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Masadeh, R., Almajali, D., Majali, T., Hanandeh, A & Al-Radaideh, A. (2022). Evaluating e-learning systems success in the new normal.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(4), 1033-1042.
Adedoyin, O.B., & Soykan, E. (2020). Covid-19 pandemic and online learning: the challenges and opportuni-ties. Interactive Learning Environments, 1-13.
Aggelidis, V.P., & Chatzoglou, P.D. (2012). Hospital information systems: measuring end user computing satisfaction (EUCS). Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 45(3), 566-579.
Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1977). Attitude-behavior relations: a theoretical analysis and review of empirical research. Psy-chological Bulletin, 84(5), 888-918.
Al-Bashayreh, M., Almajali, D., Altamimi, A., Masa’deh, R., & Al-Okaily, M. (2022). An empirical investigation of rea-sons influencing student acceptance and rejection of mobile learning apps usage. Sustainability, 14(7), 4325.
Al-Fraihat, D., Joy, M., Masa’deh, R., & Sinclair, J. (2020). Evaluating e-learning systems success: an empirical study. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 67-86.
Alhumaid, K., Ali, S., Waheed, A., Zahid, E., & Habes, M. (2020). COVID-19 & e-Learning: perceptions & attitudes of teachers towards e-Learning acceptance in the developing countries. Multicultural Education, 6(2), 100-115.
Allen, I.E., & Seaman, J. (2008). Staying the Course: Online Education in the United States, 2008, Sloan Consortium, Newburyport, MA.
Almaiah, M.A., Al-Khasawneh, A., & Althunibat, A. (2020). Exploring the critical challenges and factors influencing the e-Learning system usage during COVID-19 pandemic. Education and Information Technologies, 25, 5261-5280.
Almajali, D., Al-Okaily, M., Barakat, S., Al-Zegaier, H., & Dahalin, Z.M. (2022). Students’ perceptions of the sustainabil-ity of distance learning systems in the post-COVID-19: a qualitative perspective. Sustainability, 14(12), 7353.
Anderson, T. (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University Press, Athabasca.
Aparicio, M., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016). An e-Learning theoretical framework. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 19(1), 292-307.
Arbaugh, J.B., & Duray, R. (2002). Technological and structural characteristics, student learning and satisfaction with web-based courses: an exploratory study of two on-line MBA programs. Management Learning, 33(3), 331-347.
Bacca, J., Baldiris, S., Fabregat, R., Graf, S., & Kinshuk (2014). Augmented reality trends in education: a systematic re-view of research and applications. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 17(4), 133-149.
Bates, A.W., & Bates, T. (2005). Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education. Psychology Press, London.
Beldona, S., Morrison, A.M., & O’Leary, J. (2005). Online shopping motivations and pleasure travel products: a corre-spondence analysis. Tourism Management, 26(4), 561-570.
Belleflamme, P., & Jacqmin, J. (2016). An economic appraisal of MOOC platforms: business models and impacts on higher education. CESifo Economic Studies, 62(1), 148-169.
Bhattacherjee, A. (2001). Understanding information systems continuance: an expectation-confirmation model. MIS Quarterly, 25(3), 351-370.
Biggs, J.B. (2011). Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the Student Does, McGraw Hill Education, Buck-ingham.
Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R.C. (2020). Education in normal, new normal, and next normal: observations from the past, in-sights from the present and projections for the future. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(2).
Brox, C., Painho, M., Bação, F., & Kuhn, W. (2004). International exchange of e-Learning courses. Proceedings of EU-GISES, Austria, 2-5 September, Villach, 1-7.
Bruhn, M., Georgi, D., & Hadwich, K. (2008). Customer equity management as formative second-order construct. Journal of Business Research, 61(12), 1292-1301.
Byrne, M., & Flood, B. (2003). Assessing the teaching quality of accounting programmes: an evaluation of the course ex-perience questionnaire. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 28(2), 135-145.
Chen, R.-S., & Liu, I.-F. (2013). Research on the effectiveness of information technology in reducing the rural–urban knowledge divide. Computers and Education, 63, 437-445.
Cheng, Y.-M. (2012). Effects of quality antecedents on e-learning acceptance. Internet Research, 22(3), 361-390.
Chiu, S.F., & Chen, H.L. (2005). Relationship between job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior: the mediational role of job satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 33(6), 523-540.
Contini, D., Cugnata, F., & Scagni, A. (2018). Social selection in higher education: enrolment, dropout and timely degree attainment in Italy. Higher Education, 75(5), 785-808.
Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
Delone, W.H., & McLean, E.R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year up-date. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9-30.
Downes, S. (2005). E-learning 2.0. ELearn, 2005(10), 1.
Dron, J., & Anderson, T. (2022). Informal Learning in Digital Contexts. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Educa-tion, 1-17.
