.
Liu, Y., Yang, L., & Jiang, W. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relationship between water pollution and economic growth: a case study in Nansi Lake catchment, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Re-search, 27(4), 4008-4020.
Manasa, R. L., & Mehta, A. (2020). Wastewater: sources of pollutants and its remediation. Environmental Biotechnolo-gy Vol. 2, 197-219.
Nyaupane, G. P., & Thapa, B. (2006). Perceptions of environmental impacts of tourism: A case study at ACAP, Ne-pal. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 13(1), 51-61.
Omer, M. A., & Noguchi, T. (2020). A conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of building materials in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101869.
Price, C., Black, K. D., Hargrave, B. T., & Morris Jr, J. A. (2015). Marine cage culture and the environment: effects on water quality and primary production. Aquaculture environment interactions, 6(2), 151-174.
Prüss-Ustün, A., Wolf, J., Bartram, J., Clasen, T., Cumming, O., Freeman, M. C., Gordon, B., Hunter, P.R., Medlicott, K., Johnston, R. (2019). Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene for selected adverse health outcomes: an updated analysis with a focus on low-and middle-income countries. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 222(5), 765-777.
Rana, M. M. P. (2011). Urbanization and sustainability: challenges and strategies for sustainable urban development in Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13, 237-256.
Reddy, V. R., & Behera, B. (2006). Impact of water pollution on rural communities: An economic analysis. Ecological economics, 58(3), 520-537.
Sahoo, S., & Choudhury, B. (2022). Optimal selection of an electric power wheelchair using an integrated COPRAS and EDAS approach based on Entropy weighting technique. Decision Science Letters, 11(1), 21-34.
Sharma, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Microplastic pollution, a threat to marine ecosystem and human health: a short re-view. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21530-21547.
Shrivastava, P. (1995). The role of corporations in achieving ecological sustainability. Academy of management re-view, 20(4), 936-960.
Smith, L. E., & Siciliano, G. (2015). A comprehensive review of constraints to improved management of fertilizers in China and mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 209, 15-25.
Swinton, S. M., Chu, M. C., & Batie, S. S. (1999). Agricultural production contracts to reduce water pollution. Flexible Incentives for the Adoption of Environmental Technologies in Agriculture, 275-283.
Tchobanoglus, G., Burton, F., & Stensel, H. D. (2003). Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse. American Water Works Association. Journal, 95(5), 201.
Tran, K. C., Euan, J., & Isla, M. L. (2002). Public perception of development issues: impact of water pollution on a small coastal community. Ocean & Coastal Management, 45(6-7), 405-420.
Vijay, R., Khobragade, P., & Mohapatra, P. K. (2011). Assessment of groundwater quality in Puri City, India: an impact of anthropogenic activities. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 177, 409-418.
Wang, Q., & Yang, Z. (2016). Industrial water pollution, water environment treatment, and health risks in Chi-na. Environmental pollution, 218, 358-365.
Whitehead, P. G., Barbour, E., Futter, M. N., Sarkar, S., Rodda, H., Caesar, J., Butterfield, D., Jin, L., Sinha, R., Nicholls, R., Salehin, M. (2015). Impacts of climate change and socio-economic scenarios on flow and water quality of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (GBM) river systems: low flow and flood statistics. Environmental Sci-ence: Processes & Impacts, 17(6), 1057-1069.
Xu, D. M., Zhang, J. Q., Yan, B., Liu, H., Zhang, L. L., Zhan, C. L., Zhang, L., Zhong, P. (2018). Contamination charac-teristics and potential environmental implications of heavy metals in road dusts in typical industrial and agricultural cities, southeastern Hubei Province, Central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 36223-36238.
Zalidis, G., Stamatiadis, S., Takavakoglou, V., Eskridge, K., & Misopolinos, N. (2002). Impacts of agricultural practices on soil and water quality in the Mediterranean region and proposed assessment methodology. Agriculture, Ecosys-tems & Environment, 88(2), 137-146.
