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Syafrianita, S., Purnomo, A., Haryaman, A., Amran, K., Hariyanto, H & Rohyan, C. (2025). Navigating operational excellence: A strategic framework for enhancing sustainable logistics performance at Indonesian International Airport.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 361-374.
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Abonyi, J., Ipkovich, Á., Dörgo, G., & Héberger, K. (2023). Matrix factorization-based multi-objective ranking-What makes a good university? PLoS ONE, 18(4 APRIL).
Adisasmita, S. A., & Caroles, L. (2021). Multi-Airport System Development Model: Case Study of Airports in Indonesia. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 7(Special Issue).
Adler, N., & Berechman, J. (2001). Measuring airport quality from the airlines’ viewpoint: An application of data envelopment analysis. Transport Policy, 8(3).
Agarwal, S., Kant, R., & Shankar, R. (2022). Exploring sustainability balanced scorecard for performance evaluation of humani-tarian organizations. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 3.
Ahn, B. S. (2017). The analytic hierarchy process with interval preference statements. Omega (United Kingdom), 67.
Al-Mawali, H. (2023). Proposing a strategy map based on sustainability balanced scorecard and DEMATEL for manufacturing companies. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(3).
Atapattu, A. M. D. S., Hadiwattage, C., Perera, B. A. K. S., & Rajaratnam, D. (2024). Employing criteria scoring matrix in ap-praising the economic return of transcending to a circular built environment. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(2).
Bhagwat, R., & Sharma, M. K. (2007). Performance measurement of supply chain management: A balanced scorecard approach. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 53(1).
Brewer, P. C., & Speh, T. W. (2000). Using the balanced scorecard to measure supply chain performance. Journal of Business.
Caldeirinha, V., Felício, J. A., & Pinho, T. (2023). Role of Cargo Owner in Logistic Chain Sustainability. Sustainability (Switzer-land), 15(13).
Cantarelli, C. C., Flybjerg, B., Molin, E. J. E., & Wee, B. van. (2018). Cost Overruns in Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure Pro-jects. Automation in Construction, 2(1).
Chai, J., Liu, J. N. K., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2013). Application of decision-making techniques in supplier selection: A systematic re-view of literature. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10).
Chakraborty, S., Ghosh, S., Sarker, B., & Chakraborty, S. (2020). An integrated performance evaluation approach for the Indian international airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 88.
Cheng, H., Zheng, S., & Feng, J. (2022). A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Method for Sustainable Ferry Operator Selection: A Case Study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(10).
Davis, S., & Albright, T. (2004). An investigation of the effect of Balanced Scorecard implementation of financial performance. Management Accounting Research, 15(2).
de Souza, E. D., Kerber, J. C., Bouzon, M., & Rodriguez, C. M. T. (2022). Performance evaluation of green logistics: Paving the way towards circular economy. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 3.
Deveci, M., Pamucar, D., Gokasar, I., Delen, D., Wu, Q., & Simic, V. (2022). An analytics approach to decision alternative priori-tization for zero-emission zone logistics. Journal of Business Research, 146.
Dhingra, T., Sengar, A., & Sajith, S. (2022). A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-based analysis for prioritization of barriers to off-shore wind energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 345.
Dmytro, B., Anton, B., Nadia, P., Natalia, S., & Danylo, B. (2022). Role of ICAO CO2 emissions standard for new aircraft in civil aviation sustainable development process. Electronic Scientific Journal Intellectualization of Logistics and Supply Chain Man-agement #1 2020, 1(13).
Dožić, S., Babić, D., Kalić, M., & Živojinović, S. (2023). An AHP approach to airport choice by freight forwarder. Sustainable Fu-tures, 5.
Dudic, Z., Dudic, B., Gregus, M., Novackova, D., & Djakovic, I. (2020). The innovativeness and usage of the balanced scorecard model in SMEs. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(8).
EC. (2020). Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy: Putting European transport on track for the future. European Commission,.
Elbanna, S., Kamel, H., Fatima, T., & Eid, R. (2022). An investigation of the causality links in the balanced scorecard: The case of the Gulf Cooperation Council hospitality industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 41.
Fasone, V., & Zapata-Aguirre, S. (2016). Measuring business performance in the airport context: a critical review of literature. In International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Vol. 65, Issue 8).
Felix, G. H. (1985). Productivity by the Objectives Matrix.
Garcia-Buendia, N., Kristensen, T. B., Moyano-Fuentes, J., & Maqueira-Marín, J. M. (2024). Performance measurement of lean supply chain management: a balanced scorecard proposal. Production Planning and Control, 35(6).
