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Ivala, Y., Guillen, A., Evangelista, E., Parejas, R & Quispe, J. (2022). A machine learning approach to find the determinants of Peruvian cocaine local price.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(2), 551-562.
Arif, A., & World Health Organization. (1987). Adverse health consequences of cocaine abuse. World Health Organiza-tion.
Benvenuto, F., Piana, M., Campi, C., & Massone, A. M. (2018). A hybrid supervised/unsupervised machine learning ap-proach to solar flare prediction. The Astrophysical Journal, 853(1), 90
Biondich, A. S., & Joslin, J. D. (2016). Coca: the history and medical significance of an ancient Andean tradition. Emer-gency medicine international, 2016.
Burton, A. L. (2021). OLS (Linear) Regression. The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Jus-tice, 2, 509-514.
Castillo Gallado, M. (2012). La economía de la coca: La dimensión silenciada de la dependencia. Ana Gabriela Contreras García. Las Relaciones Internacionales de la Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe. Buenos Aires. CLACSO.
Conzelman, C. S., & White, D. M. (2016). The botanical science and cultural value of Coca leaf in South Ameri-ca. Roadmaps to regulation: coca, cocaine, and derivatives. Oxford: The Beckley Foundation.
Daley, D. C. (2013). Family and social aspects of substance use disorders and treatment. Journal of food and drug analy-sis, 21(4), S73-S76.
Daniels, A. (2006). EE UU y la guerra contra las drogas en Latinoamérica. Política Exterior, 131-140.
DeSimone, J., & Farrelly, M. C. (2003). Price and enforcement effects on cocaine and marijuana demand. Economic In-quiry, 41(1), 98-115.
DEVIDA (2020). Informe sobre la demanda de hoja de coca para fines tradicionales e industriales. Lima, Comisión Na-cional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas – DEVIDA
DEVIDA. (2017). Estrategia Nacional de Lucha Contra las Drogas 2017-2021.
Díaz, A., Olivera, H., Lima, E., Nappo, S. A., & Olatawura, M. O. (1995). WHO/UNICRI Cocaine Project. The Natural History of Cocaine Abuse: A case study endeavor: WHO/UNICRI Cocaine Project.
DiNardo, J. (1993). Law enforcement, the price of cocaine and cocaine use. Mathematical and computer Modelling, 17(2), 53-64.
dos Reis Jr, A. (2009). Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Karl Köller (1857-1944) and the discovery of local anesthe-sia. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, 59(2), 244-257.
Durand, F. (2005). El problema cocalero y el comercio informal para uso tradicional. Debate Agrario, 39, 109-125.
Esquivel, F. A., García Sandoval, J. R., & Aldape Ballesteros, L. A. (2019). Técnicas de comercialización y diversifica-ción de cultivos para exportación en el sector agroalimentario en México. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 24(88).
Félix, S., & Portugal, P. (2017). Drug decriminalization and the price of illicit drugs. International Journal of Drug Poli-cy, 39, 121-129.
Fernández López, J. A. (2017). The Norm Prohibiting the Chewing of Coca Leaf: From the International System to the Co-lombian State. Universidad del Rosario.
Fonti, V., & Belitser, E. (2017). Feature selection using lasso. VU Amsterdam Research Paper in Business Analytics, 30, 1-25.
Freeborn, B. A. (2006). An equilibrium search model of the retail cocaine market and drug law enforcement. University of Virginia.
Fryer Jr, R. G., Heaton, P. S., Levitt, S. D., & Murphy, K. M. (2013). Measuring crack cocaine and its impact. Economic Inquiry, 51(3), 1651-1681.
Glave, M., & Rosemberg, C. (2005). La Comercialización De Hoja De Coca En El Perú: Análisis Del Mercado For-mal. Perú Grade.
Gootenberg, P. (2001). Between Coca and Cocaine: A Century or More of US-Peruvian Drug Paradoxes, 1860-1980 (No. 251). Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Grinspoon, L., & Bakalar, J. B. (1981). Coca and cocaine as medicines: an historical review. Journal of ethnopharmacolo-gy, 3(2-3), 149-159.
Hossain, A., Kamruzzaman, M., & Ali, M. A. (2015). Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Modeling and Projection of DSE. Chinese Business Review, 14(6), 273-289.
Lütkepohl, H. (2003). Vector Autoregressions. In A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics, B.H. Baltagi (Ed.). 678–699.
McDermott, J., Bargent, J., den Held, D., & Fernanda Ramírez, M. (2021). The Cocaine Pipeline to Europe. Global Initia-tive Against Transnational Organized Crime and Insight Crime.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2016). Cocaine Research Report. May 1–29.
Uteulievna, N. S., Evgenievich, G. I., & Konstantinovna, B. T. (2016). The influence of macroeconomic factors to the dy-namics of stock exchange in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Экономика региона, 12(4).
