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Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs): The emerging market analysis
, 1521-1528 Fatimah, Abid Djazuli and Fitriya Fauzi ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyse the factors affecting the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the province of South Sumatra, Indonesia. Data of 100 MSMEs were collected through questionnaires in the 15 regencies/cities in South Sumatra. The statistical analysis used was Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) processed through AMOS. The results evidence that the external factors of capital support, business partners, and infrastructure directly have no direct effects but indirectly affect the performance of MSMEs in South Sumatra. Also, the availability of resources and environmental conditions; and the capability of business owners and employees indirectly affect the performance of MSMEs in South Sumatra. Lastly, the use of technology and research impact the performance of MSMEs in South Sumatra directly and indirectly through the availability of resources and environmental conditions and business owners and employees' capability. Theoretically, this study expands the MSMEs literature by discussing factors (i.e., external and internal) affecting MSMEs' performance holistically. Practically, this study is beneficial for the government, practitioners, and policymakers. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Technology Human Resource, Business Capabilities, Performance, MSME
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Experience in uncertainty macroeconomic conditions and demographic factors as determinants of sharia stock portfolios in Indonesia
, 1529-1534 Iskandar Muda and Erlina ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Uncertainty Macroeconomic and demographic factors such as Population, Gross Domestic Product, Government Sukuk and Sharia Mutual Funds to The Investment Yield Sharia Insurance in Indonesia. The method of research using a causal research design in Indonesia Sharia Insurance. The data used are secondary data sourced from Financial Services Authority, Indonesia. The method of analysis used in this research is the SEM method using SmartPLS software. The results show that Population, Gross Domestic Product, Government Sukuk and Sharia Mutual Funds do not influence Investment Yield Sharia Insurance in Indonesia. The implications of this research are the Indonesian Financial Services Authority policy which considers Population, Gross Domestic Product, Government Sukuk and Sharia Mutual Funds for Investment Yield Sharia Insurance in Indonesia. The limitation of this research is to use monthly samples and only observe for 2 (two) years. Originality of this research is using the latest observation variable that is 2018-2019 and observation at a sharia insurance company in Indonesia. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Uncertain Macroeconomic, Investment Yield, Government Sukuk, Sharia Mutual Funds
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The effect of public governance, human resource quality, characteristics of the government internal su-pervisory apparatus, and the government internal supervisory system on the quality of local government financial report
, Pages:1535–1546 Sahabuddin, T. Sutrisno, Imam Subekti and Wuryan Andayani ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this research is to study and analyze the direct effect of public governance, human resource competence, characteristics of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus, and Government Internal Supervisory System on the quality of Local Government Financial Report and the indirect effect of public governance, human resource competence, and characteristics of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus on the quality of Local Government Financial Report with the mediation of Government Internal Supervisory System. The samples are 148 local government agencies’ financial administration officials, selected according to certain criteria. As SEM-PLS was used for hypothesis testing, this study finds that public governance, human resource competence, characteristics of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus, and Government Internal Supervisory System directly have positive effects on the quality of Local Government Financial Report. Furthermore, the Government Internal Supervisory System fully mediates the effect of human resource competence on the quality of the Local Government Financial Report and partially mediates the effects of public governance and characteristics of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus on Local Government Financial Report. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Public Governance, Human Resource Competence, Characteristics Of Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus, Government Internal Supervisory System, Quality Of Local Government Fi-nancial Repo
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Predictive autoregressive models using macroeconomic variables: the role of oil prices in the Russian stock market
, Pages: 1547-1556 N. G. Bagautdinova, E.I Kadochnikova and A.N. Bakirova ![]() |
Abstract: This article evaluates the relationship of macroeconomic variables of the domestic market with the stock index on the Moscow exchange and selects forecast specifications based on an integrated autoregressive model - the moving average. The methods used are included in an integrated autoregressive-moving average model with exogenous variables and seasonal component, Box and Jenkins approach, auto.arima in R function, Hyndman and Athanasopoulos approach, and maximum likelihood method. The results demonstrate that the inclusion of external regressors in the one-dimensional ARIMAX model improves its predictive characteristics. Time series of macro-indicators of the domestic market – the consumer price index, the index of output of goods and services for basic activities are not interrelated with the index of the Moscow exchange, with the exception of the dollar exchange rate. The positive correlation between the Moscow exchange index and macro indicators of the world economy - the S&P stock index, the price of Brent oil, was confirmed. In models with minimal AIC, a rare presence of the MA component was found, which shows that the prevailing dependence of the stock market yield on previous values of the yield (AR component) and thus, better predictability of the yield. It has shown that for stock market forecasting, "manual" selection of the ARIMA model type can give better results (minimum AIC and minimum RMSE) than the built-in auto.arima algorithm in R. It is shown that from a practical point of view, when selecting forecast models, the RMSE criterion is more useful for investors, which measures the standard error of the forecast in points of the stock index. For the scientific novelty, using Russian financial data for the period from March 2000 to March 2018 to measure the connection of macro indicators of domestic and global markets with the Moscow exchange stock index, considering seasonality can be noticed. The comparison of the forecast model’s accuracy of the ARIMA type obtained by automatic and "manual “selection by AIC and RMSE is performed in favor of "manual" selection. It could be noted that the main conclusions of the article can be used in scientific and practical activities in the stock markets as a practical significance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Macroeconomic variables, Autoregressive models, Russian stock market
