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Kerdpitak, C., Kerdpitak, N., Heuer, K., Li, L & Chantranon, S. (2024). The effect of social media agility to strengthen the business relationship: Evidence from pharmaceutical firms in Thailand.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(1), 45-52.
Agnihotri, R., Dingus, R., Hu, M. Y., & Krush, M. T. (2016). Social media: Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales. Industrial Marketing Management, 53, 172-180.
Akhtar, P., Khan, Z., Tarba, S., & Jayawickrama, U. (2018). The Internet of Things, dynamic data and information processing capabilities, and operational agility. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 307-316.
Ancillai, C., Terho, H., Cardinali, S., & Pascucci, F. (2019). Advancing social media driven sales research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling. Industrial Marketing Management, 82, 293-308.
Bashir, N., Papamichail, K. N., & Malik, K. (2017). Use of social media applications for supporting new product development processes in multinational corporations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 120, 176-183.
Buonincontri, P., Morvillo, A., Okumus, F., & van Niekerk, M. (2017). Managing the experience co-creation process in tourism destinations: Empirical findings from Naples. Tourism Management, 62, 264-277.
Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H., & Wang, X. (2018). Improving the agility of employees through enterprise social media: The mediating role of psychological conditions. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 52-63.
Chang, S. E., Shen, W.-C., & Liu, A. Y. (2016). Why mobile users trust smartphone social networking services? A PLS-SEM approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 4890-4895.
Cheung, M. F., & To, W. M. (2011). Customer involvement and perceptions: The moderating role of customer co-production. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(4), 271-277.
Chirumalla, K., Oghazi, P., & Parida, V. (2018). Social media engagement strategy: Investigation of marketing and R&D interfaces in manufacturing industry. Industrial Marketing Management, 74, 138-149.
Chuang, S.-H. (2020). Co-creating social media agility to build strong customer-firm relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 202-211.
Chuang, S.-H., & Lin, H.-N. (2015). Co-creating e-service innovations: Theory, practice, and impact on firm performance. International Journal of Information Management, 35(3), 277-291.
Eckstein, D., Goellner, M., Blome, C., & Henke, M. (2015). The performance impact of supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability: the moderating effect of product complexity. International Journal of Production Research, 53(10), 3028-3046.
Franklin, D., & Marshall, R. (2019). Adding co-creation as an antecedent condition leading to trust in business-to-business relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 170-181.
Gao, G. Y., Xie, E., & Zhou, K. Z. (2015). How does technological diversity in supplier network drive buyer innovation? Relational process and contingencies. Journal of Operations Management, 36, 165-177.
Grissemann, U. S., & Stokburger-Sauer, N. E. (2012). Customer co-creation of travel services: The role of company support and customer satisfaction with the co-creation performance. Tourism Management, 33(6), 1483-1492.
Heirati, N., & Siahtiri, V. (2019). Driving service innovativeness via collaboration with customers and suppliers: Evidence from business-to-business services. Industrial Marketing Management, 78, 6-16.
Homburg, C., Jozić, D., & Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 377-401.
Kang, J.-Y. M. (2017). Customer interface design for customer co-creation in the social era. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 554-567.
Kao, S.-C., & Wu, C. (2016). The role of creation mode and social networking mode in knowledge creation performance: Mediation effect of creation process. Information & Management, 53(6), 803-816.
Khanagha, S., Volberda, H., & Oshri, I. (2017). Customer co-creation and exploration of emerging technologies: the mediating role of managerial attention and initiatives. Long Range Planning, 50(2), 221-242.
Koivisto, E., & Mattila, P. (2018). Extending the luxury experience to social media–User-Generated Content co-creation in a branded event. Journal of Business Research.
Leclercq, T., Hammedi, W., & Poncin, I. (2018). The boundaries of gamification for engaging customers: Effects of losing a contest in online co-creation communities. Journal of interactive marketing, 44, 82-101.