Pacini, D., & Franquemont, C. (1986). Coca and cocaine. Cambridge: Cultural Survival.
Papanicolas, I., & McGuire, A. (2011). Using a Vector Autoregression Framework to measure the quality of English NHS hospitals.
Piazza, N. J., & Yeager, R. D. (1989). Cocaine.
Reitermanová, Z. (2010). WDS’10 Proceedings of Contributed Papers.
Rojas, L., & Parra, D. (2016). Procesos de sustitución y erradicación de cultivos ilícitos a nivel mundial: un punto de par-tida para Colombia.
Seelig, M. G. (1941). History of cocaine as a local anesthetic. Journal of the American Medical Association, 117(15), 1284-1284.
Spillane, J. F. (1996). Modern drug, modern menace: The legal use and distribution of cocaine in the United States, 1880-1920.
StataCorp, L. L. C. (2017). STATA finite mixture models reference manual. StataCorp LLC: College Station, TX, USA.
Stock, J. H., & Watson, M. W. (2001). Vector autoregressions. Journal of Economic perspectives, 15(4), 101-115.
Sumnall, H. R., Tyler, E., Wagstaff, G. F., & Cole, J. C. (2004). A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, ampheta-mine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers. Drug and alcohol dependence, 76(1), 93-99.
Thompson, M., & Uggen, C. (2012). Dealers, thieves, and the common determinants of drug and nondrug illegal earn-ings. Criminology, 50(4), 1057-1087.
Thoumi, F. E. (2005). A modest proposal to clarify the status of coca in the United Nations conventions. Crime, law, and social change, 42(4), 297-307.
Tibshirani, R. (1996). Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 58(1), 267-288.
Wesson, D. R., & Smith, D. E. (1977). Chapter VII Cocaine: its use for central nervous system stimulation including rec-reational and medical uses. Cocaine: 1977, 137.
Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. MIT press.
Yang, K., Tu, J., & Chen, T. (2019). Homoscedasticity: An overlooked critical assumption for linear regression. General psychiatry, 32(5).
Trigoso, N. Z. (2017). Dinámicas locales en torno al cultivo de hoja de coca: elementos para el estudio desde el mercado ilegal de la cocaína. Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno, 4(7), 9-29.
Zhu, H., Wilson, F. A., Stimpson, J. P., & Pagán, J. A. (2014). Correlation between cocaine prices and purity with trends in emergency department visits in a major metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Health, 91(5), 1009-1018.
Benvenuto, F., Piana, M., Campi, C., & Massone, A. M. (2018). A hybrid supervised/unsupervised machine learning ap-proach to solar flare prediction. The Astrophysical Journal, 853(1), 90
Biondich, A. S., & Joslin, J. D. (2016). Coca: the history and medical significance of an ancient Andean tradition. Emer-gency medicine international, 2016.
Burton, A. L. (2021). OLS (Linear) Regression. The Encyclopedia of Research Methods in Criminology and Criminal Jus-tice, 2, 509-514.
Castillo Gallado, M. (2012). La economía de la coca: La dimensión silenciada de la dependencia. Ana Gabriela Contreras García. Las Relaciones Internacionales de la Pobreza en América Latina y el Caribe. Buenos Aires. CLACSO.
Conzelman, C. S., & White, D. M. (2016). The botanical science and cultural value of Coca leaf in South Ameri-ca. Roadmaps to regulation: coca, cocaine, and derivatives. Oxford: The Beckley Foundation.
Daley, D. C. (2013). Family and social aspects of substance use disorders and treatment. Journal of food and drug analy-sis, 21(4), S73-S76.
Daniels, A. (2006). EE UU y la guerra contra las drogas en Latinoamérica. Política Exterior, 131-140.
DeSimone, J., & Farrelly, M. C. (2003). Price and enforcement effects on cocaine and marijuana demand. Economic In-quiry, 41(1), 98-115.
DEVIDA (2020). Informe sobre la demanda de hoja de coca para fines tradicionales e industriales. Lima, Comisión Na-cional para el Desarrollo y Vida sin Drogas – DEVIDA
DEVIDA. (2017). Estrategia Nacional de Lucha Contra las Drogas 2017-2021.
Díaz, A., Olivera, H., Lima, E., Nappo, S. A., & Olatawura, M. O. (1995). WHO/UNICRI Cocaine Project. The Natural History of Cocaine Abuse: A case study endeavor: WHO/UNICRI Cocaine Project.
DiNardo, J. (1993). Law enforcement, the price of cocaine and cocaine use. Mathematical and computer Modelling, 17(2), 53-64.
dos Reis Jr, A. (2009). Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and Karl Köller (1857-1944) and the discovery of local anesthe-sia. Brazilian Journal of Anesthesiology, 59(2), 244-257.
Durand, F. (2005). El problema cocalero y el comercio informal para uso tradicional. Debate Agrario, 39, 109-125.
