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Tinbergen, J. (1962). Shaping the world economy; suggestions for an international economic policy.
Trần Nhuận Kiên, & Ngô Thị Mỹ. (2015). Các nhân tố tác động đến kim ngạch xuất khẩu nông sản Việt Nam: Phân tích bằng mô hình trọng lực. Tạp chí Những vấn đề Kinh tế & Chính trị thế giới, 3(227), 47-52.
Anderson, J. E. (1979). A theoretical foundation for the gravity equation. The American economic review, 69(1), 106-116.
Bergstrand, J. H. (1985). The gravity equation in international trade: some microeconomic foundations and empirical evidence. The Review of Economics and statistics, 474-481.
Bergstrand, J. H. (1989). The generalized gravity equation, monopolistic competition, and the factor-proportions theory in international trade. The review of economics and statistics, 143-153.
COMTRADE. (2017). Retrieved from
Do Thi Hoa Nha, & Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha. (2019). Phân tích các yếu tố tác động đến xuất khẩu nông sản của Việt Nam sang thị trường EU. Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ-Đại học Thái Nguyên, 196(3), 123-129.
Duong, N. B. (2016). Vietnam-EU free trade agreement: Impact and policy implications for Vietnam. SECO/WTI Academic Cooperation Project Working Paper Series, 7.
Hausman, J. A., & Taylor, W. E. (1981). Panel data and unobservable individual effects. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 1377-1398.
Helpman, E., & Krugman, P. R. (1985). Market structure and foreign trade: Increasing returns, imperfect competition, and the international economy: MIT press.
Linnemann, H. (1966). An econometric study of international trade flows: North-Holland Pub. Co.
Mai, T. T. C. (2017). Estimating the impact of export costs on Vietnam‟ s export. Science & Technology Development Journal-Economics-Law and Management, 1(Q5), 74-81.
Martínez-Zarzoso, I., & Nowak-Lehmann, F. (2003). Augmented gravity model: An empirical application to Mercosur-European Union trade flows. Journal of applied economics, 6(2), 291-316.
Nguyen, B. X. (2010). The determinants of Vietnamese export flows: Static and dynamic panel gravity approaches. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 2(4), 122-129.
Pöyhönen, P. (1963). A tentative model for the volume of trade between countries. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 93-100.
Song, E. Y. (2011). On Gravity, Specialization and Intra‐industry Trade. Review of International Economics, 19(3), 494-508.
Tesfaye, E. (2014). Determinants of agricultural export in Sub-Saharan Africa: evidence from panel study. American Journal Of Trade And Policy, 1(2), 62-70.
Tho, N. H. (2013). Determinants of Vietnam’s Exports: A Gravity Model Approach. School of Management and Economics, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.
Tinbergen, J. (1962). Shaping the world economy; suggestions for an international economic policy.
Trần Nhuận Kiên, & Ngô Thị Mỹ. (2015). Các nhân tố tác động đến kim ngạch xuất khẩu nông sản Việt Nam: Phân tích bằng mô hình trọng lực. Tạp chí Những vấn đề Kinh tế & Chính trị thế giới, 3(227), 47-52.