Garg, C. P. (2020). Evaluation of the airport service quality indicators using fuzzy AHP framework: An Indian perspective. In In-ternational Journal of Services and Operations Management (Vol. 37, Issue 3).
Graham, A. (2023). Managing airports: An international perspective. In Managing Airports: An International Perspective.
Guerrero-Martin, C. A., Ortega-Ramírez, A. T., Rodríguez, P. A. P., López, S. J. R., Guerrero-Martin, L. E., Salinas-Silva, R., & Camacho-Galindo, S. (2023). Analysis of Environmental Sustainability through a Weighting Matrix in the Oil and Gas Indus-try. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(11).
Guo, R., & Wu, Z. (2023). Social sustainable supply chain performance assessment using hybrid fuzzy-AHP–DEMATEL–VIKOR: a case study in manufacturing enterprises. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(11).
Gupta, A., Singh, R. K., & Mangla, S. K. (2022). Evaluation of logistics providers for sustainable service quality: Analytics based decision making framework. Annals of Operations Research, 315(2).
Hansen, E. G., & Schaltegger, S. (2018). Sustainability Balanced Scorecards and their Architectures: Irrelevant or Misunderstood? Journal of Business Ethics, 150(4).
Hoque, Z., & James, W. (2000). Linking Balanced Scorecard Measures to Size and Market Factors: Impact on Organizational Per-formance. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 12(1).
Inamete, U. B. (1993). Key Elements in Managing Airports: The Policy Environment and Increasing Efficiency. International Jour-nal of Public Sector Management, 6(5).
Kaiser, M., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H., & Schultz, M. (2012). Tradeoff between optimum altitude and contrail layer to ensure maxi-mum ecological en-route performance using the enhanced trajectory prediction model (ETPM). Proceedings of the 2nd Interna-tional Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems.
Kumar, M., Raut, R. D., Jagtap, S., & Choubey, V. K. (2023). Circular economy adoption challenges in the food supply chain for sustainable development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4).
Kumar, P., & Singh, R. K. (2012). A fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methodology to evaluate 3PL in a supply chain. Journal of Model-ling in Management, 7(3).
L’Abate, V., Vitolla, F., Esposito, P., & Raimo, N. (2023). The drivers of sustainability disclosure practices in the airport indus-try: A legitimacy theory perspective. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(4).
Leal, J. E. (2020). AHP-express: A simplified version of the analytical hierarchy process method. MethodsX, 7.
Lu, M. T., Hsu, C. C., Liou, J. J. H., & Lo, H. W. (2018). A hybrid MCDM and sustainability-balanced scorecard model to estab-lish sustainable performance evaluation for international airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 71.
Malina, M. A., & Selto, F. H. (2001). Communicating and Controlling Strategy: An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 13(1).
Mańkowska, M., Tłoczyński, D., Wach-Kloskowska, M., & Bulczak, G. (2023). Factors determining the implementation of green practices in airport management. The case study of Polish airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 111.
Melly Anne Dharasta, Y. S., Dewantari, A., & Awan. (2022). STRATEGI PELAYANAN PRIMA PT ANGKASA PURA I DI YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Jurnal Manajemen Dirgantara, 15(1).
Menteri Perhubungan. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No 69 Tahun 2013 Tentang Tatanan Kebandarudaraan Nasional. Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia, 65(1046).
Modarress Fathi, B., Ansari, A., & Ansari, A. (2023). Green Commercial Aviation Supply Chain—A European Path to Environ-mental Sustainability. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(8).
Mohammadkhani, A., & Mousavi, S. M. (2023). A new last aggregation fuzzy compromise solution approach for evaluating sus-tainable third-party reverse logistics providers with an application to food industry. Expert Systems with Applications, 216.
Nandi, A. K. (2023). From Multiple Independent Metrics to Single Performance Measure Based on Objective Function. IEEE Ac-cess, 11.
Nazim, M., Wali Mohammad, C., & Sadiq, M. (2022). A comparison between fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods to software requirements selection. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12).
Ortega, J., Tóth, J., Moslem, S., Péter, T., & Duleba, S. (2020). An integrated approach of analytic hierarchy process and triangu-lar fuzzy sets for analyzing the park-and-ride facility location problem. Symmetry, 12(8).
Pabedinskaitė, A., & Akstinaitė, V. (2014). Evaluation of the Airport Service Quality. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110.
Purnomo, A., & Syafrianita. (2024a). Incorporating Time Value of Money into Lot-Sizing Decisions for Improved Supply Chain Performance. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 14(3), 514–532.
