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Umoru, D., Igbinovia, B., Muhammed, E & Ali, R. (2025). Volatility dynamics of stock returns, liquidity and exchange rates in ASEAN Countries.Accounting, 11(1), 49-70.
Aawaar, G., Logogye, L., & Domeher, D. (2023). Equity return volatility in Africa’s stock markets: A dynamic panel approach. Cogent Economics & Finance. 11. 10.1080/23322039.2023.2258704.
Ali, A., Rahman, H.U., Arian, A., Sands, J. (2023). Flight-to-liquidity and excess stock return: empirical evidence from a dynamic panel model. J. Risk Financial Management, 16, 515.
Almeida, H. (2021). Liquidity management during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 50(1), 7-24.
Apergis, N., &Vouzavlis, C. (2001). Price volatility and financial instability in emerging markets. IMF Working Paper, WP/01/060.
Ayesha, J., Muhammad, Y., Yasmeen, A., Sadaf, Y., Jihoon, M., Seungmin, R. (2022). An empirical study of macroeconomic factors and stock returns in the context of economic uncertainty news sentiment using machine learning.
Bakala, T. (2024). The validity of Keynes’ preference for liquidity principle in the endogenous money supply thesis among post-keynesians. iBusiness, 16, 1-23. doi: 10.4236/ib.2024.161001.
Bakar, N. A., & Rosbi, S. (2019). Robust statistical portfolio investment in modern portfolio theory: a case study of two stocks combination in Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 8.
Bhattacharya, S. N., Bhattacharya, M., Basu, S., & Elgammal, M. M. (2019). Stock market and its liquidity: Evidence from ARDL bound testing approach in the Indian context. Cogent Economics & Finance, 7(1).
Chikwira, C., & Mohammed, J. I. (2023). The impact of the stock market on liquidity and economic growth: Evidence of volatile market. Economies , 11, 155.
Culham, J. (2020). Revisiting the concept of liquidity in liquidity preference. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(3), 491–505,
Defrizal, D., Romli, K., Purnomo, A., & Subing, H. A. (2021). A sectoral stock investment strategy model in Indonesia stock exchange. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(1), 15-22.
Deng, H. (2024). Is Asia on the precipice of a currency crisis? Exploring regional risks and implications on the global economy. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection. 3764.
Díaz, A., & Escribano, A. (2022). Liquidity dimensions in the US corporate bond markets. International Review of Economics & Finance 80: 1163–79.
Dimitris, C., Dimitris, G., Tullio, J., Geoff, K.(2024). Wealth shocks and portfolio choice. Journal of Monetary Economics, 103632,
Doojin, R., Robert, I. W., Jinyoung, Y. (2024). Stock price synchronicity and market liquidity: The role of funding liquidity. Finance Research Letters, 61.
Effiong, S., & Ejabu, F. (2020). Liquidity risk management and financial performance: are consumer goods companies involved?. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 9. 2277-3878. 10.35940/ijrte.A1692.059120.
Fakhroni, Z., Ghozali, I., Harto, P., & Yuyetta, E. N. A. (2018). Free cash flow, investment inefficiency, and earnings management: evidence from manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15, (1), 299-310.
Fama, E. F. (1995). Random walks in stock market prices. Financial Analysts Journal 51(1), 75-80,
Fama, E. F., & Kenneth R. F. (1989). Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 23-49.
Fama, E. F., & Kenneth R. F. (1992). The cross-section of expected stock returns. The Journal of Finance 47, 427-65.
Gholami, A., Sands, J., & Syed, S. (2023). Corporates’ sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk. Meditari Accountancy Research 31: 861-86.
Hacini, I., Boulenfad, A., & Dahou. (2021). The impact of liquidity risk management on the financial performance of Saudi Arabian Banks. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal. 11. 67-75. 10.5195/emaj.2021.221.
Hiya, N., & Syafi’i, M. (2021). Contribution of investment efficiency in the relationship of free cash flow and firm value at Indonesia stock exchange. Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(4), 11116-11126.