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The effects of corporate social responsibility and practices on the performance of SMEs in Vietnam
, Pages: 1557-1568 Thai Thi Kim Oanh, Đao Quang Thang, Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc, Đang Thanh Cuong and Ho Thi Dieu Anh ![]() |
Abstract: Corporate social responsibilities (CSR) have gained the attention of regulators and recent studies due to their comprehensive influence on the firm performance. Thus, the present study examines the impact of CSR practices such as social welfare, human rights and physical environment on SMEs performance in Vietnam. This research also investigates the mediating role of organizational support among the links of social welfare, human rights, the physical environment and SMEs performance in Vietnam. This study has followed the primary data collection methods such as survey questionnaires to collect the data from respondents and also executed the smart-PLS for analysis. The results indicated the social welfare, human rights and physical environment have a positive association with SMEs performance in Vietnam. The results also exposed that organizational support positively mediates among the links of social welfare, human rights, the physical environment and SMEs performance in Vietnam. This study guided the regulators while developing the regulations related to CSR and firm performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Corporate social responsibilities, Social welfare, Human rights, Physical environment, SMEs performance
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The effect of stakeholder's commitment and government regulations on dry port firm performance
, Pages: 1569-1574 Engkos Achmad Kuncoro, Dicky Hida Syahchari, Hardijanto Saroso, Darjat Sudrajat and Henny K.W. Jordaan ![]() |
Abstract: The dry port (or land port) is an inland area or an intermodal port directly connected to a seaport. Cikarang Dry Port, as one of the best performing dry ports among other dry ports in Indonesia, only contributes 18% of the loading and unloading volume at Tanjung Priok port. This study examines the effect of supply chain collaboration and service stakeholder engagement on Dry Port Company's performance. The data collected from a questionnaire. The 55 responses from employees of Cikarang dry port and a logistics company in Jakarta. The hypothesis was tested by multiple regression. This study confirms that government regulation and Stakeholder Commitment positively impact the performance of port companies. The study inspires managers to recognize the positive results of government regulation practice among stakeholder engagement organizations to improve port performance in port supply chains. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Cikarang Dry Port, Government regulation, Stakeholder Commitment
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The driving factors of real estate stock prices in Indonesia Stock Exchange
, Pages: 1575-1580 Cicih Ratnasih and Zulher ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, the factors to be researched are internal factors related to financial ratios such as market ratios namely Price Earnings Ratio, Leverage Ratio namely Debt to Equity Ratio, and Profitability Ratio namely Return on Assets (ROA) as variables that affect Stock Prices in real estate companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data used are secondary data from time series that have been transformed from the Indonesia stock exchange. The method used is multiple regression with OLS, to find how much the influence of independent variables have as driving forces on stock prices. The results obtained from this study are price earnings ratio, debt to equity ratio, ROA simultaneously affect the stock prices of Real Estate companies in the Indonesian stock exchange. Meanwhile, partially, the three variables deserve to be the driving factor for share prices in real estate companies at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Price Earnings Ratio, Debt to Equity Ratio, Return on Assets, Real Estate Stock Price
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Success predictors of village financial systems
, Pages: 1581-1590 Dewa Ayu Eny Wulandari, Herkulanus Bambang Suprasto, A.A.N.B. Dwirandra and Ida Bagus Putra Astika ![]() |
Abstract: SISKEUDES is a financial system used by the village government aimed at improving accountability, creating common perceptions in the delivery and application of various laws and regulations in the form of village financial management systems and procedures. Implementation of SISKEUDES helps us improve good corporate governance of village government in Indonesia. However, in the Village Assistance Report in Badung Regency in 2018 and 2019, there were input errors from planning, budgeting, administration and financial reporting. Based on this phenomenon, this study tested the predictor of successful application of the system. The measurement of SISKEUDES success is based on DeLone and McLean information system success model. This study examines the direct effect of system quality, information quality, service quality and quality of human resource on use, user satisfaction and net benefits. The sample determination technique uses purposive sampling with criteria of all SISKEUDES users in Badung Regency Village Government with a minimum of 1 year working experience. Data analysis uses Partial Least Square with SmartPLS 3. The results show that only system quality, information quality, and service quality have positive effects on user satisfaction, while the quality of human resources has no effect on user satisfaction. The quality of information, the quality of service, and the quality of human resources have positive effects on the use, while the quality of the system has no effect on the use. The quality of information, service quality, use and user satisfaction have positive effects on net benefits. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: System Quality, Information Quality, Service Quality, Quality of Human Resource, Use, User Satisfaction, Net Benefits
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Can financial literacy become an effective mediator for investment intention?