Purnomo, A., Syafrianita. (2024b). Towards sustainable polio vaccine distribution: Evaluating a green metrics framework in In-donesia's pharmaceutical industry. Decision Science Letters, 13(3),
Rosenow, J. (2018). Minimizing contrail formation by rerouting around dynamic ice-supersaturated regions. Aeronautics and Aero-space Open Access Journal, 2(3).
Sarkis, J., & Talluri, S. (2004). Performance based clustering for benchmarking of US airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38(5).
Schumann, U., Graf, K., & Mannstein, H. (2011). Potential to reduce the climate impact of aviation by flight level changes. 3rd AIAA Atmospheric Space Environments Conference.
Stofkova, J., Krejnus, M., Stofkova, K. R., Malega, P., & Binasova, V. (2022). Use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Selected Methods in the Managerial Decision-Making Process in the Context of Sustainable Development. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(18).
Su, M., Fang, M., Pang, Q., & Park, K. S. (2022). Exploring the role of sustainable logistics service providers in multinational supply chain cooperation: An integrated theory-based perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
Suárez-Gargallo, C., & Zaragoza-Sáez, P. (2023). A comprehensive bibliometric study of the balanced scorecard. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97.
Survey Research Methods. (2012). Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(1).
Tawse, A., & Tabesh, P. (2023). Thirty years with the balanced scorecard: What we have learned. Business Horizons, 66(1).
Terzi, E. (2019). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Solve Complex Decision Problems. Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Com-puting, 8(1).
Trisyulianti, E., Prihartono, B., Andriani, M., & Suryadi, K. (2023). A conceptual framework for a value-based sustainability bal-anced scorecard. Sustainable Development, 31(3).
Wang, X., Chen, Z., & Li, K. (2022). Quantifying the Resilience Performance of Airport Flight Operation to Severe Weather. Aero-space, 9(7).
Wang, Y. L., & Liao, C. N. (2023). Assessment of Sustainable Reverse Logistic Provider Using the Fuzzy TOPSIS and MSGP Framework in Food Industry. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5).
Yontar, E. (2022). Assessment of the logistics activities with a structural model on the basis of improvement of sustainability per-formance. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(45).
Abonyi, J., Ipkovich, Á., Dörgo, G., & Héberger, K. (2023). Matrix factorization-based multi-objective ranking-What makes a good university? PLoS ONE, 18(4 APRIL).
Adisasmita, S. A., & Caroles, L. (2021). Multi-Airport System Development Model: Case Study of Airports in Indonesia. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 7(Special Issue).
Adler, N., & Berechman, J. (2001). Measuring airport quality from the airlines’ viewpoint: An application of data envelopment analysis. Transport Policy, 8(3).
Agarwal, S., Kant, R., & Shankar, R. (2022). Exploring sustainability balanced scorecard for performance evaluation of humani-tarian organizations. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 3.
Ahn, B. S. (2017). The analytic hierarchy process with interval preference statements. Omega (United Kingdom), 67.
Al-Mawali, H. (2023). Proposing a strategy map based on sustainability balanced scorecard and DEMATEL for manufacturing companies. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 14(3).
Atapattu, A. M. D. S., Hadiwattage, C., Perera, B. A. K. S., & Rajaratnam, D. (2024). Employing criteria scoring matrix in ap-praising the economic return of transcending to a circular built environment. Smart and Sustainable Built Environment, 13(2).
Bhagwat, R., & Sharma, M. K. (2007). Performance measurement of supply chain management: A balanced scorecard approach. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 53(1).
Brewer, P. C., & Speh, T. W. (2000). Using the balanced scorecard to measure supply chain performance. Journal of Business.
Caldeirinha, V., Felício, J. A., & Pinho, T. (2023). Role of Cargo Owner in Logistic Chain Sustainability. Sustainability (Switzer-land), 15(13).
Cantarelli, C. C., Flybjerg, B., Molin, E. J. E., & Wee, B. van. (2018). Cost Overruns in Large-Scale Transport Infrastructure Pro-jects. Automation in Construction, 2(1).
Chai, J., Liu, J. N. K., & Ngai, E. W. T. (2013). Application of decision-making techniques in supplier selection: A systematic re-view of literature. Expert Systems with Applications, 40(10).
Chakraborty, S., Ghosh, S., Sarker, B., & Chakraborty, S. (2020). An integrated performance evaluation approach for the Indian international airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 88.
Cheng, H., Zheng, S., & Feng, J. (2022). A Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Method for Sustainable Ferry Operator Selection: A Case Study. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(10).
