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Demographic characteristics, personality characteristics, and the level of student’s financial literacy
, Pages: 629-636 Gatot Nazir Ahmad, Sholatia Dalimunthe, Siti Thahirah and Hania Aminah ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the demographic and personality characteristics toward the level of student's financial literacy. We use gender, age, parental income, pocket money, and place of residence as the proxies of demographic characteristics. In addition, financial attitude, and financial behavior are considered as proxies of personality characteristics. The population of this research is the students of business/management department of Universitas Negeri Jakarta. We use 194 students as the sample which represents twenty percent of population. The result of this study shows that the level of financial literacy of the students is in middle category. We use logistic regression as the statistical tool and also found that several proxies like age, pocket money, and financial behavior had positive effects toward the level of student's financial literacy. However, other proxies like residence and financial attitude had a negative sign on financial literacy. While gender and parental income had no significant effect on financial literacy. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Demographic characteristics, Financial literacy, Logistic regression, Personality characteristics
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Simultaneous adjustment of bank capital and risk: Evidence from the Indonesian commercial banks
, Pages: 637-648 Lutfi Lutfi, Emanuel Kristijadi and Mellyza Silvy ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the interplay between adjustments in risk and adjustments in capital of the Indonesian commercial banks using a simultaneous approach. In addition, the study analyzes bank specific factors determining the adjustments of risk and adjustments in capital as well as the role of capital buffer and the business cycle in moderating that adjustments. The study uses Two-Stage Least Square (2-SLS) model of panel data techniques to analyze the data of 68 commercial banks from 2005 to 2018. The results show that adjustments in risk and adjustments in capital influence each other simultaneously in a positive direction. Capital buffer levels weaken the influence of capital adjustments on risk adjustments and the effect of risk adjustments on capital adjustments. Last, the business cycle weakens the effect of risk adjustments to capital adjustments but does not weaken the effect of capital adjustments to risk adjustments. The results may suggest that the Indonesia Financial Services Authority must tighten bank supervision despite good economic conditions and ensure that an increase in bank risk must be accompanied by an increase in capital. It must pay more attention to banks with low capital buffer because these banks may speculate more by increasing their risk without raising capital adequately. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Capital adjustment, Risk adjustment, Simultaneous model, Indonesian bank
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Impact of financial market development on the CO2 Emissions in GCC countries
, Pages: 649-656 Haider Mahmood ![]() |
Abstract: Financial development market (FMD) may have positive or negative environmental consequences. This research investigated the effects of FMD and income on CO2 emissions in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries during 1980-2018. We found that income had positive effect but FMD had insignificant impact on emissions in GCC panel. Then, we tested these effects in the individual country time series and found that income had positive impact in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman and had insignificant effect in other GCC countries in long run. Effect of FMD was positive in Oman, was negative in UAE and was insignificant in rest of GCC countries. Effect of income was positive in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and was insignificant for other countries in short run. The effect of FMD was positive in Kuwait and was negative in UAE. We recommend UAE to expand the financial market and suggest Oman and Kuwait to have a check on the financially supported pollution-oriented activities. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Financial Market Development, CO2 Emissions, GCC countries
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The effects of factors on making investment decisions among Omani working women
, Pages: 657-664 Ansa Salim and Sania Khan ![]() |
Abstract: This paper studies the awareness and influencing factors towards investment decisions among Omani working women. The main objective of the paper is to find out the level of awareness and analyze the influence of factors on investment decisions of Omani working women as respondents. The study analyzes the investment decisions taken by the respondents based on their awareness and investment pattern of Omani working women. The data was collected by distributing a well-structured online questionnaire to 200 respondents. The finding of this study shows that the women were more conscious about their investment for their child’s education and future requirement. The research also found that most influencing factors on investment decisions were the family members and professional associations on their investment decisions. Still more thoughtful investment decision yet to be done by the employed women. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Investment Behavior, Annual savings, Investment, Investment pattern, Working women, Salaried people
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The role of internal factors in determining the firm value in Indonesia
, Pages: 665-670 Etty Puji Lestari, Diah Astuti and M. Abdul Basir ![]() |
