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Nguyen, H., Le, Q & Nguyen, T. (2020). The linkages between growth, poverty and inequality in Vietnam: An empirical analysis.Accounting, 6(2), 177-184.
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Aghion, P., Caroli, E., & Garcia-Penalosa, C. (1999). Inequality and economic growth: The perspective of the new growth theories. Journal of Economic literature, 37(4), 1615-1660.
Alesina, A., & Perotti, R. (1996). Income distribution, political instability, and investment. European economic review, 40(6), 1203-1228.
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Canning, D., & Fay, M. (1993). The effect of infrastructure networks on economic growth. New York: Columbia University, Department of Economics.
Chiu, W. H. (1998). Income inequality, human capital accumulation and economic performance. The Economic Journal, 108(446), 44-59.
Cowell, C. M. (1998). Historical change in vegetation and disturbance on the Georgia Piedmont. The American Midland Naturalist, 140(1), 78-90.
Deaton, A. (1997). The analysis of household surveys: a microeconometric approach to development policy. The World Bank.
Deininger, K., & Squire, L. (1998). New ways of looking at old issues: inequality and growth. Journal of Development Economics, 57(2), 259-287.
Galor, O., & Zeira, J. (1993). Income distribution and macroeconomics. The Review of Economic Studies, 60(1), 35-52.
Grossman, H. I., & Kim, M. (1996). Predation and accumulation. Journal of Economic Growth, 1(3), 333-350.
Hoi, L.Q., Nam, P.X., & Tuan, N.A. (2017). An evaluation of provincial macroeconomic performance in Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 19(2), 34 -47.
Knell, M. (1998). Social comparisons, inequality and growth. Mimeo, university of Zurich.
Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic growth and income inequality. The American economic review, 45(1), 1-28.
Lewis, W. A. (1954). Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. The manchester school, 22(2), 139-191.
Lan, H.H., & Thuong, P.T.H. (2019). Financial inclusion and income inequality: Empirical evidence from transition. Economies. Journal of Economics and Development, 21(special issue), 23-34.
Li, H., & Zou, H. F. (1998). Income inequality is not harmful for growth: theory and evidence. Review of development economics, 2(3), 318-334.
Partridge, H., & Schwenke, D. W. (1997). The determination of an accurate isotope dependent potential energy surface for water from extensive ab initio calculations and experimental data. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 106(11), 4618-4639.
Perotti, R. (1993). Political equilibrium, income distribution, and growth. The Review of Economic Studies, 60(4), 755-776.
Persson, T., & Tabellini, G. (1994). Is inequality harmful for growth?. The American Economic Review, 84(3), 600-621.
Saint-Paul, G., & Verdier, T. (1993). Education, democracy and growth. Journal of development Economics, 42(2), 399-407.
Sala-i-Martin, X. X. (1997). I just ran four million regressions (No. w6252). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Vietnam Government Statistic Office, various year, Vietnam Living Standard Survey, Hanoi.
Aghion, P., Caroli, E., & Garcia-Penalosa, C. (1999). Inequality and economic growth: The perspective of the new growth theories. Journal of Economic literature, 37(4), 1615-1660.
Alesina, A., & Perotti, R. (1996). Income distribution, political instability, and investment. European economic review, 40(6), 1203-1228.
Alesina, A., & Rodrik, D. (1994). Distributive politics and economic growth. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 465-490.
Barro, R. (1999). Inequality, growth and investment. NBER working paper, 7038, Massachusetts.
Benabou, R. (1996). Inequality and growth. NBER macroeconomics annual, 11, 11-74.
Benhabib, J., & Rustichini, A. (1996). Social conflict and growth. Journal of Economic growth, 1(1), 125-142.
Bertola, G. (1993). Factor shares and savings in endogenous growth. American Economic Review, 83(5).
Canning, D., & Fay, M. (1993). The effect of infrastructure networks on economic growth. New York: Columbia University, Department of Economics.
Chiu, W. H. (1998). Income inequality, human capital accumulation and economic performance. The Economic Journal, 108(446), 44-59.
Cowell, C. M. (1998). Historical change in vegetation and disturbance on the Georgia Piedmont. The American Midland Naturalist, 140(1), 78-90.
Deaton, A. (1997). The analysis of household surveys: a microeconometric approach to development policy. The World Bank.
Deininger, K., & Squire, L. (1998). New ways of looking at old issues: inequality and growth. Journal of Development Economics, 57(2), 259-287.
Galor, O., & Zeira, J. (1993). Income distribution and macroeconomics. The Review of Economic Studies, 60(1), 35-52.
Grossman, H. I., & Kim, M. (1996). Predation and accumulation. Journal of Economic Growth, 1(3), 333-350.
Hoi, L.Q., Nam, P.X., & Tuan, N.A. (2017). An evaluation of provincial macroeconomic performance in Vietnam. Journal of Economics and Development, 19(2), 34 -47.
Knell, M. (1998). Social comparisons, inequality and growth. Mimeo, university of Zurich.
Kuznets, S. (1955). Economic growth and income inequality. The American economic review, 45(1), 1-28.
Lewis, W. A. (1954). Economic development with unlimited supplies of labour. The manchester school, 22(2), 139-191.
Lan, H.H., & Thuong, P.T.H. (2019). Financial inclusion and income inequality: Empirical evidence from transition. Economies. Journal of Economics and Development, 21(special issue), 23-34.
Li, H., & Zou, H. F. (1998). Income inequality is not harmful for growth: theory and evidence. Review of development economics, 2(3), 318-334.
Partridge, H., & Schwenke, D. W. (1997). The determination of an accurate isotope dependent potential energy surface for water from extensive ab initio calculations and experimental data. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 106(11), 4618-4639.
Perotti, R. (1993). Political equilibrium, income distribution, and growth. The Review of Economic Studies, 60(4), 755-776.
Persson, T., & Tabellini, G. (1994). Is inequality harmful for growth?. The American Economic Review, 84(3), 600-621.
Saint-Paul, G., & Verdier, T. (1993). Education, democracy and growth. Journal of development Economics, 42(2), 399-407.
Sala-i-Martin, X. X. (1997). I just ran four million regressions (No. w6252). National Bureau of Economic Research.
Vietnam Government Statistic Office, various year, Vietnam Living Standard Survey, Hanoi.