Dwyer, K.K., Bingham, S.G., Carlson, R.E., Prisbell, M., Cruz, A.M., & Fus, D.A. (2004). Communication and connected-ness in the classroom: development of the connected classroom climate inventory. Communication Research Reports, 21(3), 264-272.
Ebner, M. (2007, April). E-Learning 2.0= e-Learning 1.0+ Web 2.0?. In The Second International Conference on Availa-bility, Reliability and Security (ARES'07) (pp. 1235-1239). IEEE.
Elhaty, I.A., Elhadary, T., Elgamil, R., & Kilic, H. (2020). Teaching university practical courses online during COVID-19 crisis: a challenge for eLearning. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(8), 1-10.
Elnaj, S. (2021). Council post: the ‘new normal’ and the future of technology after the covid-19 pandemic, available at: (accessed 5 January, 2022).
Farhan, W., Razmak, J., Demers, S., & Laflamme, S. (2019). E-learning systems versus instructional communication tools: developing and testing a new e-learning user interface from the perspectives of teachers and stu-dents. Technology in Society, 59, 101192.
Fauth, B., Decristan, J., Rieser, S., Klieme, E., & Buttner, G. (2014). Student ratings of teaching quality in primary school: dimensions and prediction of student outcomes. Learning and Instruction, 29, 1-9.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measure-ment Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
Freeze, R.D., Alshare, K.A., Lane, P.L., & Wen, H.J. (2019). IS success model in e-learning context based on students’ perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 173-184.
Gorla, N., Somers, T.M., & Wong, B. (2010). Organizational impact of system quality, information quality, and service quality. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 19(3), 207-228.
Gu, L., & Wang, J. (2015). A task technology fit model on e-learning. Issues in Information Systems, 16(1), 163-169.
Hair, J.F., Ringle, C.M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling: rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 1-12.
Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V.G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): an emerging tool in business research. European Business Review, 26(2), 106-121.
Hamid, A.A. (2001). e-Learning: Is it the “e” or the learning that matters?. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(3-4), 311-316.
Heo, H., Bonk, C., & Doo, M. (2022). Influences of depression, self-efficacy, and resource management on learning en-gagement in blended learning during COVID-19. The Internet and Higher Education 54, 100856.
Hill, F.M. (1995). Managing service quality in higher education: the role of the student as primary consumer. Quality As-surance in Education, 3(3), 10-21.
Ho, L.-A., Kuo, T.-H., & Lin, B. (2010). Influence of online learning skills in cyberspace. Internet Research, 20(1), 55-71.
Horton, W. (2001). Evaluating e-learning. American Society for Training and Development.
Huang, Y.-R., & Chang, S.-M. (2004). Academic and cocurricular involvement: their relationship and the best combina-tions for student growth. Journal of College Student Development, 45(4), 391-406.
Islam, A.N. (2016). E-learning system use and its outcomes: moderating role of perceived compatibility. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 48-55.
James, L., Mulaik, S., & Brett, J. (1982). Causal Analysis: Assumptions, Models, and Data. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills.
Jiang, Z., Chan, J., Tan, B.C., & Chua, W.S. (2010). Effects of interactivity on website involvement and purchase inten-tion. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11(1), 34-59.
Jin, S.H. (2005). Analyzing student-student and student-instructor interaction through multiple communication tools in web-based learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 32(1), 59-68.
Kim, S., Lee, J., Yoon, S.H., & Kim, H.W. (2022). How can we achieve better e-learning success in the new nor-mal?. Internet Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Kim, Y.J., Garrity, E.J., & Sanders, G.L. (2003). Success measures of information systems. Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 4, 299-313.
Laurillard, D. (2004). E-learning in higher education. Changing higher education. The Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 2(3), 71-84.
Lederman, D. (2019). Why MOOCs didn’t work, in 3 data points, available at: https://www. (accessed 5 January, 2022).
Lee, J.-K., & Lee, W.-K. (2008). The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-learning en-vironmental quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(1), 32-47.
Lee, M.K., Cheung, C.M., & Chen, Z. (2005). Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and in-trinsic motivation. Information & Management, 42(8), 1095-1104.
Martınez-Torres, M.R., Toral Marın, S.L., Garcia, F.B., Vazquez, S.G., Oliva, M.A., & Torres, T. (2008). A technological acceptance of e-learning tools used in practical and laboratory teaching, according to the European higher education area. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(6), 495-505.
Mohammadi, H. (2015). Investigating users’ perspectives on e-learning: an integration of TAM and IS success model. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 359-374.
Mohammadyari, S., & Singh, H. (2015). Understanding the effect of e-learning on individual performance: the role of dig-ital literacy. Computers and Education, 82, 11-25.
Muller, A.M., Goh, C., Lim, L.Z., & Gao, X. (2021). COVID-19 emergency e-learning and beyond: experiences and per-spectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 1-15.