Jian, H., Peng, L., Schwartz, R. A., & Alan, N. S. (202)). Resiliency and stock returns. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(2), 747–782,
Jossa, B. (2021). Liquidity preference theory or loanable funds theory. Archives of Business Research, 9(8), 87–91.
Komba, C., Sobe, P. A. & Mwakujonga, J. (2024). Effects of interest and exchange rate volatility on stock returns: evidence from the financial sector of Tanzania. NG-Journal of Social Development, 13(1), 215-225.
Kontuš, E., & Mihanović, D. (2019). Management of liquidity and liquid assets in small and medium-sized enterprises. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), 3247-3265.
Li, S., Teng, Z., & Yingxiang, L. (2019). Flight-to-liquidity: Evidence from China’s stock market. Emerging Markets Review 38: 159-81.
Li, Z., Wei, S. Y., Chunyan, L., N. Aldoseri, M. M., Qadus, A., & Hishan, S. S. (2021). The impact of CSR and green investment on stock return of Chinese export industry. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-17.
Malkiel, B. G. (2020). A Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2020).
Marozva, G. (2019). Liquidity and stock returns: new evidence from Johannesburg stock exchange. The Journal of Developing Areas, 53(2), 79-90.
Masahiro, Y., Takatoshi, I. (2022). Price discovery and liquidity recovery: Forex market reactions to macro announcements. Journal of International Money and Finance, 120, 102502,
Mettle, F. O., Aidoo, E. K., Dowuona, C. O. N., & Agyekum, L. (2024). Analysis of investment returns as Markov chain random walk. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
Mexmonov, S. (2020). World experience of stock exchange operations. Архив научных исследований, 33(1).
Mondher, B. & Martinez, I. (2019). Efficient market hypothesis: an experimental study with uncertainty and asymmetric information. Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 22(4), 27-51, December.
Murebu, W. K., Kuria, A., & Kariuki, B. (2024). Liquidity management practices and performance of horticultural firms in Laikipia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 249 – 260.
Musneh, R., Abdul K. M.R., & Arokiadasan, B.C.G.A. (2021). Liquidity risk and stock returns: empirical evidence from industrial products and services sector in Bursa Malaysia. Futur Bus J 7, 60.
Muzaffar, Z, & Malik, I. R. (2024). Market liquidity and volatility: Does economic policy uncertainty matter? Evidence from Asian emerging economies. PLoS One, 19(6):e0301597. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301597.
Nyakurukwa, K. & Seetharam, Y. (2023). Alternatives to the efficient market hypothesis: an overview. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 7(2), 111-124.
Oluwafemi, O., & Balogun, O. (2024). Random walk theory and application. World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 11. 346-367. 10.30574/wjaets.2024.11.2.0116.
Papadamou, S., Koulis, A., Kyriakopoulos, C. F., Athanasios, P. (2022). Cannabis stocks returns: The role of liquidity and investors' attention via google metrics . International Journal of Financial Studies 10(1), 1-11
Peng, C. (2023). Research on the influencing factors of stock returns. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences. 6. 337-344. 10.54254/2754-1169/6/20220170.
Rajan, R., Rajest, S., Shynu, T., & Steffi, R. (2024). Factors influencing the efficient market hypothesis: a stock exchange case study. 7. 75-89. 10.31150/ajebm.v7i3.
Rangkuti, M. M. (2019). The effect of intellectual capital and financial performance on firm value with return on investment as a modeling variable in the mining industry listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Finance, 2(4), 1-11.
Sethy, T. K., & Tripathy, N. P. (2024). A new method for estimating liquidity and stock returns in Indian stock market (2024). China Accounting & Finance Review, 26(2), [10.1108/CAFR-05-2023-0052],
Sourav, S. (2024). Random Walk Theory - What is Random Walk Theory?
Sun, Y., & Zeng, X. (2022). Efficient markets: information or sentiment? doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4293484, available at:
Tauseef, S., & Dupuy, P. (2022). Pakistan: A study of market’s returns and anomalies. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 27, 344–63.