Davis, S., & Albright, T. (2004). An investigation of the effect of Balanced Scorecard implementation of financial performance. Management Accounting Research, 15(2).
de Souza, E. D., Kerber, J. C., Bouzon, M., & Rodriguez, C. M. T. (2022). Performance evaluation of green logistics: Paving the way towards circular economy. Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, 3.
Deveci, M., Pamucar, D., Gokasar, I., Delen, D., Wu, Q., & Simic, V. (2022). An analytics approach to decision alternative priori-tization for zero-emission zone logistics. Journal of Business Research, 146.
Dhingra, T., Sengar, A., & Sajith, S. (2022). A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process-based analysis for prioritization of barriers to off-shore wind energy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 345.
Dmytro, B., Anton, B., Nadia, P., Natalia, S., & Danylo, B. (2022). Role of ICAO CO2 emissions standard for new aircraft in civil aviation sustainable development process. Electronic Scientific Journal Intellectualization of Logistics and Supply Chain Man-agement #1 2020, 1(13).
Dožić, S., Babić, D., Kalić, M., & Živojinović, S. (2023). An AHP approach to airport choice by freight forwarder. Sustainable Fu-tures, 5.
Dudic, Z., Dudic, B., Gregus, M., Novackova, D., & Djakovic, I. (2020). The innovativeness and usage of the balanced scorecard model in SMEs. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(8).
EC. (2020). Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy: Putting European transport on track for the future. European Commission,.
Elbanna, S., Kamel, H., Fatima, T., & Eid, R. (2022). An investigation of the causality links in the balanced scorecard: The case of the Gulf Cooperation Council hospitality industry. Tourism Management Perspectives, 41.
Fasone, V., & Zapata-Aguirre, S. (2016). Measuring business performance in the airport context: a critical review of literature. In International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Vol. 65, Issue 8).
Felix, G. H. (1985). Productivity by the Objectives Matrix.
Garcia-Buendia, N., Kristensen, T. B., Moyano-Fuentes, J., & Maqueira-Marín, J. M. (2024). Performance measurement of lean supply chain management: a balanced scorecard proposal. Production Planning and Control, 35(6).
Garg, C. P. (2020). Evaluation of the airport service quality indicators using fuzzy AHP framework: An Indian perspective. In In-ternational Journal of Services and Operations Management (Vol. 37, Issue 3).
Graham, A. (2023). Managing airports: An international perspective. In Managing Airports: An International Perspective.
Guerrero-Martin, C. A., Ortega-Ramírez, A. T., Rodríguez, P. A. P., López, S. J. R., Guerrero-Martin, L. E., Salinas-Silva, R., & Camacho-Galindo, S. (2023). Analysis of Environmental Sustainability through a Weighting Matrix in the Oil and Gas Indus-try. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(11).
Guo, R., & Wu, Z. (2023). Social sustainable supply chain performance assessment using hybrid fuzzy-AHP–DEMATEL–VIKOR: a case study in manufacturing enterprises. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 25(11).
Gupta, A., Singh, R. K., & Mangla, S. K. (2022). Evaluation of logistics providers for sustainable service quality: Analytics based decision making framework. Annals of Operations Research, 315(2).
Hansen, E. G., & Schaltegger, S. (2018). Sustainability Balanced Scorecards and their Architectures: Irrelevant or Misunderstood? Journal of Business Ethics, 150(4).
Hoque, Z., & James, W. (2000). Linking Balanced Scorecard Measures to Size and Market Factors: Impact on Organizational Per-formance. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 12(1).
Inamete, U. B. (1993). Key Elements in Managing Airports: The Policy Environment and Increasing Efficiency. International Jour-nal of Public Sector Management, 6(5).
Kaiser, M., Rosenow, J., Fricke, H., & Schultz, M. (2012). Tradeoff between optimum altitude and contrail layer to ensure maxi-mum ecological en-route performance using the enhanced trajectory prediction model (ETPM). Proceedings of the 2nd Interna-tional Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems.
Kumar, M., Raut, R. D., Jagtap, S., & Choubey, V. K. (2023). Circular economy adoption challenges in the food supply chain for sustainable development. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(4).
Kumar, P., & Singh, R. K. (2012). A fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS methodology to evaluate 3PL in a supply chain. Journal of Model-ling in Management, 7(3).
L’Abate, V., Vitolla, F., Esposito, P., & Raimo, N. (2023). The drivers of sustainability disclosure practices in the airport indus-try: A legitimacy theory perspective. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30(4).
Leal, J. E. (2020). AHP-express: A simplified version of the analytical hierarchy process method. MethodsX, 7.