Leonard-Barton, D., & Deschamps, I. (1988). Managerial influence in the implementation of new technology. Management Science, 34(10), 1252-1265.
Navarro, S., Llinares, C., & Garzon, D. (2016). Exploring the relationship between co-creation and satisfaction using QCA. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1336-1339.
Ngai, E. W., Chau, D. C., & Chan, T. (2011). Information technology, operational, and management competencies for supply chain agility: Findings from case studies. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(3), 232-249.
O’Hern, M. S., & Rindfleisch, A. (2017). Customer co-creation: a typology and research agenda Review of marketing research (pp. 108-130): Routledge.
Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2015). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 67-78.
Pitafi, A. H., Liu, H., & Cai, Z. (2018). Investigating the relationship between workplace conflict and employee agility: The role of enterprise social media. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), 2157-2172.
Prebensen, N. K., & Xie, J. (2017). Efficacy of co-creation and mastering on perceived value and satisfaction in tourists' consumption. Tourism Management, 60, 166-176.
Trainor, K. J., Andzulis, J. M., Rapp, A., & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), 1201-1208.
Yang, Z., Zhang, H., & Xie, E. (2017). Relative buyer-supplier relational strength and supplier's information sharing with the buyer. Journal of Business Research, 78, 303-313.
Zhang, J., & Wu, W.-p. (2017). Leveraging internal resources and external business networks for new product success: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 61, 170-181.
Zhou, J., Mavondo, F. T., & Saunders, S. G. (2019). The relationship between marketing agility and financial performance under different levels of market turbulence. Industrial Marketing Management, 83, 31-41.
Zouaghi, F., Sánchez, M., & Martínez, M. G. (2018). Did the global financial crisis impact firms' innovation performance? The role of internal and external knowledge capabilities in high and low tech industries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 92-104.
Akhtar, P., Khan, Z., Tarba, S., & Jayawickrama, U. (2018). The Internet of Things, dynamic data and information processing capabilities, and operational agility. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 136, 307-316.
Ancillai, C., Terho, H., Cardinali, S., & Pascucci, F. (2019). Advancing social media driven sales research: Establishing conceptual foundations for B-to-B social selling. Industrial Marketing Management, 82, 293-308.
Bashir, N., Papamichail, K. N., & Malik, K. (2017). Use of social media applications for supporting new product development processes in multinational corporations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 120, 176-183.
Buonincontri, P., Morvillo, A., Okumus, F., & van Niekerk, M. (2017). Managing the experience co-creation process in tourism destinations: Empirical findings from Naples. Tourism Management, 62, 264-277.
Cai, Z., Huang, Q., Liu, H., & Wang, X. (2018). Improving the agility of employees through enterprise social media: The mediating role of psychological conditions. International Journal of Information Management, 38(1), 52-63.
Chang, S. E., Shen, W.-C., & Liu, A. Y. (2016). Why mobile users trust smartphone social networking services? A PLS-SEM approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 4890-4895.
Cheung, M. F., & To, W. M. (2011). Customer involvement and perceptions: The moderating role of customer co-production. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 18(4), 271-277.
Chirumalla, K., Oghazi, P., & Parida, V. (2018). Social media engagement strategy: Investigation of marketing and R&D interfaces in manufacturing industry. Industrial Marketing Management, 74, 138-149.
Chuang, S.-H. (2020). Co-creating social media agility to build strong customer-firm relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 84, 202-211.
Chuang, S.-H., & Lin, H.-N. (2015). Co-creating e-service innovations: Theory, practice, and impact on firm performance. International Journal of Information Management, 35(3), 277-291.
Eckstein, D., Goellner, M., Blome, C., & Henke, M. (2015). The performance impact of supply chain agility and supply chain adaptability: the moderating effect of product complexity. International Journal of Production Research, 53(10), 3028-3046.