Abstract: There are pros and cons to the internal factors of the firm value. Some internal factors that play a role in firm value are company size, leverage, and profitability. The purpose of this study is to analyze the internal factors that influence the firm value. The research sample is all companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2012-2017. The dependent variable in this study is the firm value, while the independent variables are firm size, leverage, and profitability. The method used is the data panel. The results show that leverage had a negative and significant effect on firm value. In contrast, profitability and company size had a positive but insignificant effect on firm value. The results are in line with the allegation that the larger the company's size, the higher the investor's confidence in the company's ability to provide a return on investment. This evidence is in line with the allegations in the hypothesis that company size has a positive effect on its value. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Firm value, Leverage, Profitability, Company size
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Determinants of the choice of a big four auditor in the Vietnamese Stock Market
, Pages: 671-680 My Tran Ngo, Thi Bach Yen Tran and Kim Loi Ho ![]() |
Abstract: The study was conducted to examine the determinants on the choice of a Big Four auditor of listed firms in the Vietnamese stock market. Data were hand-collected from 511 non-financial firms in the period 2015 – 2017. The research results show that ownership concentration and foreign ownership had a positive significant impact on the choice of a high-quality Big Four auditor. Meanwhile, board size was negatively associated with the selection of large auditing firms. However, there was no statistical evidence on the effect of the proportion of independent directors and CEO duality on the likelihood of choosing a Big Four auditor. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Big Four auditor, Determinants, Capital structure, Concentrated ownership, Decision making
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Determinants of financing decisions: Evidence using GMM estimation
, Pages: 681-686 Thu-Trang Thi Doan ![]() |
Abstract: This article focuses on identifying the determinants of financial decisions of the firms. To accomplish this section, the author collects data of 110 manufacturing firms in Vietnam, over the period of 2011-2018. For the analytical methods, the author uses Generalized Method of Moment (GMM) to estimate the study model. This method has the great advantage which is able to control the potential endogenous and overcome the regression hypotheses that are violated. The study results show that financial decisions (FD) are negatively affected by the return on assets (ROA), liquidity (LIQ), and tangibility (TANG). In addition, the financial decisions (FD) are also positively affected by the firm size (SIZE). With these findings, the firm managers will have a solid basis to make financial decisions appropriately. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Capital structure, Manufacturing firms, Panel data, GMM estimation, Vietnam
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The impact of economic value added (EVA) adoption on stock performance
, Pages: 687-704 Amer Al Shishany, Ahmed Al-Omush and Cherif Guermat ![]() |
Abstract: The adoption of EVA as a compensation and management plan, generally, impacts positively the performance of companies adopting this method. However, this paper examines whether the adoption of the EVA framework enhances the firm’s performance and gauge the long-term effects of such an adoption on the firm’s value. It also assesses whether the market reacts to the announcement of the adoption of EVA as a compensation system. Moreover, the paper fills this gap in research literature by showing whether or not EVA adoption leads to a significant increase in firm value as reflected by its market prices on the long run. Growing evidence in research indicates that the stock market does not incorporate all firm information into the stock price quickly and completely (REF). Therefore, the critique that contemporaneous association between price and EVA does not reflect reality is likely to be correct. However, this paper takes a different action. The basic contention is that although prices adjust slowly to information, long horizons are sufficiently long for markets to incorporate almost all relevant information into prices. The study sample consists of 89 US firms adopted EVA as a compensation system. It compares the performance of adopting firms to that of selected matching firms and to the market indexes, particularly, the S&P500 portfolio. Then it uses two common aggregating methods to test the event of adopting EVA by different US firms namely the CAR and BHAR methods. The results obtained, however, showed a slight improvement in the performance of companies adopting EVA within five years from the date of adoption. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Event study, EVA, Stock performance, Compensation, CAR, BHAR
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Retracted: Modeling of foreign direct investment impact on economic growth in a free market
, Pages: 705-712 Oleksandr Samborskyi, Oksana Isai, Iryna Hnatenko, Olga Parkhomenko, Viktoriia Rubezhanska and Olena Yershova ![]() |
Abstract: The complexity and ambiguity of the contribution of foreign direct investment (FDI) to economic growth necessitates the development of recommendations for the analysis and management of foreign investment flows to maximize their positive impact on the economy and prevent negative consequences. In this regard, the aim of the study is to propose an economic and mathematical modeling of the foreign direct investment impact on economic growth and their interaction with domestic direct investment. The article proposes a classification of factors that determine the inflow of foreign direct investment to developed countries and developing countries. By introducing the external effect of foreign direct investment (capital repatriation), the authors modified the model with foreign direct investment in the form of accumulated foreign capital reserves. An analytical expression is obtained to relate the rate of economic growth to the amount of repatriation depending on the effects of supplementing and substituting foreign direct investment for foreign direct investment. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Foreign direct investment, Domestic direct investment, Economic and mathematical modeling, Repatriation of capital, Economic growth This paper was retracted based on the authors' request due to errors in the computations.