Alcamo, J. (2019). Water quality and its interlinkages with the Sustainable Development Goals. Current opinion in en-vironmental sustainability, 36, 126-140.
Azizullah, A., Khattak, M. N. K., Richter, P., & Häder, D. P. (2011). Water pollution in Pakistan and its impact on pub-lic health—a review. Environment international, 37(2), 479-497.
Babatunde, A. O., Zhao, Y. Q., O'neill, M., & O'sullivan, B. (2008). Constructed wetlands for environmental pollution control: a review of developments, research and practice in Ireland. Environment International, 34(1), 116-126.
Belayutham, S., Gonzalez, V. A., & Yiu, T. W. (2016). A cleaner production-pollution prevention based framework for construction site induced water pollution. Journal of Cleaner Production, 135, 1363-1378.
Chakraborty, B., Roy, S., Bera, A., Adhikary, P. P., Bera, B., Sengupta, D., ... & Shit, P. K. (2021). Eco-restoration of river water quality during COVID-19 lockdown in the industrial belt of eastern India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 25514-25528.
Chen, Y., Wen, D., Pei, J., Fei, Y., Ouyang, D., Zhang, H., & Luo, Y. (2020). Identification and quantification of micro-plastics using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy: current status and future prospects. Current Opinion in Envi-ronmental Science & Health, 18, 14-19.
Coggins, J. S., & Rosato, P. (2002). Market-based mechanisms for environmental improvement. Economic Studies on Food, Agriculture, and the Environment, 255-267.
Davies, J. M., & Mazumder, A. (2003). Health and environmental policy issues in Canada: the role of watershed man-agement in sustaining clean drinking water quality at surface sources. Journal of environmental management, 68(3), 273-286.
Deletic, A., & Wang, H. (2019). Water pollution control for sustainable development. Engineering, 5(5), 839-840.
Duttagupta, S., Mukherjee, A., Bhanja, S. N., Chattopadhyay, S., Sarkar, S., Das, K., ... & Mondal, D. (2020). Achieving sustainable development goal for clean water in India: influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on groundwa-ter microbial pollution. Environmental Management, 66, 742-755.
Dwivedi, A. K. (2017). Researches in water pollution: A review. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences, 4(1), 118-142.
Giri, S., & Qiu, Z. (2016). Understanding the relationship of land uses and water quality in Twenty First Century: A re-view. Journal of environmental management, 173, 41-48.
Goswami, S. S., Mohanty, S. K., & Behera, D. K. (2022). Selection of a green renewable energy source in India with the help of MEREC integrated PIV MCDM tool. Materials today: proceedings, 52, 1153-1160.
Halder, J. N., & Islam, M. N. (2015). Water pollution and its impact on the human health. Journal of environment and human, 2(1), 36-46.
Jalil, M. A. (2010). Sustainable development in Malaysia: A case study on household waste management. Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(3), 91.
Kalpande, S. D., & Toke, L. K. (2021). Assessment of green supply chain management practices, performance, pressure and barriers amongst Indian manufacturer to achieve sustainable development. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 70(8), 2237-2257.
Khan, M. N., Mobin, M., Abbas, Z. K., & Alamri, S. A. (2018). Fertilizers and their contaminants in soils, surface and groundwater. Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, 5, 225-240.
Lacey-Barnacle, M., Robison, R., & Foulds, C. (2020). Energy justice in the developing world: a review of theoretical frameworks, key research themes and policy implications. Energy for Sustainable Development, 55, 122-138.
Lam, J. S. L., & Li, K. X. (2019). Green port marketing for sustainable growth and development. Transport Policy, 84, 73-81.
Laudon, H., Kuglerová, L., Sponseller, R. A., Futter, M., Nordin, A., Bishop, K., ... & Ågren, A. M. (2016). The role of biogeochemical hotspots, landscape heterogeneity, and hydrological connectivity for minimizing forestry effects on water quality. Ambio, 45, 152-162.
Liu, Y., Yang, L., & Jiang, W. (2020). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the relationship between water pollution and economic growth: a case study in Nansi Lake catchment, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Re-search, 27(4), 4008-4020.