, Pages: 1591-1600 Kelvin Tanuwijaya and Ignatius Roni Setyawan ![]() |
Abstract: The lifestyle of Indonesian people who are very consumptive makes it difficult for people to invest. This can be shown in the number of capital market investors in Indonesia which is only 0.61% of the total population. The low level of financial literacy in Indonesia is one factor. Many people do not understand finance so they cannot manage finances properly. In this study, we look for 130 respondents who are college students to find out how financial socialization and financial experience influence on investment intention through financial literacy. The theory used in this research is theory of planned behavior and social learning theory. In this study, financial literacy can only mediate the financial experience of investment intention. The results of this study are in accordance with the theory of planned behavior in which one of the elements is perceived behavioral control with self-control factors originating from within, namely experience so that the financial experience is expected to generate interest in investing. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Financial Socialization, Financial Experience, Financial Literacy, Investment Intention, College Students
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Impact of IFRS (9) on the size of loan loss provisions: An applied study on Jordanian commercial banks during 2015-2019
, Pages: 1601-1610 Sa’ad A. Al-Sakini, Hanan Al Awawdeh, Ismail Al Awamleh and Adel Mohammed Qatawneh ![]() |
Abstract: A fraudulent financial statement is an issue that continues to be discussed as a form of deviation from corporate governance. Covid-19 pandemic has also demanded management to uphold the company's performance to have a good public image. Thus, the present study sets out to scrutinize the fraud pentagon theory on fraudulent financial statements. Each element is not able to be tested directly. However, there are proxies. The pressure element is proxied as a personal financial need. The opportunity is becoming the nature of industry. Each of the qualities of the external auditors as well as the change of directors propose rationalization and competence. The frequent number of CEO’s appearances in photos is a proxy of arrogance. The testing was carried out on the registered pharmaceutical companies of the Indonesian stock exchange in the span of the 2015-2019 period. The samples were selected by the means of sampling technique which is purposive. Data are scrutinized by the means of panel data regression. The analysis results show that the characteristics of the industry positively affects financial reports which are fraudulent. Changing top management positions such as directors can be an indication of financial reports which are fraudulent. The personal financial need variables, the caliber of external auditors and the quantity of CEO’s appearance in photos pose no effects on the fraudulent financial statements of the Indonesian's pharmaceutical companies. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: IFRS No. 9, Loan loss provisions, Loan ratio, Capital adequacy ratio, CET 1 ratio, Non-performing debt ratio, Gross income ratio, Income tax ratio
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Detecting fraudulent financial statements in pharmaceutical companies: Fraud pentagon theory perspective
, Pages: 1611-1620 Dodik Ariyanto, I Made Gilang Jhuniantara, Ni Made Dwi Ratnadi, I Gusti Ayu Made Asri Dwija Putri and Ayu Aryista Dewi ![]() |
Abstract: A fraudulent financial statement is an issue that continues to be discussed as a form of deviation from corporate governance. Covid-19 pandemic has also demanded management to uphold the company's performance to have a good public image. Thus, the present study sets out to scrutinize the fraud pentagon theory on fraudulent financial statements. Each element is not able to be tested directly. However, there are proxies. The pressure element is proxied as a personal financial need. The opportunity is becoming the nature of industry. Each of the qualities of the external auditors as well as the change of directors propose rationalization and competence. The frequent number of CEO’s appearances in photos is a proxy of arrogance. The testing was carried out on the registered pharmaceutical companies of the Indonesian stock exchange in the span of the 2015-2019 period. The samples were selected by the means of sampling technique which is purposive. Data are scrutinized by the means of panel data regression. The analysis results show that the characteristics of the industry positively affects financial reports which are fraudulent. Changing top management positions such as directors can be an indication of financial reports which are fraudulent. The personal financial need variables, the caliber of external auditors and the quantity of CEO’s appearance in photos pose no effects on the fraudulent financial statements of the Indonesian's pharmaceutical companies. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Fraud, Financial statement, Pharmaceutical companies, Covid-19 pandemic
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The effect of accounting education reform on quality of accounting services: The case of Kosovo
, Pages: 1621-1634 Safet Abdullahu and Nexhmie Berisha Vokshi ![]() |
Abstract: Accounting education is the main factor that is influencing the improvement of the state of accounting services and the quality of accounting. The XXI century has influenced great changes in different fields, applying different tools of technology and for this reason, the field of accounting education has faced reforms and adaptation to new forms of application. The adaptation of accounting education to ISCE is a very important factor in the adaptation of accounting services worldwide. For this reason, research was presented, which measured the impact of accounting education reforms on accounting services in Kosovo, i.e. the adaptation of accounting education programs to ISCE and curricula. Professors from accounting universities and professors of accounting in high schools in Kosovo were surveyed for this. The sample was random, with one in three teachers selected. Data were analyzed through the SPSS program, while regression and correlation method was used to validate the hypothesis. Based on the results we see that the implementation of reforms in the framework of accounting education and adaptation to ISCE has an impact on the quality of accounting services at both university level (p-value ≤ 0.01) and secondary level (p-value ≤ 0.01). Correlation analysis shows that we have a significant relationship between the implementation of accounting education reforms and the quality of accounting services (rho = .628 **, p-value <0.01) at both university and secondary level (rho = .652 **, p-value <0.01). Finally, the implementation of accounting education reforms is well on the way to the development of accounting education in Kosovo, so we must have a proactive approach to the development of this field. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Accounting education, Challenges, Reforms, Prospects