Toan, N. B. & Thu-Trang, T. D. (2021). The impact of stock market development on economic growth: A GMM approach. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 18(3), 74-81. doi:10.21511/imfi.18(3).2021.07
Tran, V.L. and Leirvik, T. (2019). A simple but powerful measure of market Efficiency, Finance Research Letters, 29, 141-151, doi: 10.1016/
Umoru, D. et al. (2024). Volatility spillovers across bitcoin, stock, and exchange rates markets. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 51-71.
Violita, C. (2019). Stock liquidity and stock return. Ekspektra: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen 3(2),111. 10.25139/ekt.v3i2.2047.
Wang, A., Hudson, R., Rhodes, M., Zhang, S., Gregoriou, A. (2021). Stock liquidity and return distribution: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange. Finance Research Letters, 39, 101539,
Wray, L. R. (2023). Post-Keynesian liquidity preference theory four decades later: a reexamination. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 46(4), 498–516.
Yang, Y., & Peng, Z. (2024). Openness and real exchange rate volatility: Evidence from China. Open Econ Rev 35, 121–158.
Yasuhiro, I. & Takehide, H. (2022). Liquidity shock and stock returns in the Japanese equity Market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 75, 101849.
Yaya, O. S., Adenikinju, O. O., & Olayinka, H. A. (2024). African stock markets’ connectedness: Quantile VAR approach. Modern Finance, 2(1), 51-68.
Yoon, Y. H., & Neupane, G. (2024). Liquidity preference, interest rate spread, and the transformation of the us financial system. Review of Radical Political Economics, 56(4), 497-509.
Zarei, Z., Kasmaei, H. G., & Akbari, M. L. (2019). The effect of exchange rate on stock index returns in selected developing countries. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13(1), 120-129
Zhang, M., Zhu, B., Li, Z. et al. (2024). Relationships among return and liquidity of cryptocurrencies. Financ Innov 10, 3.
Ali, A., Rahman, H.U., Arian, A., Sands, J. (2023). Flight-to-liquidity and excess stock return: empirical evidence from a dynamic panel model. J. Risk Financial Management, 16, 515.
Almeida, H. (2021). Liquidity management during the Covid‐19 pandemic. Asia‐Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, 50(1), 7-24.
Apergis, N., &Vouzavlis, C. (2001). Price volatility and financial instability in emerging markets. IMF Working Paper, WP/01/060.
Ayesha, J., Muhammad, Y., Yasmeen, A., Sadaf, Y., Jihoon, M., Seungmin, R. (2022). An empirical study of macroeconomic factors and stock returns in the context of economic uncertainty news sentiment using machine learning.
Bakala, T. (2024). The validity of Keynes’ preference for liquidity principle in the endogenous money supply thesis among post-keynesians. iBusiness, 16, 1-23. doi: 10.4236/ib.2024.161001.
Bakar, N. A., & Rosbi, S. (2019). Robust statistical portfolio investment in modern portfolio theory: a case study of two stocks combination in Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 8.
Bhattacharya, S. N., Bhattacharya, M., Basu, S., & Elgammal, M. M. (2019). Stock market and its liquidity: Evidence from ARDL bound testing approach in the Indian context. Cogent Economics & Finance, 7(1).
Chikwira, C., & Mohammed, J. I. (2023). The impact of the stock market on liquidity and economic growth: Evidence of volatile market. Economies , 11, 155.
Culham, J. (2020). Revisiting the concept of liquidity in liquidity preference. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 44(3), 491–505,
Defrizal, D., Romli, K., Purnomo, A., & Subing, H. A. (2021). A sectoral stock investment strategy model in Indonesia stock exchange. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics, and Business, 8(1), 15-22.
Deng, H. (2024). Is Asia on the precipice of a currency crisis? Exploring regional risks and implications on the global economy. Independent Study Project (ISP) Collection. 3764.
Díaz, A., & Escribano, A. (2022). Liquidity dimensions in the US corporate bond markets. International Review of Economics & Finance 80: 1163–79.
