The significant of supply chain management (SCM) on the performance of organization's is described and evaluated in this study. The role of operational performance is examined regarding supply chain i... in textile and apparel sector which is crucial for the performance of whole organization. Textile industry of Indonesia in terms of revenue is anticipated to grow at an aggregated gross rate of 6.01%, during forecasted period, 2015-2025. Excellent SCM is necessary for managing this growth. Supply chain role is very crucial in this industry for flourishing but unfortunately operational performance of supply chain is not performing on required level. This is a cross sectional type of research and data collection from textile and apparel firm managers which directly supervise to supply chain division. Currently business environment is very competitive and organizations need to focus on SCOP except organizational performance. In this study, we try to find the solution of this problem after analyzing through jointly the mediating role of Information Technology (IT) and independence effect of Relational Capability (RC) and Organizational Culture Capability (OCC) on supply chain operational performance in Indonesian apparel and textile industry. Results indicate that this research is helpful to resolve supply chain operational issues in Indonesia more