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Analysis of cash holding on investment cash flow sensitivity in Indonesia
, Pages: 713-720 B. Yuliarto Nugroho ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of cash holding and external financing on investment-cash flow sensitivity. The sample in this research is the firm of non-finance which was listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange over the period 2008-2017. The sample in this study was divided into categories of financial constraint to determine the influence of both variables more clearly on firms with different financial conditions. The research method used panel data regression by using fixed effect model to estimate investment-cash flow sensitivity. This study found that cash holding had a positive and significant effect on investment-cash flow sensitivity. Furthermore, external financing also had a positive and significant effect on investment cash flow sensitivity. The result of research refers that external financing is a substitute of internal funding to finance their investment; therefore, the companies have to manage finances well to their investment to enhance the value of the company and maximize shareholder wealth. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Cash Holding, External Financing, Financial Constraints, Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity
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The effect of cash holdings on firm performance: Evidence from Vietnam listed firms
, Pages: 721-726 Thu-Trang Thi Doan ![]() |
Abstract: The article examines the impacts of cash holding ratio on the performance of firms listed in Vietnam for the period of 2008-2018. The author finds that the proportion of cash holding had a positive impact on the firm performance. The study also shows the impacts of financial leverage, the ratio of tangible assets, firm size, and sales growth on the firm performance. In addition, this is the first study in Vietnam to find a positive and statistically significant impact of state ownership on the firm performance. Thus, the firm performance can be achieved by the effective state capital management. The results of this study provide a reliable basis for financial managers to make appropriate cash holding decisions to improve the firm performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Cash holdings, Firm performance, GMM, Regression, Vietnam
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Determinants influencing cost system in Vietnam’s public hospitals
, Pages: 727-736 Hoang Van Tuong, Lai Thi Thu Thuy and Dinh Hoai Nam ![]() |
Abstract: In Vietnam, public hospitals are increasingly operating in a highly competitively environment and therefore cost management has become an imperative. The purpose of this research is to establish the factors influencing cost system development success among public hospitals in Vietnam. In order to achieve this objective, some primary and secondary data were used. The secondary data include books, journals, periodicals, unpublished research materials and the internet and the primary data include interview and a well-structured questionnaire administered to 260 respondents in the 50 public hospitals sampled from the population. The data collected from the questionnaire were analyzed using relevant econometric tests. The results suggest a relationship between the factors influencing the cost system development in public hospitals in Vietnam. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Cost system, Public hospital, Vietnam
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The impact of CEO duality on firm performance: Examining the life-cycle theory in Vietnam
, Pages: 737-742 Duc Huy Pham and Quoc Viet Pham ![]() |
Abstract: We examine the impact of CEO duality on firm performance using the life-cycle theory approach. The data is balanced and covers over the period 2012–2018 for 442 publicly listed firms in Vietnam. The findings from system generalized method of moments (GMM) method indicate that CEO duality had a positive effect on firm performance in growth stage and had a negative effect on the mature stage of the firm’s life-cycle. These results are supported by stewardship theory which argues that CEO duality may be good for firm performance in the growth stage due to the unity of presented command. In contrast, agency theory shows CEO duality is bad for firm performance in the maturing stage since it compromises the monitoring and controls the behavior of the CEO. Also, this study shows that there was a difference between state shareholders and director from outside of the company affecting the firm performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: CEO duality, Firm performance, The life-cycle theory
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Green accounting, material flow cost accounting and environmental performance
, Pages: 743-752 I Gusti Ketut Agung Ulupui, Yunika Murdayanti, Astari Cita Marini, Unggul Purwohedi, Mardia and Heri Yanto ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of green accounting and Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) on environmental performance as indicated by PROPER rating. This study is conducted on cement manufacturing companies in Indonesia by using a descriptive quantitative research model tested on three variables: green accounting, MFCA, and environmental performance. The green accounting aspect is taken from the extent of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) disclosure and MFCA is focused on the effectiveness of costs. The MFCA dimensions are production costs, size of production area, and production value. Environmental performance aspect is measured by the PROPER rating issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The study is conducted in several stages. First, a literature review of previous research related to green accounting, MFCA, and environmental performance is performed. Next, the research problems are formulated. After that, the data from the companies are collected and analyzed by using SmartPLS. Finally, it is concluded that green accounting affects environmental performance, whereas MFCA has no effect on environmental performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Green accounting, MFCA, Environmental performance, PROPER