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Dividend policy on regional development banks in Indonesia
, Pages: 1635-1644 Weni Susanti, Kamaludin, Rini Indriani and Fachruzzaman ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the variable confirmation between the dividend payout ratio variable with the profitability variable and the lagged dividend variable by looking at the role of the share ownership variable as a dummy mediate variable. The research subject was carried out at the Regional Development Bank (BPD) in Indonesia. This study uses data and samples taken from data issued by the OJK (Financial Services Authority). Regional development banks were chosen because they have a different role in determining their dividend policy compared to other types of banks, but although this bank is different in its dividend distribution process, it is still capable of surviving even in times of crisis (Covid-19). By using OLS regression analysis, this study divides the research sample into a dummy group consisting of share ownership variables, these subsections are things that must be considered because they can be the key to why this type of bank is able to survive when other banks start to rush. goofy in giving dividends. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Dividend Payout Ratio, Lagged Dividends, Share Ownership and Profitability
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The effects of corruption on Peru's economic growth during the period 1998-2018
, Pages: 1645–1654 Stephany Alessandra Benito Marro, Leon Rivera Mallma and Wagner Vicente-Ramos ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this research was to determine the effect of corruption on economic growth in Peru for the period 1998-2018. It was determined how economic growth was affected both in the short and long term by corruption. The corruption control index was used to measure corruption and the variation in gross domestic product (GDP) at constant prices was used to measure economic growth. To determine this effect, the hypothetical deductive method was used as a general method since we sought to corroborate a hypothesis and as a specific method, we used the Autoregressive Model of Distributed Lag (ARDL) since this model adapts well to small samples, likewise we had a non-experimental research design – longitudinal explanatory. Data were collected from the World Bank and the Ministry of Education (MINEDU) from 1998 to 2018. As a result of the econometric ARDL model, it was obtained that corruption had a negative effect on economic growth since an improvement of one percentage point in the corruption index would mean an improvement of 0.55 percentage points in economic growth. Therefore, it is concluded that the effect of corruption has a negative effect on economic growth as expected according to the reviewed antecedents. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Corruption, Economic growth, ARDL, Transmission channels
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The effectiveness of the internal corporate governance mechanism and the ownership of the government and agencies
, Pages: 1655-1660 Khaled Salmen Aljaaidi ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of the government and its agencies’ ownership on the effectiveness of one the main internal governance mechanisms, namely; board of directors, for a sample of 140 energy and petrochemical Saudi listed firms over 2012-2019. The Saudi Arabia provides an interesting context due to the domination of government-linked corporations’ ownership. This setting arranges for the impact of such ownership on the board of directors’ monitoring and advisory roles. The board of directors’ effectiveness is measured as an interaction term of the board size and meetings of the board of directors. The study finds that government-linked energy and petrochemical corporations’ ownerships are inversely related to the board of directors’ effectiveness. This result is sensitive to the measurement of the board of directors’ effectiveness as each variable consisting of the board of directors’ effectiveness was examined individually. The study also finds that government-linked corporations’ ownership had a strong negative impact on the board size. In contrast, the proposed model does not provide any evidence supporting the relationship of the government-linked corporations’ ownerships with board meetings. Overall, the evidence supports the substitution hypothesis on the relationship of government-linked corporations and board of directors’ effectiveness. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Government ownership, Board of directors’ effectiveness, Saudi Arabia
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Investment decisions as mediating of fundamental and technical factors on firm value
, Pages: 1661-1668 Fedy Romamti, I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana, Ida Bagus Anom Purbawangsa and Ida Bagus Panji Sedana ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the impact of fundamental and technical factors on firm value with investment decisions as a mediating variable. The samples were 12 companies at agricultural sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results show that leverage had a negative and significant effect on investment decisions and firm value. Profitability and trading volume had a positive and significant effect on investment decisions and firm value. Previous stock prices did not have any significant effect on investment decisions but a positive and significant effect on firm value. Investment decisions had a positive and significant effect on firm value. Leverage had a negative and significant effect on firm value through investment decisions. Profitability and stock trading volume had a positive and significant effect on firm value through investment decisions. Previous stock prices did not have any significant effect on firm value through investment decisions. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Fundamental, Technical, Investment Decisions, Firm value
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Does foreign portfolio investment improve the economic growth of Jordan?
