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Garg, R & Jain, D. (2017). Fuzzy multi-attribute decision making evaluation of e-learning websites using FAHP, COPRAS, VIKOR, WDBA.Decision Science Letters , 6(4), 351-364.
Alias, N., Zakariah, Z., Ismail, N. Z., & Aziz, M. N. A. (2012). E-Learning successful elements for higher learning institution in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 67, 484-489.
Aparicio, M., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016). An e-Learning Theoretical Framework. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), 292-307.
Cheawjindakarn, B., Suwannatthachote, P., & Theeraroungchaisri, A. (2013). Critical success factors for online distance learning in higher education: A review of the literature. Creative Education, 3(8), 61.
Covella, G. J., & Olsina Santos, L. A. (2002). Specifying quality characteristics and attributes for E-Learning sites. In IV Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación.
Ehlers, U. D. (2004). Quality in e-learning from a learner's perspective. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 7(1).
FitzPatrick, T. (2012). Key Success Factors of eLearning in Education: A Professional Development Model to Evaluate and Support eLearning. Online Submission.
Garg, R. K., Gupta, V. K., & Agrawal, V. P. (2007). Quality evaluation of a thermal power plant by graph-theoretical methodology. International journal of power & energy systems, 27(1), 42.
Garg, R. K., Sharma, K., Nagpal, C. K., Garg, R., Garg, R., & Kumar, R. (2013). Ranking of software engineering metrics by fuzzy‐based matrix methodology. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 23(2), 149-168.
Gupta, A., Garg, R. K., & Tewari, P. C. (2013). Multi-Criteria Ranking of Inventory Ordering Policies Using Fuzzy Based-Distance Based Approach for Indian Automotive Industry. i-Manager's Journal on Management, 8(1), 41.
Garg, R., Sharma, R., & Sharma, K. (2016). Ranking and selection of commercial off-the-shelf using fuzzy distance based approach. Decision Science Letters, 5(2), 201-210.
Govindasamy, T. (2001). Successful implementation of e-learning: Pedagogical considerations. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(3), 287-299.
Jain, D., Garg, R., Bansal, A., & Saini, K. K. (2016). Selection and ranking of E-learning websites using weighted distance-based approximation. Journal of Computers in Education, 3(2), 193-207.
Jarial, S. K., & Garg, R. K. (2012). Ranking of vendors based on criteria by MCDM-matrix method-a case study for commercial vehicles in an industry. International Journal og Latestest Research in Science and Technoly, 1(4), 337-341.
Le Blanc, A., & Wands, M. (2001). Critical success factors: e-learning solutions cappuccino. The official E-Newsletter of the Change and Learning Practice, 2.
Mosakhani, M., & Jamporazmey, M. (2010, September). Introduce critical success factors (CSFs) of elearning for evaluating e-learning implementation success. In Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT), 2010 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. V1-224). IEEE.
Mahanta, D., & Ahmed, M. (2012). E-Learning objectives, methodologies, tools and its limitation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2, 46-51.
Opricovic, S. (1998). Multicriteria optimization of civil engineering systems. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, 2(1), 5-21.
Ozkan, S., & Koseler, R. (2009, October). Multi-dimensional evaluation of E-learning systems in the higher education context: an empirical investigation of a computer literacy course. In Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009. FIE'09. 39th IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Oztekin, A., Delen, D., Turkyilmaz, A., & Zaim, S. (2013). A machine learning-based usability evaluation method for eLearning systems. Decision Support Systems, 56, 63-73.
Öztürk, Z. K. (2014). Using A Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach For Open And Distance Learning System Selection. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology– An Applied Sciences And Engineering, 15(1), 1-14.
Plantak Vukovac, D., Kirinic, V., & Klicek, B. (2010). A comparison of usability evaluation methods for e-learning systems. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 271-288.
Pruengkarn, R., Praneetpolgrang, P., & Srivihok, A. (2005, July). An evaluation model for e-learning Websites in Thailand University. In Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005. ICALT 2005. Fifth IEEE International Conference on (pp. 161-162). IEEE.
Rao, R. (2012). Weighted Euclidean distance based approach as a multiple attribute decision making method for plant or facility layout design selection. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 3(3), 365-382.
Sela, E., & Sivan, Y. Y. (2009). Enterprise e-learning success factors: An analysis of practitioners’ perspective (with a downturn addendum).Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5(1), 335-343.
Selim, H. M. (2007). Critical success factors for E-learning acceptance: Confirmatory factor models. Computers & Education, 49(2), 396-413.
Soong, M. B., Chan, H. C., Chua, B. C., & Loh, K. F. (2001). Critical success factors for on-line course resources. Computers & Education, 36(2), 101-120.
Saaty, T.L. (1980). The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Volery, T., & Lord, D. (2000). Critical success factors in online education. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(5), 216-223.
Xaymoungkhoun, O., Bhuasiri, W., Rho, J. J., Zo, H., & Kim, M. G. (2012). The critical success factors of e-learning in developing countries. Korea, 305, 701.
Yunus, Y., & Salim, J. (2013). E-learning evaluation in Malaysian public sector from the pedagogical perspective: towards e-learning effectiveness. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 51(2).
Zadeh L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8, 338–353.
Zaman, W., Ghosh, P., Datta, K., & Basu, P. N. (2012). A Framework to Incorporate Quality Aspects for e-Learning System in a Consortium Environment. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2(2), 159.
Zavadskas, E. K., Kaklauskas, A., & Sarka, V. (1994). The new method of multi-criteria complex proportional assessment of projects. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1(3), 131-139.