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Increasing consumers to consumers (C2C) e-commerce in central Java, Indonesia
, Pages: 753-762 Suryono Budi Santosa, Mudiantono Mudiantono, Crismona Fenty Murniyono, Hersugondo Hersugondo and Harry Soesanto ![]() |
Abstract: Online shopping is recently showing rapid development. There are a lot of e-commerce sites with several categories that appear in the community, along with changes in the way people shop from conventional shopping into virtual shopping. The most publicly visited e-commerce sites are C2C e-commerce sites, namely Tokopedia, Shopee, Bukalapak, and Elevenia. However, the popularity of C2C e-commerce sites must be reviewed since there is a decrease in marketing performance and in brand share over the period 2018-2019, which can weaken and harm C2C e-commerce sites. This research was conducted to analyze the factors that influence trust, purchase intention, and transaction security to improve consumer purchasing decisions of C2C e-commerce sites in Central Java. Using data from 160 respondents who had made purchases on the C2C e-commerce site throughout 2019, ten hypotheses were proposed through the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis. The results show that purchasing decisions were influenced by trust. Consumer trust increases if the quality of the products provided by the website is adequate, thus will shape consumer trust. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Product Quality, Trust, Purchase Decision
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Auditing quality from perspective of auditing firms in Vietnam
, Pages: 763-772 Thi Mai Huong Nguyen, Yen Nhi To and Thi Le Hang Nguyen ![]() |
Abstract: This article focuses on identifying the essential factors that affect the audit quality and proposing some implications of the policy to contribute to the enhancement of the social trust in Vietnam audit profession. The pressure on the certified and reliable financial information is a key challenge to stimulate auditors to improve audit quality. The study reaches its objective by analyzing the point of views from survey participants (CPA and independent auditors) by using questionnaires and interviewing in combination with abroad and domestic references. The authors have collected 102 responses from professional staff working in auditing firms in Ho Chi Minh (HCM) city. Through evaluating the reliability of the scale, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis, the research model shows that there are six factors affecting the audit quality. They are (1) professional ethics of auditors, (2) professional capacity of auditors, (3) quality of external control, (4) internal factors belong to auditing firms, (5) audit fees and (6) size of auditing firms. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Audit quality, Independent audit, Audit services, Independent audit quality, Audit quality in Vietnam
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Building favorable investment climate for economic development
, Pages: 773-780 Inna Irtyshcheva, Iryna Kramarenko, Svitlana Shults, Yevheniia Boiko, Kateryna Blishchuk, Nataliya Hryshyna, Nazariy Popadynets, Іryna Dubynska, Olena Ishchenko and Daria Krapyvina ![]() |
Abstract: The research is devoted to the adaptation of theoretical and applied organizational grounds of favorable investment climate based on the establishment of an efficient mechanism of investment capacity increase in Ukraine. The main aim of the paper is to substantiate the mechanism of forming a favorable investment climate as the basis of investment capacity increase in Ukraine. The paper verifies the authors’ hypothesis on the adequacy of the substantiation of the mechanism of favorable investment climate forming as the basis of investment capacity increase leading to the substantial improvement of Ukrainian positions in international rankings. The dependence of Ukraine’s investment climate on the formed mechanism of its development is confirmed, and the necessity of its improvement is emphasized. The paper proves that forming of the favorable investment climate as the main precondition of boosted development, reproduction, and efficient use of investment climate at all levels is one of the most important strategic tasks that Ukraine faces. Economic, institutional-legal, and organizational-administrative mechanisms and implementation tools directed at improvement of the investment climate in Ukraine and the creation of conditions for investment capacity growth and its efficient transformation into an investment product are systematized. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Investment, Investment capacity, Investment climate, Investment attractiveness, Global rankings, International indices
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The effect of internal control on the performance of Vietnamese construction enterprises
, Pages: 781-786 Tran Trung Tuan ![]() |