, Pages: 1669-1674 Huthaifa Al-karasneh, Ashraf Bataineh, Osama Hayajneh and Omar Khodirat ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the impact of short and long-term active Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI) on Jordan Economic Growth (EG) thru (1996-2017) by employing some econometric methods like ARDL and Error Correction Models to reach the study results. Findings reveal that FPI have a long-term statistical positive impact on EG at level (5%) and also have a short-term negative impact on EG at level (5%), where EG needs about ten years to reach a full adjustment. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Economic Growth, Foreign Portfolio Investment, GDP
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Determinants of personal tax compliance
, Pages: 1675-1680 Subadriyah and Puji Harto ![]() |
Abstract: The largest state revenue comes from taxes. Even though the number of taxpayers is increasing from year to year, the tax revenue in Indonesia is still relatively low, since taxpayer compliance is still low. This study aims to determine the factors that influence individual taxpayer compliance in paying taxes at Jepara, Indonesia. The study uses a quantitative approach with a population of individual taxpayers who are registered at the tax office of Jepara, Indonesia. The number of samples is obtained by 100 respondents using the Slovin formula. The sampling technique was a convenience sampling technique. The data analysis method used is multiple regression analysis and Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). Based on the test, it is found that the quality of tax authorities service, understanding and knowledge of taxation, tax sanctions, tax socialization, taxpayer awareness and perceptions of tax effectiveness have an influence on taxpayer compliance. In addition, the employment status of Civil Servants is more compliant in paying taxes since their income tax has been routinely deducted by the employer on the paid income. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Taxpayer compliance, Quality of tax services, Tax sanctions, Tax socialization, Employment status
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The role of logistics industry in the sustainable economic development of Southeast Asian countries
, Pages: 1681-1688 Hong Anh Thi Nguyen ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the role of the logistics industry in the sustainable economic development in the context of Southeast Asian countries. This study is quantitative in nature where the data are gathered from the secondary sources. The analysis is carried out with the help of correlation, feasible generalized least square model (FGLS). The outcome of this study confirms the significant impact of LPI on GDP growth, CO2 emission and current health expenditure. Similarly, the significant impact of FDI is found on all the dependent variables of this study. In contrast, the variable of TOP is found to have a significant impact on both CO2 emission and current health expenditure, whereas it makes an insignificant impact on GDP growth. The absence of qualitative data is one of the major limitations of this study. Apart from that, the limited scope of this research on Southeast Asian countries is another limitation. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Sustainable economic develop-ment, logistics industry, CO2 emission, GDP growth, current health expenditure (% of GDP), Foreign direct investment, Logistic performance index, Trade openness
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The effect of organizational culture on quality of accounting information: Mediating the role of accounting information system
, Pages: 1689-1694 Quang Linh Huynh ![]() |
Abstract: Organizational culture has been documented as a driving force of the acceptance of accounting information systems in business and accounting information quality; whereas accounting information quality as a causation of the acceptance of accounting information systems in business. The acceptance of accounting information systems in business could mediate the causal connection from organizational culture to accounting information quality. Nonetheless, nearly none of the projects has assessed the mediating role of the acceptance of accounting information systems in business, especially in Vietnam as a developing country. The current research tries to investigate the mediation of the acceptance of accounting information systems in business in the research model. The findings indicate that the acceptance of accounting information systems in business transmits part of the influence of organizational culture on accounting information quality. The current research could make some contributions to how executives ought to decide on organizational culture as well as on the acceptance of accounting information systems in business so that their organizational performance could be improved. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Accounting information system, Accounting information quality, Organizational culture, Mediating effect
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Intellectual capital and Tobin’s Q as measures of bank performance
, Pages: 1695-1700 Esra A. Al Nsour, Ahmad A. Al Dahiyat and Sulaiman Weshah ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims at examining the effect of the Value Added by Intellectual Capital (VAIC) in terms of its three components: capital employed efficiency, human capital efficiency, and structure capital efficiency on the financial performance of commercial banks listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period 2010–2018.Value Added of Intellectual Capital (VAIC) model was used to measure the intellectual capital while Tobin’s Q ratio was used as an indicator of bank financial performance. The study has used parametric techniques like multiple linear regression and correlation coefficient, and other statistical methods to investigate its hypothesis. It was found that only human capital efficiency and capital employed efficiency had impacts on the banks’ financial performance. These results emphasize the importance of using the VAIC model to evaluate the financial performance of these banks, as well as encourage banks to make further investments in intellectual capital’s components, and concentrate on human resources to build up their knowledge, skills and capabilities, because of their greatest role in value creation. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Value Added by Intellectual Capital (VAIC), Human capital, Structural capital, Capital employed, Performance of banks, Tobin’s Q
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Financial development in Jordan: Where do remittances play a role in bank credit?
, Pages: 1701-1708 Hadeel Yaseen and Ghassan Omet ![]() |
Abstract: The Jordanian economy has been a recipient of huge amounts of remittances. Indeed, for more than a decade now, the inflow of this capital has been fluctuating around 10 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Within this context, the subject matter of remittances has resulted in the development of a myriad of research issues. One of these issues is the impact of remittances on financial development or bank credit to the private sector. This paper looks at the relationship between financial development and remittances in the Jordanian context. Based on the time period 1992-2019, and time series econometric techniques (co-integration and vector auto-regression, among others), this paper examines the impact of remittances on bank credit to the private sector, and on its main sectoral distributions. The estimated results reveal some interesting findings. There is no long-run stable relationship between bank credit to the private sector and remittances. However, there is a stable long-run relationship between credit to individuals (households) and remittances, and between credit to the construction sector and remittances. These conclusions imply that remittances, on average, promote private consumption in general, and residential spending. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Jordan, Remittances, Bank Credit, Imports, Stationarity, Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)
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Can Islamic banking revive Somalia’s ailing economy?