Aparicio, M., Bacao, F., & Oliveira, T. (2016). An e-Learning Theoretical Framework. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 19(1), 292-307.
Cheawjindakarn, B., Suwannatthachote, P., & Theeraroungchaisri, A. (2013). Critical success factors for online distance learning in higher education: A review of the literature. Creative Education, 3(8), 61.
Covella, G. J., & Olsina Santos, L. A. (2002). Specifying quality characteristics and attributes for E-Learning sites. In IV Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación.
Ehlers, U. D. (2004). Quality in e-learning from a learner's perspective. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning, 7(1).
FitzPatrick, T. (2012). Key Success Factors of eLearning in Education: A Professional Development Model to Evaluate and Support eLearning. Online Submission.
Garg, R. K., Gupta, V. K., & Agrawal, V. P. (2007). Quality evaluation of a thermal power plant by graph-theoretical methodology. International journal of power & energy systems, 27(1), 42.
Garg, R. K., Sharma, K., Nagpal, C. K., Garg, R., Garg, R., & Kumar, R. (2013). Ranking of software engineering metrics by fuzzy‐based matrix methodology. Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, 23(2), 149-168.
Gupta, A., Garg, R. K., & Tewari, P. C. (2013). Multi-Criteria Ranking of Inventory Ordering Policies Using Fuzzy Based-Distance Based Approach for Indian Automotive Industry. i-Manager's Journal on Management, 8(1), 41.
Garg, R., Sharma, R., & Sharma, K. (2016). Ranking and selection of commercial off-the-shelf using fuzzy distance based approach. Decision Science Letters, 5(2), 201-210.
Govindasamy, T. (2001). Successful implementation of e-learning: Pedagogical considerations. The Internet and Higher Education, 4(3), 287-299.
Jain, D., Garg, R., Bansal, A., & Saini, K. K. (2016). Selection and ranking of E-learning websites using weighted distance-based approximation. Journal of Computers in Education, 3(2), 193-207.
Jarial, S. K., & Garg, R. K. (2012). Ranking of vendors based on criteria by MCDM-matrix method-a case study for commercial vehicles in an industry. International Journal og Latestest Research in Science and Technoly, 1(4), 337-341.
Le Blanc, A., & Wands, M. (2001). Critical success factors: e-learning solutions cappuccino. The official E-Newsletter of the Change and Learning Practice, 2.
Mosakhani, M., & Jamporazmey, M. (2010, September). Introduce critical success factors (CSFs) of elearning for evaluating e-learning implementation success. In Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT), 2010 International Conference on (Vol. 1, pp. V1-224). IEEE.
Mahanta, D., & Ahmed, M. (2012). E-Learning objectives, methodologies, tools and its limitation. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 2, 46-51.
Opricovic, S. (1998). Multicriteria optimization of civil engineering systems. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Belgrade, 2(1), 5-21.
Ozkan, S., & Koseler, R. (2009, October). Multi-dimensional evaluation of E-learning systems in the higher education context: an empirical investigation of a computer literacy course. In Frontiers in Education Conference, 2009. FIE'09. 39th IEEE (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Oztekin, A., Delen, D., Turkyilmaz, A., & Zaim, S. (2013). A machine learning-based usability evaluation method for eLearning systems. Decision Support Systems, 56, 63-73.
Öztürk, Z. K. (2014). Using A Multi Criteria Decision Making Approach For Open And Distance Learning System Selection. Anadolu University Journal of Science and Technology– An Applied Sciences And Engineering, 15(1), 1-14.
Plantak Vukovac, D., Kirinic, V., & Klicek, B. (2010). A comparison of usability evaluation methods for e-learning systems. DAAAM International Scientific Book, 271-288.
Pruengkarn, R., Praneetpolgrang, P., & Srivihok, A. (2005, July). An evaluation model for e-learning Websites in Thailand University. In Advanced Learning Technologies, 2005. ICALT 2005. Fifth IEEE International Conference on (pp. 161-162). IEEE.
Rao, R. (2012). Weighted Euclidean distance based approach as a multiple attribute decision making method for plant or facility layout design selection. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 3(3), 365-382.
Sela, E., & Sivan, Y. Y. (2009). Enterprise e-learning success factors: An analysis of practitioners’ perspective (with a downturn addendum).Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects, 5(1), 335-343.
Selim, H. M. (2007). Critical success factors for E-learning acceptance: Confirmatory factor models. Computers & Education, 49(2), 396-413.
Soong, M. B., Chan, H. C., Chua, B. C., & Loh, K. F. (2001). Critical success factors for on-line course resources. Computers & Education, 36(2), 101-120.
Saaty, T.L. (1980). The analytic hierarchy process. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1980.
Volery, T., & Lord, D. (2000). Critical success factors in online education. International Journal of Educational Management, 14(5), 216-223.
Xaymoungkhoun, O., Bhuasiri, W., Rho, J. J., Zo, H., & Kim, M. G. (2012). The critical success factors of e-learning in developing countries. Korea, 305, 701.
Yunus, Y., & Salim, J. (2013). E-learning evaluation in Malaysian public sector from the pedagogical perspective: towards e-learning effectiveness. Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology, 51(2).
Zadeh L. A. (1965). Fuzzy sets. Information and Control, 8, 338–353.
Zaman, W., Ghosh, P., Datta, K., & Basu, P. N. (2012). A Framework to Incorporate Quality Aspects for e-Learning System in a Consortium Environment. International Journal of Information and Education Technology, 2(2), 159.
Zavadskas, E. K., Kaklauskas, A., & Sarka, V. (1994). The new method of multi-criteria complex proportional assessment of projects. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 1(3), 131-139.