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Nguyen, A & Tuye, V. (2025). Integrating the AHP and TOPSIS methods to select accounting staff.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 473-482.
Al Salman, W., & Hassan, Z. (2016). Impact of effective teamwork on employee performance. International Journal of Accounting & Business Management, 4(1), 76-85.
Aminbakhsh, S., Gunduz, M., & Sonmez, R. (2013). Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects. Journal of safety research, 46, 99-105.
Arslan, A. E., Arslan, O., & Kandemir, S. Y. (2021). AHP–TOPSIS hybrid decision-making analysis: Simav integrated system case study. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 145(3), 1191-1202.
Barišić, I., Novak, A., & Mališ, S. S. (2022). Skills required of professional accountants: evidence from labour market in croatia. Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews-Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, 35(2), 383-396.
Bruno, G., Esposito, E., Genovese, A., & Passaro, R. (2012). AHP-based approaches for supplier evaluation: Problems and perspectives. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 18(3), 159-172.
Çelikbilek, Y., & Tüysüz, F. (2020). An in-depth review of theory of the TOPSIS method: An experimental analysis. Journal of Management Analytics, 7(2), 281-300.
Cernuşca, L. (2020). Soft and hard skills in accounting field-empiric results and implication for the accountancy profession. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş, Arad-Seria Ştiinţe Economice, 30(1), 33-56.
Chaplin, S. (2017). Accounting education and the prerequisite skills of accounting graduates: are accounting firms’ moving the boundaries? Australian Accounting Review, 27(1), 61-70. doi:
Derekoy, F. (2019). What skills accounting students need: Evidence from students perceptions and professional expectation. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 6(4), 184-191.
Dyer, J. S. (1990). Remarks on the analytic hierarchy process. Management science, 36(3), 249-258.
Gallie, D., Zhou, Y., Felstead, A., & Green, F. (2012). Teamwork, skill development and employee welfare. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(1), 23-46.
García-Cascales, M. S., & Lamata, M. T. (2012). On rank reversal and TOPSIS method. Mathematical and computer modelling, 56(5-6), 123-132.
Ghani, M. A., & Suryani, A. W. (2020). Professional skills requirements for accountants: Analysis of accounting job advertisements. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 12(2), 212-226.
Hwang, CL., Yoon, K. (1981). Methods for Multiple Attribute Decision Making. In: Multiple Attribute Decision Making. In Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (pp. 58-191). Berlin: Springer.
Iswari, V. D., Arini, F. Y., & Muslim, M. A. (2019). Decision support system for the selection of outstanding students using the AHP-TOPSIS combination method. Lontar Komput. J. Ilm. Teknol. Inf, 10(1), 40.
Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2022). New technology and desired skills of early career accountants. Pacific Accounting Review, 34(4), 548-568.
Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2023). Developing accountants for the future: New technology, skills, and the role of stakeholders. Accounting Education, 32(2), 150-177.
Jiménez-Delgado, G., Santos, G., Félix, M. J., Teixeira, P., & Sá, J. C. (2020). A combined ahp-topsis approach for evaluating the process of innovation and integration of management systems in the logistic sector. In HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Papers: Interaction, Knowledge and Social Media: 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings 22 (pp. 535-559). Springer International Publishing.
Marzouk, M., & Sabbah, M. (2021). AHP-TOPSIS social sustainability approach for selecting supplier in construction supply chain. Cleaner environmental systems, 2, 100034.
Menon, R. R., & Ravi, V. (2022). Using AHP-TOPSIS methodologies in the selection of sustainable suppliers in an electronics supply chain. Cleaner Materials, 5, 100130.
Mohamed, E. K., & Lashine, S. H. (2003). Accounting knowledge and skills and the challenges of a global business environment. Managerial finance, 29(7), 3-16.
Nicolaescu, C., David, D., & Farcas, P. (2017). Professional and transversal competencies in the accounting field: Do employers’ expectations fit students’ perceptions? Evidence from Western Romania. Studies in business and economics, 12(3), 126-140.
Pishyar, S., Khosravi, H., Tavili, A., Malekian, A., & Sabourirad, S. (2020). A combined AHP-and TOPSIS-based approach in the assessment of desertification disaster risk. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 25, 219-229.
Rouwelaar, H., Schaepkens, F., & Widener, S. K. (2021). Skills, influence, and effectiveness of management accountants. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 33(2), 211-235.
Saaty, T. L. (1984). The analytic hierarchy process: Decision making in complex environments. In In Quantitative assessment in arms control: mathematical modeling and simulation in the analysis of arms control problems (pp. 285-308). Boston: Springer.
Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International journal of services sciences, 1(1), 83-98. doi:
Saaty, T. L. & Vargas, L. G. (1980). Hierarchical analysis of behavior in competition: Prediction in chess. Behavior Science, 25(3), 180-191.
Salome, E. N. (2012). The teacher and skills acquisition at business education: from the perspective of accounting skills. Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 34(973), 1-12.
Shameem, M., Kumar, R. R., Kumar, C., Chandra, B., & Khan, A. A. (2018). Prioritizing challenges of agile process in distributed software development environment using analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 30(11), e1979.
Siriwardane, H. P., & Durden, C. H. (2016). The communication skills of accountants: What we know and the gaps in our knowledge. Communication in Accounting Education, 4-19.
Tan, L. M., & Laswad, F. (2018). Professional skills required of accountants: what do job advertisements tell us? Accounting Education, 27(4), 403-432.
Zavadskas, E. K., Mardani, A., Turskis, Z., Jusoh, A., & Nor, K. M. (2016). Development of TOPSIS method to solve complicated decision-making problems—An overview on developments from 2000 to 2015. International journal of information technology & decision making, 15(3), 645-682.