, Pages: 1709-1716 Mohammed Hersi Warsame, Yousif Abdelbagi Abdalla and Alhashmi Aboubaker Lasyoud ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to evaluate the Islamic banking prospects in Somalia and the role it can play in reviving the country’s ailing economy. Somalis were recruited through purposive sampling techniques. Structural equation modeling (SEM) has been adopted to analyze the data collected using SmartPLS. The findings have shown a negative and insignificant impact of absence of a functioning financial system, lack of funding and expertise, and effect of bank absence on businesses. Financial and political infrastructure significantly affected the Islamic banking system of Somalia. Law and order measures show a significant impact on suitability of banking and financial systems of Somalia. Sharia compliant finance shows a positive but insignificant impact on Islamic banking in Somalia. Standalone new banks in Somalia have fewer chances of success due to the absence of personnel with the necessary skills and qualifications. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Central Bank of Somalia Hawala, Islamic Banks, Sharia-Compliant Finance
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The effect of financial distress on stock returns, through systematic risk and profitability as mediator variables
, Pages: 1717-1724 Mulyanto Nugroho, Donny Arif and Abdul Halik ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to determine the relationship between financial distress and systematic risk, the relationship between financial distress and profitability, the relationship between systematic risk and stock returns, the relationship between profitability and stock returns, and the indirect effect between financial distress and stock returns through systematic risk and company profitability. by collecting data on the Indonesia Stock Exchange on chemical companies and the element industry in 2018-2020. This study was conducted to find out the answers to the impact caused by the global economic turmoil. Using the PLS-SEM method and four latent variables, which are divided into one endogenous variable, two moderating variables and one exogenous variable, it is hoped that it can provide value for the statistical calculation activities carried out. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method with two moderating variables that link financial distress and stock returns. This study produces a specific indirect effect; the financial distress variable significantly impacts Stock Return through systematic risk and profitability variables with a p-value < 0.05. The main finding of this study is the significant impact of world economic turmoil that must be faced by creating systematic risk to convince. Investors and provide education to potential investors. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Financial Distress, Stock Returns, Systematic Risk, Profitability
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The effects of production and operational costs, capital structure and company growth on the profitability: Evidence from manufacturing industry
, Pages: 1725-1730 Muhammad Istan, Nazifah Husainah, Murniyanto, Asep Dadan Suganda, Indra Siswanti, Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the effects of production and operational costs, capital structure and company growth on profitability. The method used in this research is quantitative method, data collection is performed by distributing questionnaires among employees of packaging industry. The population in this study are industrial employees in Jabodetabek whose numbers have not been identified with certainty. The questionnaire is distributed electronically using a simple random sampling technique. The results of the questionnaire returned are 180 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that Capital structure has a significant effect on profitability. An increase in the capital structure variable will be followed by an increase in profitability and a decrease in variable capital structure will be followed by a decrease in profitability. Company growth has no significant effect on profitability. An increase in the company growth variable will not be followed by an increase in profitability and a decrease in variable company growth will not be followed by a decrease in profitability. Operational cost has a significant effect on profitability. An increase in the operational cost variable will be followed by an increase in profitability and a decrease in variable operational cost will be followed by a decrease in profitability. Production cost has no significant effect on profitability. An increase in the production cost variable will not be followed by an increase in profitability and a decrease in variable production cost will not be followed by a decrease in profitability. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Production cost, Operational cost, Capital structure, Company growth, Profitability
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Inventory conversion period and profitability relationship of the listed pharmaceutical firms of Jordan
, Pages: 1731-1740 Mohammed Ibrahim Sultan Obeidat ![]() |
Abstract: The study objects for determining whether or not a relationship exists between inventory management of the listed pharmaceutical firms at Amman Stock Exchange, and the profitability of these firms, and whether or not inventory management affects firm profitability. Only three pharmaceutical firms were found listed at Amman Stock Exchange by the end of 2020, and therefore, the annual data of the three firms along the period 2009-2019 were collected and used in the analysis and hypothesis testing. Inventory turnover and average inventory holding period were used as indicators for inventory management at a reciprocal form, whereas, return on assets was used as a measure of firm profitability. Using the Pearson correlation method, the analysis and hypothesis testing demonstrated that a significant positive relationship exists between inventory turnover and return on assets, and a negative significant relationship exists between average inventory holding period and return on assets. Moreover, using the ordinary least square method, the study shows that inventory management has a positive significant effect on firm profitability. More studies regarding inventory management and firm profitability relationships, are recommended to be performed on other manufacturing industries than pharmaceutical firms. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Average Number of Days Inventory on Hand, Economic Order Quantity, Inventory Management, Inventory Turnover, Return on Assets
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Determinants of business performance of the firms: A case of the construction listed enterprises in Vietnam Stock Market
, Pages:1741-1750 Vu Ngoc Xuan ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to investigate the determinants of business performance in Vietnam small and medium sized firms. The study employs a sample of 100 construction-listed enterprises in the Vietnam Stock Market. The author collects data on time series of October 2020 based on the financial statement and annual reports of the Vietnam construction listed companies. The survey data are collected by email and internet sources. This study also identifies the factors that affect the business performance enterprises in Vietnam. The author processed data via STATA 14.0 and SPSS 20.0 software. The research results indicate that (1) government support policies, (2) education level of enterprises owner, (3) enterprises scale, (4) society relationships of enterprises and (5) revenue growth rate affect the business performance of construction- listed enterprises in Vietnam. In addition, the government support policies, education level of enterprises owner, enterprises scale, society relationships of enterprises and revenue growth rate have positive impact on business performance of the Vietnam Construction Listed Companies. In which, education level of enterprises owner and government support policies have mostly positive impacts on business performance. The findings of this study also suggest that the education level of enterprise owners is the highest impact to business performance of the construction- listed firm in Vietnam. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Business Performance (BP), Enterprises (ES), Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMES), Vietnam Construction- Listed Enterprises (VCLE), Supporting Policies (SP)
