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Chiu, Y., Zhao, Z., Pai, F & Chiu, T. (2023). Investigating the collective impact of postponement, scrap, and external suppliers on multiproduct replenishing decision.International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations , 14(1), 147-156.
Abdelall, E.S., Alawneh, L., & Eldakroury, M. (2020). A manufacturability-based assessment and design modification support tool. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 18(6), 410-424.
Abraham, K.G., & Taylor, S.K. (1996). Firms’ Use of Outside Contractors: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Labor Economics, 14(3), 394-424.
Allaham, H., & Dalalah, D. (2022). Milp of multitask scheduling of geographically distributed maintenance tasks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13 (1), 119-134.
Aslani, A., Taleizadeh, A.A., & Zanoni, S. (2017). An EOQ model with partial backordering with regard to random yield: two strategies to improve mean and variance of the yield. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112, 379-390.
Bolaños, R.D.S., & Barbalho, S.C.M. (2021). Exploring product complexity and prototype lead-times to predict new product development cycle-times. International Journal of Production Economics, 235, Art. No. 108077.
Chelbi, A., & Rezg, N. (2006). Analysis of a production/inventory system with randomly failing production unit subjected to a minimum required availability level. International Journal of Production Economics, 99(1-2), 131-143.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Wang, Y., Chou, C.-L., & Chiu, T. (2020). A two-stage multiproduct EMQ-based model with delayed differentiation and overtime option for common part’s fabrication. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 18(5), 259-268.
Chiu, S.W., Wu, H.-Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Wang, Y. (2021a). Solving a hybrid batch production problem with unreliable equipment and quality reassurance. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 12(3), 235-248.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Jhan, J.-H., Chiu, V., & Chang, H.-H. (2021b). A multi-item manufacturing system with an outsourcer and random defective items. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(4), 364-378.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., You, L.-W., Chiu, T., & Pai, F.-Y. (2022a). The combined effect of rework, postponement, multiple shipments, and overtime producing common-component on a multiproduct vendor-client incorporated system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(3), 329-342.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Wang, Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Chiu, S.W. (2022b). Fabrication runtime decision for a hybrid system incorporating probabilistic breakdowns, scrap, and overtime. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(3), 293-308.
Çınar, E., & Güllü, R. (2012). An inventory model with capacity flexibility in the existence of advance capacity information. Decision Support Systems, 53, 320–330.
Davila, T., & Wouters, M. (2007). An empirical test of inventory, service and cost benefits from a postponement strategy. International Journal of Production Research, 45(10), 2245-2267.
Dekker, H.C., Mooi, E., & Visser, A. (2020). Firm enablement through outsourcing: A longitudinal analysis of how outsourcing enables process improvement under financial and competence constraints. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 124-132.
Dewi, Hajadi, F., Handranata, Y.W., & Herlina, M.G. (2021). The effect of service quality and customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty in service industry. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 631-636.
Di Nardo, M., Madonna, M., Addonizio, P., & Gallab, M. (2021). A mapping analysis of maintenance in Industry 4.0. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(6), 653-675.
Geren, N., & Lo, E.K. (1998). Equipment selection, integration and interfacing of a robotic PCBA component rework cell. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 11(1-2), 77-89.
Ghasemy Yaghin, R., & Goh, M. (2021). Procurement, production, and price planning under visibility and risk: a generalised Benders decomposition method. International Journal of Production Research, 59(18), 5626-5646.
Gupta, V., & Ivanov, D. (2020). Dual sourcing under supply disruption with risk-averse suppliers in the sharing economy. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 291-307.
Iqbal, J., Ahmad, R.B., Khan, M., Fazal-E-Amin, Alyahya, S., Nasir, M.H.N., Akhunzada, A., & Shoaib, M. (2020). Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure. PLoS ONE, 15(4), Art. No. e0229785.
Le Pape, N., & Wang, Y. (2020). Can product differentiation mitigate conflicts of interest between principal stakeholders? A cournot-bertrand comparison. Economic Modelling, 91, 341-346.
Lin, H.-D., Chiu, V., Wu, H.-Y., & Peter Chiu, Y.-S. (2022). Multiproduct manufacturer-retailer coordinated supply chain with adjustable rate for common parts, delayed differentiation, and multi-shipment. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), 83-94.
