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Vicente-Ramos, W & Cano-Torres, L. (2022). The effect of digital marketing on the management of relationships with university students in times of Covid-19.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 6(1), 59-66.
Al-Gasawneh, J., Al-Adamat, A. (2020). The mediating role of e-word of mouth on the relationship between content mar-keting and green purchase intention. Management Science Letters, 10(8), 1701-1708.
Al-Homery, H., Asharai, H. y Ahmad, A. (2019). The Core Components and Types of CRM Pakistan Journal of Humani-ties and Social Sciences, 7(1), 121-145.
Alqershi, N. M. (2020). Innovative CRM and performance of SMEs: The moderating role of relational capital. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 1-18.
Amson, A. R. (2021). Exploring the extent of digital food and beverage related content associated with a family-friendly event: a case study. BMC Public Health.
Ancheta, D., Bautista, L., Estrada, A. & Intal, G. (2019). EyEstate: Customer relations management system with sale data visualization and 360° virtual tour technology. 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Software and e-Business, (11-16) doi: 10.1145/3374549.3374580
Bala, M. (2018). A critical review of digital marketing. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), 321-339.
Chawla, Y., & Chodak, G. (2021). Social media marketing for businesses: Organic promotions of web-links on Face-book. Journal of Business Research, 135, 49-65.
Dolega, L., Rowe, F., & Branagan, E. (2021). Going digital? The impact of social media marketing on retail website traf-fic, orders and sales. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102501.
Enrique Tica, G. I., & Pineda Ruiz, D. A. (2018). El marketing digital en las redes sociales facebook, linkedin y youtube y su influencia en la fidelización de los clientes de la empresa Atanasovski corredores de seguros.
Gestión. (junio del 2021). Gestión. Obtenido de Gestión:
Gregoriades, A., Pampaka, M., Herodotou, H., & Christodoulou, E. (2021). Supporting digital content marketing and mes-saging through topic modelling and decision trees. Expert systems with applications, 184, 115546.
Guerola, V., Oltra, R., & Gil, H. (2020). Análisis de la relación entre el grado de introducción de CRM y los beneficios de la empresa a través del Desempeño Organizacional y la Innovación Empresarial. Investigación y pensamiento crítico, 9(1), 67-87.
Guillermo, N. d. (2020). The impact of digital marketing on manufacturing companies. Revista Iberoamericana de contaduría, economía y administración.
Hua, S. V., Granger, B., Bauer, K., & Roberto, C. A. (2021). A content analysis of marketing on the packages of dietary supplements for weight loss and muscle building. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23, 101504.
Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., Ababneh B. (2020). ¿Do social media marketing activities enhance consumer perception of brands? A meta-analytic examination. Journal of Promotion Management, 6(4), 544-568.
Khlif, H. (2021). Factors for Success in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems. World Academics Journal of Management, 9(1), 16-20.
Kotler. (2019). Asian Competitors: Marketing for Competitiveness in the Age of Digital Consumers. WSPC.
Krishen, A. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., Bindu, N., Kumar, K. S. (2021). A broad overview of interactive digital marketing: A bibli-ometric network analysis. Journal of Business Research, 131(C), 183-195.
Mejía, G. C. M. (2019). Como diseñar una sesión de aprendizaje para una clase de marketing digital, “El Inbound Market-ing” para alumnos de la carrera de marketing de la universidad UTP, Lima-Perú.
Müller, J., & Christandl, F. (2019). Content is king–But who is the king of kings? The effect of content marketing, spon-sored content & user-generated content on brand responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 96, 46-55.
Oré-Calixto, S., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of digital marketing on customer relationship management in the education sector: Peruvian case. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 549-554.
Patil, J. S. (2020). Customer Analytics Improves Banks Performance: A Descriptive Study of Analytical CRM among Pri-vate, Cooperative and Nationalised Banks. Test Engineering & Management, 83(1), 10464-10470
Poradova, M. (2020). Content marketing strategy and its impact on customers under the global market conditions. SHS Web of Conferences, (Vol. 74, p. 01027).
Ramón, J. (2021). Using data sciences in digital marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 6(2), 92-102.
Sedalo, G., Boateng, H. y Kosiba, JP (2021). Exploring social media affordance in relationship marketing practices in SMEs. Journal Pre-proof , 100017.
Serajpour, S., Fattahi, M., Zameni, F. (2021). The impact of social network marketing on consumer Willingness for brand purchase, given the mediating role of customer engagement. Revista de economía resistiva, 9(1), 67-81.
Soltani, Z., Zareie, B., Milani, F. & Navimipour, N. (2018). The impacto f the customer relationship management on the organization performance. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 29(2), 237-246.
Zhou, S., Blazquez, M., McCormick, H., & Barnes, L. (2021). How social media influencers’ narrative strategies benefit cultivating influencer marketing: Tackling issues of cultural barriers, commercialised content, and sponsorship disclo-sure. Journal of Business Research, 134, 122-142.