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Revisiting the determinants of local government performance
, Pages: 1751-1756 Frida Magda Sumual, David Paul Elia Saerang, Herman Karamoy and Hendra N. Tawas ![]() |
Abstract: This present study intends to analyze the factors affecting the performance of the local government of North Sulawesi. The population of this study includes the members of the Regional People’s Representative Assembly and the leaders of Regional Apparatus Organizations managing the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD). Those Regional Apparatus Organizations include Education and Culture Office, Health Office, Regional Revenue Service, Tourism Office, Public Works Office, and Auditor Inspectorate of North Sulawesi Province. The sampling technique used is the saturated sampling technique. Data collection techniques employed consist of an interview, documentation study, and questionnaire dissemination. The analysis is conducted using Partial Least Square (PLS). Based on the analysis, we found that public participation has a significant effect on the transparency of financial management; the internal control system has a significant effect on local government performance; the internal control system has a significant effect on public accountability; the internal control system has a significant effect on the quality of financial reports, and public accountability has a significant effect on the performance of local governments. However, public participation has no significant effect on local government performance; public participation has no significant effect on public accountability; public participation has no significant effect on the quality of financial reports; the internal control system has no significant effect on financial management transparency; financial management transparency has no significant effect on local government performance, and the quality of financial reports has no significant effect on local government performance. This study also reveals that public accountability is the mediating variable between the internal control system and local government performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Internal control system, Financial management transparency, Public accountability, Quality of financial reports, Local government performance
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The association between cost-standard setting and work performance: The role of information asymmetry and goal complexity
, Pages:1757-1768 Saad Hussein ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is an empirical testing of the association between Cost Standard-Setting (PSS) on Work Performance (WP), mediated With Information Asymmetry (IA), and Goal Complexity (GC). It is a rule of thumb that PSS setting can lower the level of IA and GC between the managers and the employees and leads to better WP. The present work uses a path model to measure the direct, indirect, and spurious effect between the dependent and independent variables of this study. Data were collected from ten corporate firms in Iraq via a pre-designed questionnaire survey, the questionnaire forms were distributed randomly to the firm’s top management personnel, departmental managers, engineers, accountants, and administrators who are involved in PSS. Around 350 forms were distributed for data collection, however, only 198 forms were considered for this analysis, the rest of the forms were discarded due to incompleteness or missing values. The findings of the study showed a significant direct effect of PSS on WP. Likewise, there was clear evidence of an indirect effect via the mediating variables (IA and GC). The influence of IA and GC confirms the strong association between the independent variable (PSS) on the dependent variable (WP). DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Participation in cost standard-setting (PSS), Work performance (WP), Information asymmetry (IA), Goal complexity (GC)
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Determinants of corporate social disclosure in Saudi Arabia: The role of social values and IFRS convergence
, Pages: 1769-1778 Mohammed AlShetwi ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigates whether Corporate Social Disclosure (CSD) is affected by IFRS convergence and social value in a country that has strict societal norms (Saudi Arabia). Using a sample of 292 Saudi manufacturing and utilities firms listed on the Saudi Capital Market during the period of 2015-2019, the study finds that IFRS convergence is not related to the CSD of the Saudi manufacturing and utilities firms. On the other hand, social values (as modeled by adopting CSD as a strategic objective) are significantly related to CSD. These results provide evidence supporting the view that CSD is influenced by social values rather than the change in the corporate disclosure environment in countries that exhibit strong conformity to societal values, such as Saudi Arabia. Overall, the current study adds to an understanding of the factors that determine CSD outside the shareholder-stakeholder orientation model. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: CSD, Corporate social responsibilities, IFRS, Saudi Arabia, Social values
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The role of corporate governance in earnings persistence: Audit committee as a moderation variable
, Pages: 1779-1784 Heni Agustina, Rizki Amalia Elfita, Djoko Soelistya, Ninnasi Muttaqiin and Mochamad Mochklas ![]() |
Abstract: During the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is undeniable that many companies are experiencing a decline in turnover, and some companies have even been forced to go out of business. Due to the many fraud incidents, corporate governance is vital in ensuring earnings persistence by considering many audit committee structures. Based on this phenomenon, the purpose of this study is to determine how significant the role of corporate governance is in overcoming earnings persistence moderated by the number of audit committees. This study is quantitative descriptive with a population of all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Index (IDX), and the number of samples with several criteria found as many as six companies. This research period was conducted from 2011-2019. This result implies a positive influence on corporate governance moderated by the audit committee on earnings persistence. This led to point out that the power of corporate governance has a positive effect on earnings persistence. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Corporate Governance, Earnings Persistence, Audit Committee
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Information and analytical support system of enterprise competitiveness management
, Pages: 1785-1798 Ruslan Lupak, Marta Kunytska-Iliash, Yaroslav Berezivskyi, Natalia Nakonechna, Liliya Ivanova and Taras Vasyltsiv ![]() |