Abstract: Vietnamese construction enterprises play an important role in Vietnam's economic development. However, Vietnamese construction enterprises are facing many difficulties in business activities. One of the difficulties is the management of business activities to improve the efficiency of the business. There are many management tools that provide information to managers in order to make decisions in the business operations of the business effectively. One of the important tools for managing business operations in an enterprise is the use of internal controls. Internal control will establish control procedures to provide security for assets and information of the business. The full application of internal control elements in the business will help businesses save costs, increase sales and improve corporate performance. The purpose of this study is to explore the application of internal control elements to improve performance in Vietnamese construction firms. The study used 256 questionnaires sent to managers in construction businesses. After collecting 106 questionnaires, the study used SPSS 20 to process and analyze data. The research results show a positive relationship between elements of internal control and performance. The results of the study show that Vietnamese construction enterprises need to apply aspects of internal control to improve their performance. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Control environment, Internal control, Construction enterprises, Performance, Vietnamese
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Determinant of profitability: Evidence from trading, service and investment companies in Indonesia
, Pages: 787-794 Citra Shahnia, Endah Dewi Purnamasari, Luqman Hakim and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Assets Ratio (DAR), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Return On Equity (ROE) and Total Asset Turnover (TATO) on Profitability (ROA) in the trading, service and investment subsector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over the period 2014- 2018. The data used is panel data with 6 companies for 5 years obtained from the Annual Report published on the IDX website. The results of this study indicate that CR and DAR partially negatively affected ROA, and ROE had a positive effect on ROA, while NPM and TATO had no effect on ROA. Overall testing shows that all financial factors had a significant effect and contribute to explain changes in profitability of 89.6 percent. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Profitability, Return on Assets, Current Ratio, Debt to Assets Ratio, Net Profit Margin, Return on Equity, Total Asset Turnover
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Learning-by-doing effect: Evidence from firms of an emerging economy
, Pages: 795-804 Nguyen Ngoc Thach ![]() |
Abstract: In the learning theory, the vast majority of both theoretical and applied research have concentrated on the developed world. In contrast, developing, in particular, emerging economies have drawn much less attention. Moreover, empirical outcomes are conflicting, with some studies revealing learning-by-doing to have a positive impact, but others finding learning-by-doing to have a negative effect on the performance. Therefore, this study is conducted through the Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs samplers in the context of a Cobb-Douglas specification to evaluate the effects of learning-by-doing on firm performance on a panel data of the 227 manufacturing firms listed on the Vietnamese stock market. A Bayesian mixed-effects regression used allows for capturing the varying effects of all the researched firms. The study found that firm-specific learning-by-doing has a strong positive influence on firm performance. This finding is accordant with the predictions of the learning theory, many previous investigations, as well as the fact that in a fast-growing economy like Vietnam, firm-specific learning-by-doing is closely associated with economic growth. Some helpful policy implications proposed are aimed at increasing productivity for firms in emerging economies. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Bayesian mixed-effects regression, Firm specific learning-by-doing, firm performance, Emerging economy
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Factors affecting the use of derivative financial instruments of listed companies: The case of Hanoi Stock Exchange
, Pages: 805-816 Trong Lam Vu, Cong Thanh Le, Ngoc Anh Pham and Thi Ngoc Ha Tran ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to assess the factors affecting the intention to use derivative financial instruments (DFIs) in Hanoi Stock Exchange, Vietnam. The study was conducted on 356 enterprises listed on the Hanoi Stock Exchange and the results show that Perception, Misuse, Expertise, risk management controls and Benefits had positive impacts on the intention to use the DFIs. In this survey, the risk management controls factor maintains the strongest impact on the intention to use FDIs of the enterprises. Finally, the study conducted multi-group analysis by groups; including Gender, Education and Position held with firms. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Derivative financial instruments, Hanoi Stock Exchange, Vietnam
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Institutions, microeconomic factors and stock market capitalization: Evidence from the EAP countries
, Pages: 817-824 Lai Cao Mai Phuong ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of institutions and macroeconomic factors on the capitalization of securities in East Asian and Pacific countries (EAP). A balanced panel data is used to collect time-series from 2008 to 2018 in 11 EAP countries and to analyze the impacts of institutions, macroeconomics and stock market capitalization by the general moment method (GMM). Instead of measuring in detail each aspect of the institution as in previous studies, the six institutional aspects as defined by Kaufmann et al. (2011) [Kaufmann, D., Kraay, A., & Mastruzzi, M. (2011). The worldwide governance indicators: methodology and analytical issues. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 3(2), 220-246.] were calculated into one institutional variable. The institutional variables in this article were measured to ensure a more logical and consistent way of institutional influence on stock capitalization. The results indicate that, the institutions and macroeconomic factors were significant in forecasting the stock market capitalization size. Institutional, economic growth and savings had positive effects, macroeconomic factors such as inflation and high interest rates had a negative impact on stock capitalization in EAP countries. The institutions and macroeconomic factors had a significant impact on stock capitalization in EAP countries, the majority of developed markets had better institutions, better control of inflation and interest rates, and most undeveloped markets had higher economic growth and domestic savings. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Institutions, Macroeconomic factors, Market capitalization, East Asian and Pacific countries
