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Tran, Q., Nguyen, T., Nguyen, H., Tran, T., Duong, T., Nguyen, T., Nguyen, T., Nguyen, N & Trinh, T. (2023). The impact of brand image on public university links in the context of autonomy: A case study in Vietnam.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(2), 553-562.
Aaker, D. A. (2004). Leveraging the Corporate Brand. California Management Review, 46(3), 6-18.
Ataman, B., & Ulengin, B. (2003). A note on the effect of brand image on sales. The Journal of Product and Brand Man-agement, 12(4/5), 237-250.
Azoulay, A., & Kapferer, J. N. (2003). Do brand personality scales really measure brand personality?. Journal of Brand Management, 11, 143–155.
Barros, M. T., Martins, F. V., & Barandas, H. (2013). Corporate brand identity measurement in higher education, Interna-tional confence on innovation and entrepreneurship in marketing and consumer behaviour, Aueiro, Portugal.
Barry, J. M. (2009). Internationalizing the University: Theory, Practices, organization and Execcution. Journal of Emerg-ing knowledge on Emerging Markets, 1(1).
Becker, H. S. (1960). Notes on concept of commitment. The American Journal of Sociology, 66(1), 32-40.
Bennett, R. & Ali-Choudhury, R. (2008). Prospective students’ perceptions of university brands: An empirical study, in press. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 19(1), 85-107.
Brian, W. (2016). The Structures, Purpose and Funding of Academic Research Networks, Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
Brookes, M. (2003). Higher education: Marketing in a quasi-commercial service industry. International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8(2), 134–142.
Cazenave, P. (1982). Financing of Institutions, in B. R. Clark and G. R. Neave (eds). The Encylopedia of Higher Educa-tion, Analytical Perspectives, Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd, 1367–1376.
Chapleo, C. (2011). Exploring rationales for branding a university: Should we be seeking to measure branding in UK uni-versities?. Journal of Brand Management, 18(6), 411–422.
Chernatony, L. D. (1999). Brand Management Through Narrowing the Gap Between Brand Identity and Brand Reputation. Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 157-179.
Chernatony, L. D., & MacDonald, M. H. B. (2003). Creating powerful brands in consumer, service and industrial markets, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Deshpande, R., Farley, J. U., & Webster, J. F. E. (1993). Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis. Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
Feng, S., & Margaret, W. (2012). What makes a good university lecturer? Students’ perceptions of teaching excellence. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 4(2), 142-155.
Hair, J. F, Anderson, R. E, Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis (5thed.), New Jersey: Prentical- Hall.
Jiatao, L. (2010). Global R&D Alliances in China: Collaborations With Universities and Research Institutes. IEEE Transactions on engineẻing management, 57(1), 78 - 87.
Joe, M. (1999). The Brand Marketing, Hardcover.
Jonathon, N. C., & Sara, K. (2008). Collaborative Research Across Disciplinary and Organizational Boundaries. Social Studies of Science, 35(5), 703–722.
Judith, L. (2002). Collaboration and R&D, Zentek, KMWorld.
Keller, K. L. (1998). Strategic Brand Management, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kohtamaki, V. (2009). Financial Autonomy in Higher Education Institutions-Perspectives of Senior Management of Finn-ish AMK Institutions, Finland: Tampere University Press.
Lassar, W., Mittal, B., & Sharma, A. (1995). Measuring customer-based brand equity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12(4), 11-19.
Meyer, J. P., Allen, N. J., & Smith, C. A. (1993). Commitment to organizations and occu-pations: Extension and test of a three-component conceptualization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 538 – 551.
Morgan, R. M., & Hunt, S. D. (1994). The Commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), 20-38.
Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., & Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-Organization Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteeism, and Turnover, New York: Academic Press.
Namasivayam, K., & Zhao, X. (2007). An investigation of the moderating effects of organizational commitment on the re-lationships between work–family conflict and job satisfaction among hospitality employees in India. Tourism Man-agement, 28(5), 1212-1223.
Nguyen, T. T. C., Tran, Q. B., Ho, D. A. , Duong, D. A., & Nguyen, T. B. T. (2021). The effect of supply chain linkages on the business performance: Evidence from Vietnam. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9, 529–538.