Al-Homery, H., Asharai, H. y Ahmad, A. (2019). The Core Components and Types of CRM Pakistan Journal of Humani-ties and Social Sciences, 7(1), 121-145.
Alqershi, N. M. (2020). Innovative CRM and performance of SMEs: The moderating role of relational capital. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 1-18.
Amson, A. R. (2021). Exploring the extent of digital food and beverage related content associated with a family-friendly event: a case study. BMC Public Health.
Ancheta, D., Bautista, L., Estrada, A. & Intal, G. (2019). EyEstate: Customer relations management system with sale data visualization and 360° virtual tour technology. 2019 The 3rd International Conference on Software and e-Business, (11-16) doi: 10.1145/3374549.3374580
Bala, M. (2018). A critical review of digital marketing. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), 321-339.
Chawla, Y., & Chodak, G. (2021). Social media marketing for businesses: Organic promotions of web-links on Face-book. Journal of Business Research, 135, 49-65.
Dolega, L., Rowe, F., & Branagan, E. (2021). Going digital? The impact of social media marketing on retail website traf-fic, orders and sales. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 60, 102501.
Enrique Tica, G. I., & Pineda Ruiz, D. A. (2018). El marketing digital en las redes sociales facebook, linkedin y youtube y su influencia en la fidelización de los clientes de la empresa Atanasovski corredores de seguros.
Gestión. (junio del 2021). Gestión. Obtenido de Gestión:
Gregoriades, A., Pampaka, M., Herodotou, H., & Christodoulou, E. (2021). Supporting digital content marketing and mes-saging through topic modelling and decision trees. Expert systems with applications, 184, 115546.
Guerola, V., Oltra, R., & Gil, H. (2020). Análisis de la relación entre el grado de introducción de CRM y los beneficios de la empresa a través del Desempeño Organizacional y la Innovación Empresarial. Investigación y pensamiento crítico, 9(1), 67-87.
Guillermo, N. d. (2020). The impact of digital marketing on manufacturing companies. Revista Iberoamericana de contaduría, economía y administración.
Hua, S. V., Granger, B., Bauer, K., & Roberto, C. A. (2021). A content analysis of marketing on the packages of dietary supplements for weight loss and muscle building. Preventive Medicine Reports, 23, 101504.
Ibrahim, B., Aljarah, A., Ababneh B. (2020). ¿Do social media marketing activities enhance consumer perception of brands? A meta-analytic examination. Journal of Promotion Management, 6(4), 544-568.
Khlif, H. (2021). Factors for Success in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems. World Academics Journal of Management, 9(1), 16-20.
Kotler. (2019). Asian Competitors: Marketing for Competitiveness in the Age of Digital Consumers. WSPC.
Krishen, A. S., Dwivedi, Y. K., Bindu, N., Kumar, K. S. (2021). A broad overview of interactive digital marketing: A bibli-ometric network analysis. Journal of Business Research, 131(C), 183-195.
Mejía, G. C. M. (2019). Como diseñar una sesión de aprendizaje para una clase de marketing digital, “El Inbound Market-ing” para alumnos de la carrera de marketing de la universidad UTP, Lima-Perú.
Müller, J., & Christandl, F. (2019). Content is king–But who is the king of kings? The effect of content marketing, spon-sored content & user-generated content on brand responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 96, 46-55.
Oré-Calixto, S., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of digital marketing on customer relationship management in the education sector: Peruvian case. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 549-554.
Patil, J. S. (2020). Customer Analytics Improves Banks Performance: A Descriptive Study of Analytical CRM among Pri-vate, Cooperative and Nationalised Banks. Test Engineering & Management, 83(1), 10464-10470
Poradova, M. (2020). Content marketing strategy and its impact on customers under the global market conditions. SHS Web of Conferences, (Vol. 74, p. 01027).
Ramón, J. (2021). Using data sciences in digital marketing: Framework, methods, and performance metrics. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge, 6(2), 92-102.
Sedalo, G., Boateng, H. y Kosiba, JP (2021). Exploring social media affordance in relationship marketing practices in SMEs. Journal Pre-proof , 100017.
Serajpour, S., Fattahi, M., Zameni, F. (2021). The impact of social network marketing on consumer Willingness for brand purchase, given the mediating role of customer engagement. Revista de economía resistiva, 9(1), 67-81.
Soltani, Z., Zareie, B., Milani, F. & Navimipour, N. (2018). The impacto f the customer relationship management on the organization performance. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 29(2), 237-246.
Zhou, S., Blazquez, M., McCormick, H., & Barnes, L. (2021). How social media influencers’ narrative strategies benefit cultivating influencer marketing: Tackling issues of cultural barriers, commercialised content, and sponsorship disclo-sure. Journal of Business Research, 134, 122-142.