Dimitris, C., Dimitris, G., Tullio, J., Geoff, K.(2024). Wealth shocks and portfolio choice. Journal of Monetary Economics, 103632,
Doojin, R., Robert, I. W., Jinyoung, Y. (2024). Stock price synchronicity and market liquidity: The role of funding liquidity. Finance Research Letters, 61.
Effiong, S., & Ejabu, F. (2020). Liquidity risk management and financial performance: are consumer goods companies involved?. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. 9. 2277-3878. 10.35940/ijrte.A1692.059120.
Fakhroni, Z., Ghozali, I., Harto, P., & Yuyetta, E. N. A. (2018). Free cash flow, investment inefficiency, and earnings management: evidence from manufacturing firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 15, (1), 299-310.
Fama, E. F. (1995). Random walks in stock market prices. Financial Analysts Journal 51(1), 75-80,
Fama, E. F., & Kenneth R. F. (1989). Business conditions and expected returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of Financial Economics 25, 23-49.
Fama, E. F., & Kenneth R. F. (1992). The cross-section of expected stock returns. The Journal of Finance 47, 427-65.
Gholami, A., Sands, J., & Syed, S. (2023). Corporates’ sustainability disclosures impact on cost of capital and idiosyncratic risk. Meditari Accountancy Research 31: 861-86.
Hacini, I., Boulenfad, A., & Dahou. (2021). The impact of liquidity risk management on the financial performance of Saudi Arabian Banks. EMAJ: Emerging Markets Journal. 11. 67-75. 10.5195/emaj.2021.221.
Hiya, N., & Syafi’i, M. (2021). Contribution of investment efficiency in the relationship of free cash flow and firm value at Indonesia stock exchange. Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(4), 11116-11126.
Jian, H., Peng, L., Schwartz, R. A., & Alan, N. S. (202)). Resiliency and stock returns. The Review of Financial Studies, 33(2), 747–782,
Jossa, B. (2021). Liquidity preference theory or loanable funds theory. Archives of Business Research, 9(8), 87–91.
Komba, C., Sobe, P. A. & Mwakujonga, J. (2024). Effects of interest and exchange rate volatility on stock returns: evidence from the financial sector of Tanzania. NG-Journal of Social Development, 13(1), 215-225.
Kontuš, E., & Mihanović, D. (2019). Management of liquidity and liquid assets in small and medium-sized enterprises. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 32(1), 3247-3265.
Li, S., Teng, Z., & Yingxiang, L. (2019). Flight-to-liquidity: Evidence from China’s stock market. Emerging Markets Review 38: 159-81.
Li, Z., Wei, S. Y., Chunyan, L., N. Aldoseri, M. M., Qadus, A., & Hishan, S. S. (2021). The impact of CSR and green investment on stock return of Chinese export industry. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-17.
Malkiel, B. G. (2020). A Random Walk down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company, 2020).
Marozva, G. (2019). Liquidity and stock returns: new evidence from Johannesburg stock exchange. The Journal of Developing Areas, 53(2), 79-90.
Masahiro, Y., Takatoshi, I. (2022). Price discovery and liquidity recovery: Forex market reactions to macro announcements. Journal of International Money and Finance, 120, 102502,
Mettle, F. O., Aidoo, E. K., Dowuona, C. O. N., & Agyekum, L. (2024). Analysis of investment returns as Markov chain random walk. International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences.
Mexmonov, S. (2020). World experience of stock exchange operations. Архив научных исследований, 33(1).
Mondher, B. & Martinez, I. (2019). Efficient market hypothesis: an experimental study with uncertainty and asymmetric information. Revue Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 22(4), 27-51, December.
Murebu, W. K., Kuria, A., & Kariuki, B. (2024). Liquidity management practices and performance of horticultural firms in Laikipia County, Kenya. The Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, 11 (3), 249 – 260.
Musneh, R., Abdul K. M.R., & Arokiadasan, B.C.G.A. (2021). Liquidity risk and stock returns: empirical evidence from industrial products and services sector in Bursa Malaysia. Futur Bus J 7, 60.
