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Al-hinaiti, A & Sawaftah, D. (2022). The impact of message appeals through Facebook posts on customers willingness to pay premium: Do environmental concerns and generation matter?.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(4), 1577-1592.
Adhikari, A. (2015). Differentiating subjective and objective attributes of experience products to estimate willingness to pay price premium. Journal of Travel Research, 54(5), 634–644.
Agarwal, M. K., & Rao, V. R. (1996). An empirical comparison of consumer-based measures of brand equity. Marketing Letters, 7(3), 237–247.
Aguilar, F. X., & Vlosky, R. P. (2007). Consumer willingness to pay price premiums for environmentally certified wood products in the US. Forest Policy and Economics, 9(8), 1100–1112.
Ailawadi, K. L., & Keller, K. L. (2004). Understanding retail branding: conceptual insights and research priorities. Jour-nal of Retailing, 80(4), 331–342.
Ambrose, G. J., Meng, J. G., & Ambrose, P. J. (2020). Why do millennials use Facebook? Enduring insights. Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal.
Andreu, L., Mattila, A. S., & Aldás, J. (2011). Effects of message appeal when communicating CSR initiatives. In Advanc-es in Advertising Research (Vol. 2) (pp. 261–275). Springer.
Balaji, M. S., Jiang, Y., & Jha, S. (2019). Green hotel adoption: a personal choice or social pressure? International Jour-nal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
Banerjee, S., Gulas, C. S., & Iyer, E. (1995). Shades of green: A multidimensional analysis of environmental advertising. Journal of Advertising, 24(2), 21–31.
Baron, R. A. (2008). The role of affect in the entrepreneurial process. Academy of Management Review, 33(2), 328–340.
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Boudewyns, V., Turner, M. M., & Paquin, R. S. (2013). Shame‐free guilt appeals: Testing the emotional and cognitive ef-fects of shame and guilt appeals. Psychology & Marketing, 30(9), 811–825.
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Chang, C.-T. (2012). Are guilt appeals a panacea in green advertising? The right formula of issue proximity and environ-mental consciousness. International Journal of Advertising, 31(4), 741–771.
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DeVaney, S. A. (2015). Understanding the millennial generation. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 69(6).
Dix, S., & Marchegiani, C. (2013). Advertising appeals. In Journal of Promotion Management (Vol. 19, Issue 4, pp. 393–394). Taylor & Francis.
Djafarova, E., & Bowes, T. (2021). ‘Instagram made Me buy it’: Generation Z impulse purchases in fashion industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59, 102345.
Dolan, R., Conduit, J., Frethey-Bentham, C., Fahy, J., & Goodman, S. (2019). Social media engagement behavior: A framework for engaging customers through social media content. European Journal of Marketing, 53(10), 2213-2243.
Dunlap, R. E., Gallup Jr, G. H., & Gallup, A. M. (1993). Of global concern: Results of the health of the planet survey. En-vironment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 35(9), 7–39.
Dunlap, R. E., & Jones, R. E. (2002). Environmental concern: Conceptual and measurement issues. Handbook of Environ-mental Sociology, 3(6), 482–524.
Erragcha, N., & Romdhane, R. (1970). Social networks as marketing tools. The Journal of Internet Banking and Com-merce, 19(1), 1–12.
Font, X., Elgammal, I., & Lamond, I. (2017). Greenhushing: the deliberate under communicating of sustainability practic-es by tourism businesses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 25(7), 1007–1023.
Forsé, M. (2008). Définir et analyser les réseaux sociaux. Informations Sociales, 147(3), 10–19.
Francis, T., & Hoefel, F. (2018). True Gen’: Generation Z and its implications for companies. McKinsey & Company, 12.
Gil, J. M., Gracia, A., & Sanchez, M. (2000). Market segmentation and willingness to pay for organic products in Spain. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 3(2), 207–226.
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, M. R., Diaz-Fernandez, M. C., & Font, X. (2019). Factors influencing willingness of customers of environmentally friendly hotels to pay a price premium. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Manage-ment.
Govindasamy, R., DeCongelio, M., & Bhuyan, S. (2006). An evaluation of consumer willingness to pay for organic pro-duce in the northeastern US. Journal of Food Products Marketing, 11(4), 3–20.
Grove, S. J., Grove, S. J., & Stafford, M. R. (1997). Addressing the advertising of services: a call to action. Journal of Ad-vertising, 26(4), 1–6.
Grunert, S. C. (1993). Everybody seems concerned about the environment: But is this concern reflected in (Danish) con-sumers’ food choice? ACR European Advances.
Hardeman, G., Font, X., & Nawijn, J. (2017). The power of persuasive communication to influence sustainable holiday choices: Appealing to self-benefits and norms. Tourism Management, 59, 484–493.
Hawkins, D. I., Best, R., & Coney, K. A. (2003). Comportamiento del consumidor: repercusiones en la estrategia de mar-keting. McGraw-Hill.
Heinze, T. (2010). Cue congruency and product involvement effects on generation Y attitudes. In Research in Consumer Behavior. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Ibrahim, B., & Aljarah, A. (2021). The era of Instagram expansion: matching social media marketing activities and brand loyalty through customer relationship quality. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1–25.
Jacobson, S. K., Morales, N. A., Chen, B., Soodeen, R., Moulton, M. P., & Jain, E. (2019). Love or Loss: Effective mes-sage framing to promote environmental conservation. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 18(3), 252–265.
Janssen, C., & Vanhamme, J. (2015). Theoretical lenses for understanding the CSR–consumer paradox. Journal of Busi-ness Ethics, 130(4), 775–787.
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