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Al-Fraihat, D., Joy, M., Masa’deh, R., & Sinclair, J. (2020). Evaluating e-learning systems success: an empirical study. Computers in Human Behavior, 102, 67-86.
Alhumaid, K., Ali, S., Waheed, A., Zahid, E., & Habes, M. (2020). COVID-19 & e-Learning: perceptions & attitudes of teachers towards e-Learning acceptance in the developing countries. Multicultural Education, 6(2), 100-115.
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Almajali, D., Al-Okaily, M., Barakat, S., Al-Zegaier, H., & Dahalin, Z.M. (2022). Students’ perceptions of the sustainabil-ity of distance learning systems in the post-COVID-19: a qualitative perspective. Sustainability, 14(12), 7353.
Anderson, T. (2008). The Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Athabasca University Press, Athabasca.
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Bacca, J., Baldiris, S., Fabregat, R., Graf, S., & Kinshuk (2014). Augmented reality trends in education: a systematic re-view of research and applications. Journal of Educational Technology and Society, 17(4), 133-149.
Bates, A.W., & Bates, T. (2005). Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education. Psychology Press, London.
Beldona, S., Morrison, A.M., & O’Leary, J. (2005). Online shopping motivations and pleasure travel products: a corre-spondence analysis. Tourism Management, 26(4), 561-570.
Belleflamme, P., & Jacqmin, J. (2016). An economic appraisal of MOOC platforms: business models and impacts on higher education. CESifo Economic Studies, 62(1), 148-169.
Bhattacherjee, A. (2001). Understanding information systems continuance: an expectation-confirmation model. MIS Quarterly, 25(3), 351-370.
Biggs, J.B. (2011). Teaching for Quality Learning at University: What the Student Does, McGraw Hill Education, Buck-ingham.
Bozkurt, A., & Sharma, R.C. (2020). Education in normal, new normal, and next normal: observations from the past, in-sights from the present and projections for the future. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 15(2).
Brox, C., Painho, M., Bação, F., & Kuhn, W. (2004). International exchange of e-Learning courses. Proceedings of EU-GISES, Austria, 2-5 September, Villach, 1-7.
Bruhn, M., Georgi, D., & Hadwich, K. (2008). Customer equity management as formative second-order construct. Journal of Business Research, 61(12), 1292-1301.
Byrne, M., & Flood, B. (2003). Assessing the teaching quality of accounting programmes: an evaluation of the course ex-perience questionnaire. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 28(2), 135-145.
Chen, R.-S., & Liu, I.-F. (2013). Research on the effectiveness of information technology in reducing the rural–urban knowledge divide. Computers and Education, 63, 437-445.
Cheng, Y.-M. (2012). Effects of quality antecedents on e-learning acceptance. Internet Research, 22(3), 361-390.
Chiu, S.F., & Chen, H.L. (2005). Relationship between job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior: the mediational role of job satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality: An International Journal, 33(6), 523-540.
Contini, D., Cugnata, F., & Scagni, A. (2018). Social selection in higher education: enrolment, dropout and timely degree attainment in Italy. Higher Education, 75(5), 785-808.
Davis, F.D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3), 319-340.
Delone, W.H., & McLean, E.R. (2003). The DeLone and McLean model of information systems success: a ten-year up-date. Journal of Management Information Systems, 19(4), 9-30.
Downes, S. (2005). E-learning 2.0. ELearn, 2005(10), 1.
Dron, J., & Anderson, T. (2022). Informal Learning in Digital Contexts. Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Educa-tion, 1-17.
Dwyer, K.K., Bingham, S.G., Carlson, R.E., Prisbell, M., Cruz, A.M., & Fus, D.A. (2004). Communication and connected-ness in the classroom: development of the connected classroom climate inventory. Communication Research Reports, 21(3), 264-272.
Ebner, M. (2007, April). E-Learning 2.0= e-Learning 1.0+ Web 2.0?. In The Second International Conference on Availa-bility, Reliability and Security (ARES'07) (pp. 1235-1239). IEEE.
Elhaty, I.A., Elhadary, T., Elgamil, R., & Kilic, H. (2020). Teaching university practical courses online during COVID-19 crisis: a challenge for eLearning. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(8), 1-10.
Elnaj, S. (2021). Council post: the ‘new normal’ and the future of technology after the covid-19 pandemic, available at: (accessed 5 January, 2022).
Farhan, W., Razmak, J., Demers, S., & Laflamme, S. (2019). E-learning systems versus instructional communication tools: developing and testing a new e-learning user interface from the perspectives of teachers and stu-dents. Technology in Society, 59, 101192.