Pruvot, E. B., & Estermann, T. (2012). European Universities Diversifying Income Streams, European Higher Education at the Crossroads, 38(6), 709–726.
Ramanathan, U. (2014). Performance of supply chain collaboration - A simulation study. Expert Systems with Applica-tions, 41(1), 210-220.
Reizebos, R. (2003). Brand management: A Theoretical & Practical Approach, Harlow: FT Prentice-Hall.
Sultan, P., & Wong, H. Y. (2012). Service quality in a higher education context: an integrated model. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(5), 755‐784.
Susan, K. P. (2010). Public Schools and University Partnerships: Problems and Possibilities. Economic journal for the in-tergration of technology in Education, 1(1).
Taylor, S., Sharland, A., Cronin, J., & Bullard, W. (1993). Recreational Service Quality in the International Setting. Inter-national Journal of Service Industry Management, 4, 68-86.
Thomas, A. F. (2010). Collaboatries as a new form of Scientific organisation. The Academy of Management Journal.
Togar, M. S., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). The collaboration index: a measure for supply chain collaboration. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 35(1), 44-62.
Tran, Q. B., Le, Q. H., Nguyen, H. N., Tran, D. L., Nguyen, T. T. Q., & Tran, T. T. T. (2021). The Impact of Brand Equity on Employee’s Opportunistic Behavior: A Case Study on Enterprises in Vietnam. Journal of Risk and Financial Man-agement, 14(4), 164.
Verhoest, K., Peters, B. G., Bouckaert, G., & Verschuere, B. (2004). The Study of Organisational Autonomy: A Conceptu-al Review. Public Administration and Development, 24(2), 101-118.
Yahaya, R., & Ebrahim, F. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review. Journal of Man-agement Development, 35(2), 190-216.
Yarime, M. (2009). Institutionalizing Sustainability Innovation: Universities as a platform for Stakeholder Collaboration, University Tokio.
Yeager, J. L., El-Ghali, H. A., & Kumar, S. (2012). A Guide to the Development of an Institutional Strategic Plan, Routledge, New York.
Ataman, B., & Ulengin, B. (2003). A note on the effect of brand image on sales. The Journal of Product and Brand Man-agement, 12(4/5), 237-250.
Azoulay, A., & Kapferer, J. N. (2003). Do brand personality scales really measure brand personality?. Journal of Brand Management, 11, 143–155.
Barros, M. T., Martins, F. V., & Barandas, H. (2013). Corporate brand identity measurement in higher education, Interna-tional confence on innovation and entrepreneurship in marketing and consumer behaviour, Aueiro, Portugal.
Barry, J. M. (2009). Internationalizing the University: Theory, Practices, organization and Execcution. Journal of Emerg-ing knowledge on Emerging Markets, 1(1).
Becker, H. S. (1960). Notes on concept of commitment. The American Journal of Sociology, 66(1), 32-40.
Bennett, R. & Ali-Choudhury, R. (2008). Prospective students’ perceptions of university brands: An empirical study, in press. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, 19(1), 85-107.
Brian, W. (2016). The Structures, Purpose and Funding of Academic Research Networks, Centre for Policy Research on Science and Technology. Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC.
Brookes, M. (2003). Higher education: Marketing in a quasi-commercial service industry. International Journal of Non-profit and Voluntary Sector Marketing, 8(2), 134–142.
Cazenave, P. (1982). Financing of Institutions, in B. R. Clark and G. R. Neave (eds). The Encylopedia of Higher Educa-tion, Analytical Perspectives, Oxford: Pergamon Press Ltd, 1367–1376.
Chapleo, C. (2011). Exploring rationales for branding a university: Should we be seeking to measure branding in UK uni-versities?. Journal of Brand Management, 18(6), 411–422.
Chernatony, L. D. (1999). Brand Management Through Narrowing the Gap Between Brand Identity and Brand Reputation. Journal of Marketing Management, 15, 157-179.
Chernatony, L. D., & MacDonald, M. H. B. (2003). Creating powerful brands in consumer, service and industrial markets, Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Deshpande, R., Farley, J. U., & Webster, J. F. E. (1993). Corporate Culture, Customer Orientation, and Innovativeness in Japanese Firms: A Quadrad Analysis. Journal of Marketing, 57, 23-37.