Abstract: Under the conditions of intense competitive struggle, integrated assessment methods are gaining increasingly greater importance in the processes of information and analytical support of enterprise development management. Enterprise competitiveness is one of the most universal, and, consequently, methodological and applied features among such generalizing characteristics. However, almost all of the approaches used are characterized by both significant advantages and certain disadvantages as of the date. This study develops a system of information and analytical support for managing enterprise competitiveness in the market of fast moving consumer goods, where competition is near the highest. The author's approach for assessing the competitiveness status of enterprises is developed. For this purpose, a system of indicators is determined, which reveal comprehensively and systematically the main parameters of competitiveness according to its structural components, or subsystems: (1) personnel, (2) property, (3) commodity, (4) organizational. The peculiarity of the approach includes the combination of the method of enterprise position rating in the market, and expert survey, which ends with presentation of the results using the graphical method. Summarizing approbation of the developed methodological approach to the assessment of enterprise competitiveness status, the results allow to allocate the leader enterprises, enterprises of average level of competitiveness, enterprises of attack zones and lost opportunities, and outsider enterprises are obtained. The results include the possibility of implementing a new better and more comprehensive approach for analyzing the status of competitiveness of competing enterprises, which serves as a significant information and analytical basis for policy planning to strengthen the competitive position of businesses for the consumer goods market. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Competitive position, Potential of competitiveness, Analyzing methods, Consumer goods market, Enterprise management
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The role of intellectual capital as a mediation of relationship between audit committee and real earnings management
, Pages: 1799-1804 Sri Layla Wahyu Istanti, Anis Chariri and Agung Juliarto ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the role of human capital, which is part of intellectual capital, as a mediator in the relationship between audit committee expertise and the number of audit committee meetings with real earnings management. This research is a quantitative study. The data source used is data from manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The sample selection technique used purposive sampling. The analysis technique uses path analysis. The results showed that the expertise of the audit committee had a significant effect on human capital, while the number of audit meetings had no effect on human capital. The results of this study also state that audit committee expertise, number of audit committee meetings and human capital performance have no effect on real earnings management actions. Furthermore, there is empirical evidence that shows that human capital has a mediating effect on the relationship between audit committee expertise and the number of audit committee meetings with real earnings management. The role of human capital in the relationship between the expertise of the audit committee and the number of audit committee meetings becomes originality, so it is the main contribution of research. The limitation of this research is that it only uses human capital as a mediating variable. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Audit committee expertise, Number of audit committee meetings, Human capital, Real earnings management
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The empirical evidence of the effect of company size, leverage and profitability on income smoothing
, Pages: 1805-1812 Dian Hakip Nurdiansyah, Irvan Yoga Pardistya, Endang Mahpudin and Dikky Nophiansah ![]() |
Abstract: Income smoothing is basically a management strategy to reduce fluctuating income levels. This study aims to determine the effect of company size, leverage and profitability on income smoothing in companies listed on the LQ45 Index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2019 period. It was carried out on companies listed on the LQ45 Index of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. Sampling was conducted by utilizing purposive sampling and obtained 11 companies, from which 33 data were collected. The analysis technique used was multiple linear regression analysis. Results showed that company size, leverage and profitability simultaneously can affect income smoothing of a company. Company size and profitability partially have a positive effect on income smoothing, while leverage has a negative effect on income smoothing. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Income smoothing, Company size, Leverage and profitability
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Internal auditor reports a fraud: Courage and pressure
, Pages: 1813-1818 Dini Rosdini, Aria Farah Mita and Dyah Setyaningrum ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to examine whether internal auditors have the courage to report audit findings and fraud when they are under pressure and unpleasant situations. We used the experiment with 107 participants who were internal auditors from various companies. Participants were divided randomly into two groups with different treatments. The first group was given the low-pressure treatment by giving information that the company’s top management has good integrity and is open to every aspiration, and organizational culture is clean and free of corruption. Meanwhile, the second group was given high-pressure treatment in the form of information that the company's top management is firm and happy when all subordinates carry out their instructions and directions. The results show that the pressure influences auditors' courage to report fraud findings. Internal auditors with a low pressure are more willing to report indications of fraud than internal auditors with high pressure. Furthermore, the pressure will not impact reporting issues other than fraud. We found no difference in the reporting number of audit findings under low- or high-pressure conditions. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Income smoothing, Company size, Leverage and profitability
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The effect of internal risks on the performance of Jordanian commercial banks
, Pages: 1819-1824 Ahmad Alkhazali, Ghaith N. Al-Eitan, Hayel Al-serhan, Tareq O. Bani-Khalid and Ahmad A. Al-Naimi ![]() |
Abstract: This study mainly aimed to examine the effect of internal risks on the financial performance of the Jordanian commercial banks. The study sample comprised the entire commercial banks that are included in the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) spanning the period from 2009 to 2019. The study formulated four hypotheses, which are related to the effects of liquidity risk and leverage risk on the bank’s performance, proxied by ROA and ROE. Based on the results, liquidity risk did not have a significant effect on both ROA and ROE, while leverage risk did not have a significant effect on ROA, but it did on ROE. It can thus be concluded that the use of financial leverage should be taken into consideration because of its negative influence on the banks’ financial performance, specifically on the shareholders’ returns. It is recommended that future studies examine the effect of additional risk types, like credit risk and operational risk on the performance of banks. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Internal risks of banks, Liquidity risk, Leverage risk, Financial performance of banks, ROA, ROE, Commercial banks
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