Muzaffar, Z, & Malik, I. R. (2024). Market liquidity and volatility: Does economic policy uncertainty matter? Evidence from Asian emerging economies. PLoS One, 19(6):e0301597. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301597.
Nyakurukwa, K. & Seetharam, Y. (2023). Alternatives to the efficient market hypothesis: an overview. Journal of Capital Markets Studies, 7(2), 111-124.
Oluwafemi, O., & Balogun, O. (2024). Random walk theory and application. World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 11. 346-367. 10.30574/wjaets.2024.11.2.0116.
Papadamou, S., Koulis, A., Kyriakopoulos, C. F., Athanasios, P. (2022). Cannabis stocks returns: The role of liquidity and investors' attention via google metrics . International Journal of Financial Studies 10(1), 1-11
Peng, C. (2023). Research on the influencing factors of stock returns. Advances in Economics, Management and Political Sciences. 6. 337-344. 10.54254/2754-1169/6/20220170.
Rajan, R., Rajest, S., Shynu, T., & Steffi, R. (2024). Factors influencing the efficient market hypothesis: a stock exchange case study. 7. 75-89. 10.31150/ajebm.v7i3.
Rangkuti, M. M. (2019). The effect of intellectual capital and financial performance on firm value with return on investment as a modeling variable in the mining industry listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange. International Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Finance, 2(4), 1-11.
Sethy, T. K., & Tripathy, N. P. (2024). A new method for estimating liquidity and stock returns in Indian stock market (2024). China Accounting & Finance Review, 26(2), [10.1108/CAFR-05-2023-0052],
Sourav, S. (2024). Random Walk Theory - What is Random Walk Theory?
Sun, Y., & Zeng, X. (2022). Efficient markets: information or sentiment? doi: 10.2139/ssrn.4293484, available at:
Tauseef, S., & Dupuy, P. (2022). Pakistan: A study of market’s returns and anomalies. Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science 27, 344–63.
Toan, N. B. & Thu-Trang, T. D. (2021). The impact of stock market development on economic growth: A GMM approach. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 18(3), 74-81. doi:10.21511/imfi.18(3).2021.07
Tran, V.L. and Leirvik, T. (2019). A simple but powerful measure of market Efficiency, Finance Research Letters, 29, 141-151, doi: 10.1016/
Umoru, D. et al. (2024). Volatility spillovers across bitcoin, stock, and exchange rates markets. Corporate & Business Strategy Review, 5(2), 51-71.
Violita, C. (2019). Stock liquidity and stock return. Ekspektra: Jurnal Bisnis dan Manajemen 3(2),111. 10.25139/ekt.v3i2.2047.
Wang, A., Hudson, R., Rhodes, M., Zhang, S., Gregoriou, A. (2021). Stock liquidity and return distribution: Evidence from the London Stock Exchange. Finance Research Letters, 39, 101539,
Wray, L. R. (2023). Post-Keynesian liquidity preference theory four decades later: a reexamination. Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 46(4), 498–516.
Yang, Y., & Peng, Z. (2024). Openness and real exchange rate volatility: Evidence from China. Open Econ Rev 35, 121–158.
Yasuhiro, I. & Takehide, H. (2022). Liquidity shock and stock returns in the Japanese equity Market. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 75, 101849.
Yaya, O. S., Adenikinju, O. O., & Olayinka, H. A. (2024). African stock markets’ connectedness: Quantile VAR approach. Modern Finance, 2(1), 51-68.
Yoon, Y. H., & Neupane, G. (2024). Liquidity preference, interest rate spread, and the transformation of the us financial system. Review of Radical Political Economics, 56(4), 497-509.
Zarei, Z., Kasmaei, H. G., & Akbari, M. L. (2019). The effect of exchange rate on stock index returns in selected developing countries. International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 13(1), 120-129
Zhang, M., Zhu, B., Li, Z. et al. (2024). Relationships among return and liquidity of cryptocurrencies. Financ Innov 10, 3.