Feng, S., & Margaret, W. (2012). What makes a good university lecturer? Students’ perceptions of teaching excellence. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 4(2), 142-155.
Hair, J. F, Anderson, R. E, Tatham, R. L., & Black, W. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis (5thed.), New Jersey: Prentical- Hall.
Jiatao, L. (2010). Global R&D Alliances in China: Collaborations With Universities and Research Institutes. IEEE Transactions on engineẻing management, 57(1), 78 - 87.
Joe, M. (1999). The Brand Marketing, Hardcover.
Jonathon, N. C., & Sara, K. (2008). Collaborative Research Across Disciplinary and Organizational Boundaries. Social Studies of Science, 35(5), 703–722.
Judith, L. (2002). Collaboration and R&D, Zentek, KMWorld.
Keller, K. L. (1998). Strategic Brand Management, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Kohtamaki, V. (2009). Financial Autonomy in Higher Education Institutions-Perspectives of Senior Management of Finn-ish AMK Institutions, Finland: Tampere University Press.
Lassar, W., Mittal, B., & Sharma, A. (1995). Measuring customer-based brand equity. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 12(4), 11-19.
Meyer, J. P., Allen, N. J., & Smith, C. A. (1993). Commitment to organizations and occu-pations: Extension and test of a three-component conceptualization. Journal of Applied Psychology, 78, 538 – 551.
Morgan, R. M., & Hunt, S. D. (1994). The Commitment-trust theory of relationship marketing. Journal of Marketing, 58(3), 20-38.
Mowday, R. T., Porter, L. W., & Steers, R. M. (1982). Employee-Organization Linkages: The Psychology of Commitment, Absenteeism, and Turnover, New York: Academic Press.
Namasivayam, K., & Zhao, X. (2007). An investigation of the moderating effects of organizational commitment on the re-lationships between work–family conflict and job satisfaction among hospitality employees in India. Tourism Man-agement, 28(5), 1212-1223.
Nguyen, T. T. C., Tran, Q. B., Ho, D. A. , Duong, D. A., & Nguyen, T. B. T. (2021). The effect of supply chain linkages on the business performance: Evidence from Vietnam. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9, 529–538.
Pruvot, E. B., & Estermann, T. (2012). European Universities Diversifying Income Streams, European Higher Education at the Crossroads, 38(6), 709–726.
Ramanathan, U. (2014). Performance of supply chain collaboration - A simulation study. Expert Systems with Applica-tions, 41(1), 210-220.
Reizebos, R. (2003). Brand management: A Theoretical & Practical Approach, Harlow: FT Prentice-Hall.
Sultan, P., & Wong, H. Y. (2012). Service quality in a higher education context: an integrated model. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(5), 755‐784.
Susan, K. P. (2010). Public Schools and University Partnerships: Problems and Possibilities. Economic journal for the in-tergration of technology in Education, 1(1).
Taylor, S., Sharland, A., Cronin, J., & Bullard, W. (1993). Recreational Service Quality in the International Setting. Inter-national Journal of Service Industry Management, 4, 68-86.
Thomas, A. F. (2010). Collaboatries as a new form of Scientific organisation. The Academy of Management Journal.
Togar, M. S., & Ramaswami, S. (2005). The collaboration index: a measure for supply chain collaboration. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 35(1), 44-62.
Tran, Q. B., Le, Q. H., Nguyen, H. N., Tran, D. L., Nguyen, T. T. Q., & Tran, T. T. T. (2021). The Impact of Brand Equity on Employee’s Opportunistic Behavior: A Case Study on Enterprises in Vietnam. Journal of Risk and Financial Man-agement, 14(4), 164.
Verhoest, K., Peters, B. G., Bouckaert, G., & Verschuere, B. (2004). The Study of Organisational Autonomy: A Conceptu-al Review. Public Administration and Development, 24(2), 101-118.
Yahaya, R., & Ebrahim, F. (2016). Leadership styles and organizational commitment: literature review. Journal of Man-agement Development, 35(2), 190-216.
Yarime, M. (2009). Institutionalizing Sustainability Innovation: Universities as a platform for Stakeholder Collaboration, University Tokio.
Yeager, J. L., El-Ghali, H. A., & Kumar, S. (2012). A Guide to the Development of an Institutional Strategic Plan, Routledge, New York.