Fauth, B., Decristan, J., Rieser, S., Klieme, E., & Buttner, G. (2014). Student ratings of teaching quality in primary school: dimensions and prediction of student outcomes. Learning and Instruction, 29, 1-9.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D.F. (1981). Evaluating Structural Equation Models with Unobservable Variables and Measure-ment Error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
Freeze, R.D., Alshare, K.A., Lane, P.L., & Wen, H.J. (2019). IS success model in e-learning context based on students’ perceptions. Journal of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 173-184.
Gorla, N., Somers, T.M., & Wong, B. (2010). Organizational impact of system quality, information quality, and service quality. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 19(3), 207-228.
Gu, L., & Wang, J. (2015). A task technology fit model on e-learning. Issues in Information Systems, 16(1), 163-169.
Hair, J.F., Ringle, C.M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling: rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1-2), 1-12.
Hair, J.F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V.G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): an emerging tool in business research. European Business Review, 26(2), 106-121.
Hamid, A.A. (2001). e-Learning: Is it the “e” or the learning that matters?. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(3-4), 311-316.
Heo, H., Bonk, C., & Doo, M. (2022). Influences of depression, self-efficacy, and resource management on learning en-gagement in blended learning during COVID-19. The Internet and Higher Education 54, 100856.
Hill, F.M. (1995). Managing service quality in higher education: the role of the student as primary consumer. Quality As-surance in Education, 3(3), 10-21.
Ho, L.-A., Kuo, T.-H., & Lin, B. (2010). Influence of online learning skills in cyberspace. Internet Research, 20(1), 55-71.
Horton, W. (2001). Evaluating e-learning. American Society for Training and Development.
Huang, Y.-R., & Chang, S.-M. (2004). Academic and cocurricular involvement: their relationship and the best combina-tions for student growth. Journal of College Student Development, 45(4), 391-406.
Islam, A.N. (2016). E-learning system use and its outcomes: moderating role of perceived compatibility. Telematics and Informatics, 33(1), 48-55.
James, L., Mulaik, S., & Brett, J. (1982). Causal Analysis: Assumptions, Models, and Data. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills.
Jiang, Z., Chan, J., Tan, B.C., & Chua, W.S. (2010). Effects of interactivity on website involvement and purchase inten-tion. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11(1), 34-59.
Jin, S.H. (2005). Analyzing student-student and student-instructor interaction through multiple communication tools in web-based learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 32(1), 59-68.
Kim, S., Lee, J., Yoon, S.H., & Kim, H.W. (2022). How can we achieve better e-learning success in the new nor-mal?. Internet Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
Kim, Y.J., Garrity, E.J., & Sanders, G.L. (2003). Success measures of information systems. Encyclopedia of Information Systems, 4, 299-313.
Laurillard, D. (2004). E-learning in higher education. Changing higher education. The Journal of Interactive Online Learning, 2(3), 71-84.
Lederman, D. (2019). Why MOOCs didn’t work, in 3 data points, available at: https://www. (accessed 5 January, 2022).
Lee, J.-K., & Lee, W.-K. (2008). The relationship of e-Learner’s self-regulatory efficacy and perception of e-learning en-vironmental quality. Computers in Human Behavior, 24(1), 32-47.
Lee, M.K., Cheung, C.M., & Chen, Z. (2005). Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and in-trinsic motivation. Information & Management, 42(8), 1095-1104.
Martınez-Torres, M.R., Toral Marın, S.L., Garcia, F.B., Vazquez, S.G., Oliva, M.A., & Torres, T. (2008). A technological acceptance of e-learning tools used in practical and laboratory teaching, according to the European higher education area. Behaviour and Information Technology, 27(6), 495-505.
Mohammadi, H. (2015). Investigating users’ perspectives on e-learning: an integration of TAM and IS success model. Computers in Human Behavior, 45, 359-374.
Mohammadyari, S., & Singh, H. (2015). Understanding the effect of e-learning on individual performance: the role of dig-ital literacy. Computers and Education, 82, 11-25.
Muller, A.M., Goh, C., Lim, L.Z., & Gao, X. (2021). COVID-19 emergency e-learning and beyond: experiences and per-spectives of university educators. Education Sciences, 11(1), 1-15.
Naddeo, A., Califano, R., & Fiorillo, I. (2021). Identifying factors that influenced wellbeing and learning effectiveness during the sudden transition into eLearning due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Work, 68(1), 45-67.
Nagy, A. (2005). The impact of e-learning. In E-Content (pp. 79-96). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Nicholson, P. (2007). A history of e-learning. In Computers and education (pp. 1-11). Springer, Dordrecht.
Novak, T.P., & Hoffman, D.L. (1997). New metrics for new media: toward the development of web measurement stand-ards. World Wide Web Journal, 2(1), 213-246.
O’Hara, M.T., Watson, R.T., & Kavan, C.B. (1999). Managing the three levels of change. Information Systems Manage-ment, 16, 63-70.
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