Esquivel, F. A., García Sandoval, J. R., & Aldape Ballesteros, L. A. (2019). Técnicas de comercialización y diversifica-ción de cultivos para exportación en el sector agroalimentario en México. Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, 24(88).
Félix, S., & Portugal, P. (2017). Drug decriminalization and the price of illicit drugs. International Journal of Drug Poli-cy, 39, 121-129.
Fernández López, J. A. (2017). The Norm Prohibiting the Chewing of Coca Leaf: From the International System to the Co-lombian State. Universidad del Rosario.
Fonti, V., & Belitser, E. (2017). Feature selection using lasso. VU Amsterdam Research Paper in Business Analytics, 30, 1-25.
Freeborn, B. A. (2006). An equilibrium search model of the retail cocaine market and drug law enforcement. University of Virginia.
Fryer Jr, R. G., Heaton, P. S., Levitt, S. D., & Murphy, K. M. (2013). Measuring crack cocaine and its impact. Economic Inquiry, 51(3), 1651-1681.
Glave, M., & Rosemberg, C. (2005). La Comercialización De Hoja De Coca En El Perú: Análisis Del Mercado For-mal. Perú Grade.
Gootenberg, P. (2001). Between Coca and Cocaine: A Century or More of US-Peruvian Drug Paradoxes, 1860-1980 (No. 251). Latin American Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
Grinspoon, L., & Bakalar, J. B. (1981). Coca and cocaine as medicines: an historical review. Journal of ethnopharmacolo-gy, 3(2-3), 149-159.
Hossain, A., Kamruzzaman, M., & Ali, M. A. (2015). Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Modeling and Projection of DSE. Chinese Business Review, 14(6), 273-289.
Lütkepohl, H. (2003). Vector Autoregressions. In A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics, B.H. Baltagi (Ed.). 678–699.
McDermott, J., Bargent, J., den Held, D., & Fernanda Ramírez, M. (2021). The Cocaine Pipeline to Europe. Global Initia-tive Against Transnational Organized Crime and Insight Crime.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2016). Cocaine Research Report. May 1–29.
Uteulievna, N. S., Evgenievich, G. I., & Konstantinovna, B. T. (2016). The influence of macroeconomic factors to the dy-namics of stock exchange in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Экономика региона, 12(4).
Pacini, D., & Franquemont, C. (1986). Coca and cocaine. Cambridge: Cultural Survival.
Papanicolas, I., & McGuire, A. (2011). Using a Vector Autoregression Framework to measure the quality of English NHS hospitals.
Piazza, N. J., & Yeager, R. D. (1989). Cocaine.
Reitermanová, Z. (2010). WDS’10 Proceedings of Contributed Papers.
Rojas, L., & Parra, D. (2016). Procesos de sustitución y erradicación de cultivos ilícitos a nivel mundial: un punto de par-tida para Colombia.
Seelig, M. G. (1941). History of cocaine as a local anesthetic. Journal of the American Medical Association, 117(15), 1284-1284.
Spillane, J. F. (1996). Modern drug, modern menace: The legal use and distribution of cocaine in the United States, 1880-1920.
StataCorp, L. L. C. (2017). STATA finite mixture models reference manual. StataCorp LLC: College Station, TX, USA.
Stock, J. H., & Watson, M. W. (2001). Vector autoregressions. Journal of Economic perspectives, 15(4), 101-115.
Sumnall, H. R., Tyler, E., Wagstaff, G. F., & Cole, J. C. (2004). A behavioural economic analysis of alcohol, ampheta-mine, cocaine and ecstasy purchases by polysubstance misusers. Drug and alcohol dependence, 76(1), 93-99.
Thompson, M., & Uggen, C. (2012). Dealers, thieves, and the common determinants of drug and nondrug illegal earn-ings. Criminology, 50(4), 1057-1087.
Thoumi, F. E. (2005). A modest proposal to clarify the status of coca in the United Nations conventions. Crime, law, and social change, 42(4), 297-307.
Tibshirani, R. (1996). Regression shrinkage and selection via the lasso. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Methodological), 58(1), 267-288.
Wesson, D. R., & Smith, D. E. (1977). Chapter VII Cocaine: its use for central nervous system stimulation including rec-reational and medical uses. Cocaine: 1977, 137.
Wooldridge, J. M. (2010). Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data. MIT press.
Yang, K., Tu, J., & Chen, T. (2019). Homoscedasticity: An overlooked critical assumption for linear regression. General psychiatry, 32(5).
Trigoso, N. Z. (2017). Dinámicas locales en torno al cultivo de hoja de coca: elementos para el estudio desde el mercado ilegal de la cocaína. Revista de Ciencia Política y Gobierno, 4(7), 9-29.
Zhu, H., Wilson, F. A., Stimpson, J. P., & Pagán, J. A. (2014). Correlation between cocaine prices and purity with trends in emergency department visits in a major metropolitan area. Journal of Urban Health, 91(5), 1009-1018.