Md. Salah Uddin Rajib, Editor
Department of Accounting and information Systems
Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: +8801778277536


Rajib, M., & Fan, L. (2015). A study on the critical factors of human error in civil aviation: An early warning management perspective in Bangladesh. Management Science Letters, 5(1), 21-28.

Kumara, U. E. S., Upananda, W. A., & Rajib, M. S. U. (2014). Do Dynamic Properties of Stock Return Vary Under Hostile Environment? A Study During and After the Ethnic Conflict in Sri Lanka. Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance, 1(2), 4 – 29

Rajib, U., Salah, M., Fan, L., Sajib, U., Qutub, M., & Zahan Mou, N. (2013). Production and Preferences to Compatible Solution: Fuzzy Evaluation of Power Sector in Bangladesh. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 421, 904-909.

Hossain, M. S., Rahman, A. M., & Rajib, M. S. U. (2012). Dynamics of Mutual Funds in Relation to Stock Market: A Vector Autoregressive Causality Analysis. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 3(1), 191-201.

Alam, M. S., Aimin, W., Rajib, M. S. U., & Sahabuddin, M. (2013). Destination on the Move in the Mind of People: Investigating Destination Image of the Tourists. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(9), 44-53.

Rajib, M., Uddin, S., Fan, L., & Kumara, E. S. (2012). Open Innovation And Cost Based Decision Making Mechanisms: A Review. Studies in Business and Economics, 7(2), 158-171.

Fan, L., Rajib, M., Uddin, S., & Alam, M. (2012). Business Process Re-engineering in the SMEs: Critical Success Factors Perspective of an Emerging Economy. International Journal of Contemporary Business Studies, 3(6), 6-18.

Islam, M. R., Cheng, Y., & Rajib, M. S. U. (2012). International Trade and Carbon Emissions (CO2): The case of Bangladesh. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, 3(5), 18-26.

Islam, M. R., Baniamin, H. M., & Rajib, M. S. U. (2012). Institutional Mechanism of National Identification Card: Bangladesh Experience. Public Policy and Administration Research, 2(2), 1-13.

Rajib, S. U., Alam, S., Sajib, Q. U., & Ahmed, N. (2011, June). Impact of Relationship among the Fundamental Blocks in Production Process to implement Re-Engineering: An Empirical Analysis in SMEs. In Advanced Materials Research (Vol. 228, pp. 696-701).

Sajib, M. Q. U., Rajib, M. S. U., & Alam, M. S. (2011). An Assessment on the Adaptation of ISO 14000 in the Fertilizer Industry of Bangladesh for the Sustainable Development. Energy Procedia.

Alam, S., Rajib, S. U., & Arefin, M. (2011, February). Critical Success Factors of Re-Engineering in the Production Process: SMEs Sector of Bangladesh. In Applied Mechanics and Materials (Vol. 44, pp. 804-808).

Arefin, M. S., Rajib, M. S. U., & Bhuiyan, M. Y. A. (2011). Mission Statements of Pharmaceutical Firms in Bangladesh: Missing Link and Probable Impact. Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565, 2(3).