Mabrouk, N.B. (2020). Green supplier selection using fuzzy Delphi method for developing sustainable supply chain. Decision Science Letters, 10(1), 63-70.
Malladi, S.S., Erera, A.L., & White, C.C., III (2021). Managing mobile production-inventory systems influenced by a modulation process. Annals of Operations Research, 304(1-2), 299-330.
Nembhard, H.B., & Shi, L., & Aktan, M. (2003). A real options design for product outsourcing, The Engineering Economist, 48(3), 199-217.
Ngniatedema, T., Fono, L.A., & Mbondo, G.D. (2015). A delayed product customization cost model with supplier delivery performance. European Journal of Operational Research, 243, 109-119.
Nguyen, D.G., & Murthy, D.N.P. (1989). Optimal replace-repair strategy for servicing products sold with warranty. European Journal of Operational Research, 39(2), 206-212.
Okfalisa, Anggraini, W., Nawanir, G., Saktioto, & Wong, K.Y. (2021). Measuring the effects of different factors influencing on the readiness of smes towards digitalization: A multiple perspectives design of decision support system. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 425-442.
Perarasi, T., Leeban Moses, M., & Raju, C. (2021). Energy optimization by green sensing methodology for channel design in a cognitive radio network. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(2), 153-162.
Ramón-Lumbierres, D., Heredia Cervera, F.J., Minguella-Canela, J., & Muguruza-Blanco, A. (2021). Optimal postponement in supply chain network design under uncertainty: an application for additive manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 59(17), 5198-5215.
Singagerda, F.S., Fauzan, A.T., & Desfiandi, A. (2022). The role of supply chain visibility, supply chain flexibility, supplier development on business performance of logistics companies. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 463-470.
Suroso, A.I., Tandra, H., Syaukat, Y., & Najib, M. (2021). The issue in Indonesian palm oil stock decision making: Sustainable and risk criteria. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 241-246.
Swaminathan, J.M. (2001). Enabling customization using standardized operations. California Management Review, 43(3), 125-135.
Tookanlou, P.B., & Wong, H. (2020). Determining the optimal customization levels, lead times, and inventory positioning in vertical product differentiation. International Journal of Production Economics, 221, Art. No. 107479.
Abraham, K.G., & Taylor, S.K. (1996). Firms’ Use of Outside Contractors: Theory and Evidence. Journal of Labor Economics, 14(3), 394-424.
Allaham, H., & Dalalah, D. (2022). Milp of multitask scheduling of geographically distributed maintenance tasks. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13 (1), 119-134.
Aslani, A., Taleizadeh, A.A., & Zanoni, S. (2017). An EOQ model with partial backordering with regard to random yield: two strategies to improve mean and variance of the yield. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 112, 379-390.
Bolaños, R.D.S., & Barbalho, S.C.M. (2021). Exploring product complexity and prototype lead-times to predict new product development cycle-times. International Journal of Production Economics, 235, Art. No. 108077.
Chelbi, A., & Rezg, N. (2006). Analysis of a production/inventory system with randomly failing production unit subjected to a minimum required availability level. International Journal of Production Economics, 99(1-2), 131-143.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Wang, Y., Chou, C.-L., & Chiu, T. (2020). A two-stage multiproduct EMQ-based model with delayed differentiation and overtime option for common part’s fabrication. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 18(5), 259-268.
Chiu, S.W., Wu, H.-Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Wang, Y. (2021a). Solving a hybrid batch production problem with unreliable equipment and quality reassurance. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 12(3), 235-248.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Jhan, J.-H., Chiu, V., & Chang, H.-H. (2021b). A multi-item manufacturing system with an outsourcer and random defective items. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(4), 364-378.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., You, L.-W., Chiu, T., & Pai, F.-Y. (2022a). The combined effect of rework, postponement, multiple shipments, and overtime producing common-component on a multiproduct vendor-client incorporated system. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(3), 329-342.
Chiu, Y.-S.P., Wang, Y., Yeh, T.-M., & Chiu, S.W. (2022b). Fabrication runtime decision for a hybrid system incorporating probabilistic breakdowns, scrap, and overtime. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 13(3), 293-308.
Çınar, E., & Güllü, R. (2012). An inventory model with capacity flexibility in the existence of advance capacity information. Decision Support Systems, 53, 320–330.