Lu, M. T., Hsu, C. C., Liou, J. J. H., & Lo, H. W. (2018). A hybrid MCDM and sustainability-balanced scorecard model to estab-lish sustainable performance evaluation for international airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 71.
Malina, M. A., & Selto, F. H. (2001). Communicating and Controlling Strategy: An Empirical Study of the Effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard. Journal of Management Accounting Research, 13(1).
Mańkowska, M., Tłoczyński, D., Wach-Kloskowska, M., & Bulczak, G. (2023). Factors determining the implementation of green practices in airport management. The case study of Polish airports. Journal of Air Transport Management, 111.
Melly Anne Dharasta, Y. S., Dewantari, A., & Awan. (2022). STRATEGI PELAYANAN PRIMA PT ANGKASA PURA I DI YOGYAKARTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Jurnal Manajemen Dirgantara, 15(1).
Menteri Perhubungan. (2013). Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan No 69 Tahun 2013 Tentang Tatanan Kebandarudaraan Nasional. Kementrian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia, 65(1046).
Modarress Fathi, B., Ansari, A., & Ansari, A. (2023). Green Commercial Aviation Supply Chain—A European Path to Environ-mental Sustainability. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(8).
Mohammadkhani, A., & Mousavi, S. M. (2023). A new last aggregation fuzzy compromise solution approach for evaluating sus-tainable third-party reverse logistics providers with an application to food industry. Expert Systems with Applications, 216.
Nandi, A. K. (2023). From Multiple Independent Metrics to Single Performance Measure Based on Objective Function. IEEE Ac-cess, 11.
Nazim, M., Wali Mohammad, C., & Sadiq, M. (2022). A comparison between fuzzy AHP and fuzzy TOPSIS methods to software requirements selection. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 61(12).
Ortega, J., Tóth, J., Moslem, S., Péter, T., & Duleba, S. (2020). An integrated approach of analytic hierarchy process and triangu-lar fuzzy sets for analyzing the park-and-ride facility location problem. Symmetry, 12(8).
Pabedinskaitė, A., & Akstinaitė, V. (2014). Evaluation of the Airport Service Quality. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110.
Purnomo, A., & Syafrianita. (2024a). Incorporating Time Value of Money into Lot-Sizing Decisions for Improved Supply Chain Performance. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 14(3), 514–532.
Purnomo, A., Syafrianita. (2024b). Towards sustainable polio vaccine distribution: Evaluating a green metrics framework in In-donesia's pharmaceutical industry. Decision Science Letters, 13(3),
Rosenow, J. (2018). Minimizing contrail formation by rerouting around dynamic ice-supersaturated regions. Aeronautics and Aero-space Open Access Journal, 2(3).
Sarkis, J., & Talluri, S. (2004). Performance based clustering for benchmarking of US airports. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 38(5).
Schumann, U., Graf, K., & Mannstein, H. (2011). Potential to reduce the climate impact of aviation by flight level changes. 3rd AIAA Atmospheric Space Environments Conference.
Stofkova, J., Krejnus, M., Stofkova, K. R., Malega, P., & Binasova, V. (2022). Use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process and Selected Methods in the Managerial Decision-Making Process in the Context of Sustainable Development. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(18).
Su, M., Fang, M., Pang, Q., & Park, K. S. (2022). Exploring the role of sustainable logistics service providers in multinational supply chain cooperation: An integrated theory-based perspective. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10.
Suárez-Gargallo, C., & Zaragoza-Sáez, P. (2023). A comprehensive bibliometric study of the balanced scorecard. Evaluation and Program Planning, 97.
Survey Research Methods. (2012). Journal of Organizational Change Management, 25(1).
Tawse, A., & Tabesh, P. (2023). Thirty years with the balanced scorecard: What we have learned. Business Horizons, 66(1).
Terzi, E. (2019). Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to Solve Complex Decision Problems. Southeast Europe Journal of Soft Com-puting, 8(1).
Trisyulianti, E., Prihartono, B., Andriani, M., & Suryadi, K. (2023). A conceptual framework for a value-based sustainability bal-anced scorecard. Sustainable Development, 31(3).
Wang, X., Chen, Z., & Li, K. (2022). Quantifying the Resilience Performance of Airport Flight Operation to Severe Weather. Aero-space, 9(7).
Wang, Y. L., & Liao, C. N. (2023). Assessment of Sustainable Reverse Logistic Provider Using the Fuzzy TOPSIS and MSGP Framework in Food Industry. Sustainability (Switzerland), 15(5).
Yontar, E. (2022). Assessment of the logistics activities with a structural model on the basis of improvement of sustainability per-formance. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29(45).