Franklin, D., & Marshall, R. (2019). Adding co-creation as an antecedent condition leading to trust in business-to-business relationships. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 170-181.
Gao, G. Y., Xie, E., & Zhou, K. Z. (2015). How does technological diversity in supplier network drive buyer innovation? Relational process and contingencies. Journal of Operations Management, 36, 165-177.
Grissemann, U. S., & Stokburger-Sauer, N. E. (2012). Customer co-creation of travel services: The role of company support and customer satisfaction with the co-creation performance. Tourism Management, 33(6), 1483-1492.
Heirati, N., & Siahtiri, V. (2019). Driving service innovativeness via collaboration with customers and suppliers: Evidence from business-to-business services. Industrial Marketing Management, 78, 6-16.
Homburg, C., Jozić, D., & Kuehnl, C. (2017). Customer experience management: toward implementing an evolving marketing concept. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(3), 377-401.
Kang, J.-Y. M. (2017). Customer interface design for customer co-creation in the social era. Computers in Human Behavior, 73, 554-567.
Kao, S.-C., & Wu, C. (2016). The role of creation mode and social networking mode in knowledge creation performance: Mediation effect of creation process. Information & Management, 53(6), 803-816.
Khanagha, S., Volberda, H., & Oshri, I. (2017). Customer co-creation and exploration of emerging technologies: the mediating role of managerial attention and initiatives. Long Range Planning, 50(2), 221-242.
Koivisto, E., & Mattila, P. (2018). Extending the luxury experience to social media–User-Generated Content co-creation in a branded event. Journal of Business Research.
Leclercq, T., Hammedi, W., & Poncin, I. (2018). The boundaries of gamification for engaging customers: Effects of losing a contest in online co-creation communities. Journal of interactive marketing, 44, 82-101.
Leonard-Barton, D., & Deschamps, I. (1988). Managerial influence in the implementation of new technology. Management Science, 34(10), 1252-1265.
Navarro, S., Llinares, C., & Garzon, D. (2016). Exploring the relationship between co-creation and satisfaction using QCA. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1336-1339.
Ngai, E. W., Chau, D. C., & Chan, T. (2011). Information technology, operational, and management competencies for supply chain agility: Findings from case studies. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(3), 232-249.
O’Hern, M. S., & Rindfleisch, A. (2017). Customer co-creation: a typology and research agenda Review of marketing research (pp. 108-130): Routledge.
Parveen, F., Jaafar, N. I., & Ainin, S. (2015). Social media usage and organizational performance: Reflections of Malaysian social media managers. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 67-78.
Pitafi, A. H., Liu, H., & Cai, Z. (2018). Investigating the relationship between workplace conflict and employee agility: The role of enterprise social media. Telematics and Informatics, 35(8), 2157-2172.
Prebensen, N. K., & Xie, J. (2017). Efficacy of co-creation and mastering on perceived value and satisfaction in tourists' consumption. Tourism Management, 60, 166-176.
Trainor, K. J., Andzulis, J. M., Rapp, A., & Agnihotri, R. (2014). Social media technology usage and customer relationship performance: A capabilities-based examination of social CRM. Journal of Business Research, 67(6), 1201-1208.
Yang, Z., Zhang, H., & Xie, E. (2017). Relative buyer-supplier relational strength and supplier's information sharing with the buyer. Journal of Business Research, 78, 303-313.
Zhang, J., & Wu, W.-p. (2017). Leveraging internal resources and external business networks for new product success: A dynamic capabilities perspective. Industrial Marketing Management, 61, 170-181.
Zhou, J., Mavondo, F. T., & Saunders, S. G. (2019). The relationship between marketing agility and financial performance under different levels of market turbulence. Industrial Marketing Management, 83, 31-41.
Zouaghi, F., Sánchez, M., & Martínez, M. G. (2018). Did the global financial crisis impact firms' innovation performance? The role of internal and external knowledge capabilities in high and low tech industries. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 132, 92-104.