Aminbakhsh, S., Gunduz, M., & Sonmez, R. (2013). Safety risk assessment using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) during planning and budgeting of construction projects. Journal of safety research, 46, 99-105.
Arslan, A. E., Arslan, O., & Kandemir, S. Y. (2021). AHP–TOPSIS hybrid decision-making analysis: Simav integrated system case study. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 145(3), 1191-1202.
Barišić, I., Novak, A., & Mališ, S. S. (2022). Skills required of professional accountants: evidence from labour market in croatia. Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews-Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues, 35(2), 383-396.
Bruno, G., Esposito, E., Genovese, A., & Passaro, R. (2012). AHP-based approaches for supplier evaluation: Problems and perspectives. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 18(3), 159-172.
Çelikbilek, Y., & Tüysüz, F. (2020). An in-depth review of theory of the TOPSIS method: An experimental analysis. Journal of Management Analytics, 7(2), 281-300.
Cernuşca, L. (2020). Soft and hard skills in accounting field-empiric results and implication for the accountancy profession. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş, Arad-Seria Ştiinţe Economice, 30(1), 33-56.
Chaplin, S. (2017). Accounting education and the prerequisite skills of accounting graduates: are accounting firms’ moving the boundaries? Australian Accounting Review, 27(1), 61-70. doi:
Derekoy, F. (2019). What skills accounting students need: Evidence from students perceptions and professional expectation. Journal of Economics Finance and Accounting, 6(4), 184-191.
Dyer, J. S. (1990). Remarks on the analytic hierarchy process. Management science, 36(3), 249-258.
Gallie, D., Zhou, Y., Felstead, A., & Green, F. (2012). Teamwork, skill development and employee welfare. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(1), 23-46.
García-Cascales, M. S., & Lamata, M. T. (2012). On rank reversal and TOPSIS method. Mathematical and computer modelling, 56(5-6), 123-132.
Ghani, M. A., & Suryani, A. W. (2020). Professional skills requirements for accountants: Analysis of accounting job advertisements. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 12(2), 212-226.
Hwang, CL., Yoon, K. (1981). Methods for Multiple Attribute Decision Making. In: Multiple Attribute Decision Making. In Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (pp. 58-191). Berlin: Springer.
Iswari, V. D., Arini, F. Y., & Muslim, M. A. (2019). Decision support system for the selection of outstanding students using the AHP-TOPSIS combination method. Lontar Komput. J. Ilm. Teknol. Inf, 10(1), 40.
Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2022). New technology and desired skills of early career accountants. Pacific Accounting Review, 34(4), 548-568.
Jackson, D., Michelson, G., & Munir, R. (2023). Developing accountants for the future: New technology, skills, and the role of stakeholders. Accounting Education, 32(2), 150-177.
Jiménez-Delgado, G., Santos, G., Félix, M. J., Teixeira, P., & Sá, J. C. (2020). A combined ahp-topsis approach for evaluating the process of innovation and integration of management systems in the logistic sector. In HCI International 2020–Late Breaking Papers: Interaction, Knowledge and Social Media: 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings 22 (pp. 535-559). Springer International Publishing.
Marzouk, M., & Sabbah, M. (2021). AHP-TOPSIS social sustainability approach for selecting supplier in construction supply chain. Cleaner environmental systems, 2, 100034.
Menon, R. R., & Ravi, V. (2022). Using AHP-TOPSIS methodologies in the selection of sustainable suppliers in an electronics supply chain. Cleaner Materials, 5, 100130.
Mohamed, E. K., & Lashine, S. H. (2003). Accounting knowledge and skills and the challenges of a global business environment. Managerial finance, 29(7), 3-16.
Nicolaescu, C., David, D., & Farcas, P. (2017). Professional and transversal competencies in the accounting field: Do employers’ expectations fit students’ perceptions? Evidence from Western Romania. Studies in business and economics, 12(3), 126-140.
Pishyar, S., Khosravi, H., Tavili, A., Malekian, A., & Sabourirad, S. (2020). A combined AHP-and TOPSIS-based approach in the assessment of desertification disaster risk. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 25, 219-229.
Rouwelaar, H., Schaepkens, F., & Widener, S. K. (2021). Skills, influence, and effectiveness of management accountants. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 33(2), 211-235.
Saaty, T. L. (1984). The analytic hierarchy process: Decision making in complex environments. In In Quantitative assessment in arms control: mathematical modeling and simulation in the analysis of arms control problems (pp. 285-308). Boston: Springer.
Saaty, T. L. (2008). Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process. International journal of services sciences, 1(1), 83-98. doi:
Saaty, T. L. & Vargas, L. G. (1980). Hierarchical analysis of behavior in competition: Prediction in chess. Behavior Science, 25(3), 180-191.
Salome, E. N. (2012). The teacher and skills acquisition at business education: from the perspective of accounting skills. Oman Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 34(973), 1-12.
Shameem, M., Kumar, R. R., Kumar, C., Chandra, B., & Khan, A. A. (2018). Prioritizing challenges of agile process in distributed software development environment using analytic hierarchy process. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process, 30(11), e1979.
Siriwardane, H. P., & Durden, C. H. (2016). The communication skills of accountants: What we know and the gaps in our knowledge. Communication in Accounting Education, 4-19.
Tan, L. M., & Laswad, F. (2018). Professional skills required of accountants: what do job advertisements tell us? Accounting Education, 27(4), 403-432.
Zavadskas, E. K., Mardani, A., Turskis, Z., Jusoh, A., & Nor, K. M. (2016). Development of TOPSIS method to solve complicated decision-making problems—An overview on developments from 2000 to 2015. International journal of information technology & decision making, 15(3), 645-682.