Manasa, R. L., & Mehta, A. (2020). Wastewater: sources of pollutants and its remediation. Environmental Biotechnolo-gy Vol. 2, 197-219.
Nyaupane, G. P., & Thapa, B. (2006). Perceptions of environmental impacts of tourism: A case study at ACAP, Ne-pal. The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 13(1), 51-61.
Omer, M. A., & Noguchi, T. (2020). A conceptual framework for understanding the contribution of building materials in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainable Cities and Society, 52, 101869.
Price, C., Black, K. D., Hargrave, B. T., & Morris Jr, J. A. (2015). Marine cage culture and the environment: effects on water quality and primary production. Aquaculture environment interactions, 6(2), 151-174.
Prüss-Ustün, A., Wolf, J., Bartram, J., Clasen, T., Cumming, O., Freeman, M. C., Gordon, B., Hunter, P.R., Medlicott, K., Johnston, R. (2019). Burden of disease from inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene for selected adverse health outcomes: an updated analysis with a focus on low-and middle-income countries. International journal of hygiene and environmental health, 222(5), 765-777.
Rana, M. M. P. (2011). Urbanization and sustainability: challenges and strategies for sustainable urban development in Bangladesh. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13, 237-256.
Reddy, V. R., & Behera, B. (2006). Impact of water pollution on rural communities: An economic analysis. Ecological economics, 58(3), 520-537.
Sahoo, S., & Choudhury, B. (2022). Optimal selection of an electric power wheelchair using an integrated COPRAS and EDAS approach based on Entropy weighting technique. Decision Science Letters, 11(1), 21-34.
Sharma, S., & Chatterjee, S. (2017). Microplastic pollution, a threat to marine ecosystem and human health: a short re-view. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21530-21547.
Shrivastava, P. (1995). The role of corporations in achieving ecological sustainability. Academy of management re-view, 20(4), 936-960.
Smith, L. E., & Siciliano, G. (2015). A comprehensive review of constraints to improved management of fertilizers in China and mitigation of diffuse water pollution from agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 209, 15-25.
Swinton, S. M., Chu, M. C., & Batie, S. S. (1999). Agricultural production contracts to reduce water pollution. Flexible Incentives for the Adoption of Environmental Technologies in Agriculture, 275-283.
Tchobanoglus, G., Burton, F., & Stensel, H. D. (2003). Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse. American Water Works Association. Journal, 95(5), 201.
Tran, K. C., Euan, J., & Isla, M. L. (2002). Public perception of development issues: impact of water pollution on a small coastal community. Ocean & Coastal Management, 45(6-7), 405-420.
Vijay, R., Khobragade, P., & Mohapatra, P. K. (2011). Assessment of groundwater quality in Puri City, India: an impact of anthropogenic activities. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 177, 409-418.
Wang, Q., & Yang, Z. (2016). Industrial water pollution, water environment treatment, and health risks in Chi-na. Environmental pollution, 218, 358-365.
Whitehead, P. G., Barbour, E., Futter, M. N., Sarkar, S., Rodda, H., Caesar, J., Butterfield, D., Jin, L., Sinha, R., Nicholls, R., Salehin, M. (2015). Impacts of climate change and socio-economic scenarios on flow and water quality of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna (GBM) river systems: low flow and flood statistics. Environmental Sci-ence: Processes & Impacts, 17(6), 1057-1069.
Xu, D. M., Zhang, J. Q., Yan, B., Liu, H., Zhang, L. L., Zhan, C. L., Zhang, L., Zhong, P. (2018). Contamination charac-teristics and potential environmental implications of heavy metals in road dusts in typical industrial and agricultural cities, southeastern Hubei Province, Central China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 36223-36238.
Zalidis, G., Stamatiadis, S., Takavakoglou, V., Eskridge, K., & Misopolinos, N. (2002). Impacts of agricultural practices on soil and water quality in the Mediterranean region and proposed assessment methodology. Agriculture, Ecosys-tems & Environment, 88(2), 137-146.