Davila, T., & Wouters, M. (2007). An empirical test of inventory, service and cost benefits from a postponement strategy. International Journal of Production Research, 45(10), 2245-2267.
Dekker, H.C., Mooi, E., & Visser, A. (2020). Firm enablement through outsourcing: A longitudinal analysis of how outsourcing enables process improvement under financial and competence constraints. Industrial Marketing Management, 90, 124-132.
Dewi, Hajadi, F., Handranata, Y.W., & Herlina, M.G. (2021). The effect of service quality and customer satisfaction toward customer loyalty in service industry. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 631-636.
Di Nardo, M., Madonna, M., Addonizio, P., & Gallab, M. (2021). A mapping analysis of maintenance in Industry 4.0. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(6), 653-675.
Geren, N., & Lo, E.K. (1998). Equipment selection, integration and interfacing of a robotic PCBA component rework cell. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 11(1-2), 77-89.
Ghasemy Yaghin, R., & Goh, M. (2021). Procurement, production, and price planning under visibility and risk: a generalised Benders decomposition method. International Journal of Production Research, 59(18), 5626-5646.
Gupta, V., & Ivanov, D. (2020). Dual sourcing under supply disruption with risk-averse suppliers in the sharing economy. International Journal of Production Research, 58(1), 291-307.
Iqbal, J., Ahmad, R.B., Khan, M., Fazal-E-Amin, Alyahya, S., Nasir, M.H.N., Akhunzada, A., & Shoaib, M. (2020). Requirements engineering issues causing software development outsourcing failure. PLoS ONE, 15(4), Art. No. e0229785.
Le Pape, N., & Wang, Y. (2020). Can product differentiation mitigate conflicts of interest between principal stakeholders? A cournot-bertrand comparison. Economic Modelling, 91, 341-346.
Lin, H.-D., Chiu, V., Wu, H.-Y., & Peter Chiu, Y.-S. (2022). Multiproduct manufacturer-retailer coordinated supply chain with adjustable rate for common parts, delayed differentiation, and multi-shipment. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(1), 83-94.
Mabrouk, N.B. (2020). Green supplier selection using fuzzy Delphi method for developing sustainable supply chain. Decision Science Letters, 10(1), 63-70.
Malladi, S.S., Erera, A.L., & White, C.C., III (2021). Managing mobile production-inventory systems influenced by a modulation process. Annals of Operations Research, 304(1-2), 299-330.
Nembhard, H.B., & Shi, L., & Aktan, M. (2003). A real options design for product outsourcing, The Engineering Economist, 48(3), 199-217.
Ngniatedema, T., Fono, L.A., & Mbondo, G.D. (2015). A delayed product customization cost model with supplier delivery performance. European Journal of Operational Research, 243, 109-119.
Nguyen, D.G., & Murthy, D.N.P. (1989). Optimal replace-repair strategy for servicing products sold with warranty. European Journal of Operational Research, 39(2), 206-212.
Okfalisa, Anggraini, W., Nawanir, G., Saktioto, & Wong, K.Y. (2021). Measuring the effects of different factors influencing on the readiness of smes towards digitalization: A multiple perspectives design of decision support system. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 425-442.
Perarasi, T., Leeban Moses, M., & Raju, C. (2021). Energy optimization by green sensing methodology for channel design in a cognitive radio network. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 19(2), 153-162.
Ramón-Lumbierres, D., Heredia Cervera, F.J., Minguella-Canela, J., & Muguruza-Blanco, A. (2021). Optimal postponement in supply chain network design under uncertainty: an application for additive manufacturing. International Journal of Production Research, 59(17), 5198-5215.
Singagerda, F.S., Fauzan, A.T., & Desfiandi, A. (2022). The role of supply chain visibility, supply chain flexibility, supplier development on business performance of logistics companies. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(2), 463-470.
Suroso, A.I., Tandra, H., Syaukat, Y., & Najib, M. (2021). The issue in Indonesian palm oil stock decision making: Sustainable and risk criteria. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 241-246.
Swaminathan, J.M. (2001). Enabling customization using standardized operations. California Management Review, 43(3), 125-135.
Tookanlou, P.B., & Wong, H. (2020). Determining the optimal customization levels, lead times, and inventory positioning in vertical product differentiation. International Journal of Production Economics, 221, Art. No. 107479.