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How do merged banks create their intended corporate image? Evidence from Sudan
, Pages: 825-838 Mohamed Salih Yousif Ali and Anas Abdulbaset Abbas ![]() |
Abstract: This study seeks to explore the direct and indirect relationships perceived by bank employees among leaders' trustworthy behaviors, communication, corporate identity management, and the creation of the intended corporate image (ICI) at merged banks. A questionnaire survey was used to test the developed model. Proportionate stratified sampling was used to collect data from 394 respondents. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for empirically investigating the hypotheses. The study revealed that leaders’ trustworthy behaviors had significant positive relationships with corporate identity management and ICI. In addition, merged banks’ communications moderated the relationship between trustworthiness and organizational identity. Further, organizational identity was a partial mediator between trustworthiness and intended corporate image. Merged banks are advised to practice a trustworthiness strategy and behave appropriately to not only perform efficiently but also explain to their primary stakeholders that the prevalence of trust is harmonious with its corporate identity, does not adversely affect the stakeholders' future interests, and increasingly contributes to forming the intended image of the bank. This study contributes to a better understanding of the importance of leadership's trustworthy behaviors and of communicating these behaviors to manage the corporate identity and create an ICI in the Sudanese context. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Trustworthy behaviors, Communication, Corporate identity management, Intended corporate image, Merged banks
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Asset allocation and strategies on investment portfolio performance: A study on the implementation of employee pension fund in Indonesia
, Pages: 839-850 Sugeng Wahyudi, Hasanudin and Irene Rini Demi Pangestutia ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the ability to determine the weight of securities of stocks, bonds, mutual funds and deposits in the implementation of employer pension funds in Indonesia based on variables of asset allocation, portfolio turnover, board size, institutional ownership and diversification of the portfolio performance. The data collection method used was non-participant observation. By using a data pooling technique which combined time series data over period 2016-2018 and a cross section data of 64 Employer Pension Funds (DPPK, Employer Pension Funds), 192 observed analysis units were obtained. The effect of the variables was analyzed by using Structural Equation Modeling (path) as the analysis technique and using LISREL (Linear Structural Relationships) program. The test results showed that the asset allocation strategy had a positive effect on the investment portfolio performance. The same also happened to institutional ownership and diversification variables which also had a positive and significant effect on the investment portfolio performance. However, this study showed that there was no positive effect on the board size and portfolio turnover on the investment portfolio performance. Theoretical and managerial implications and also the limitations of this study are discussed at the end of this study. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Asset allocation, Turnover, Board size, Institutional ownership, Diversification, Portfolio, Performance
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Determinants influencing audit delay: The case of Vietnam
, Pages: 851-858 Thi Thu Thuy Lai,Manh Dung Tran, Van Tuong Hoang and Thi Hong Lam Nguyen ![]() |
Abstract: This research is conducted to investigate determinants that affect delays in the signing of audit reports in Vietnam. The audit delay is measured as a function of the number of days that elapse from the accounting period until the date when the audit report is signed. This study employs a sample of 142 foreign direct investment (FDI) firms in Vietnam in 2019. We use Linear regression analysis, modelling audit delay as a function of the following explanatory variables: firm size, audit firm type, sign of income, audit opinion, and leverage. The findings indicate that the firms that report net income, that have standard audit opinion, and that have bigger size release their audited financial statements earlier. Variables such as auditor firm and leverage show no significant relationship with audit delay. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Audit delay, Financial reporting, FDI firms, Vietnam
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The modeling firm's value based on financial ratios, intellectual capital and dividend policy
, Pages: 859-870 A. Kadim, Nardi Sunardi and T. Husain ![]() |
Abstract: The firm's value becomes fundamental and important when it goes public which is a basis for investment decision. Intellectual capital as a spectrum of artificial intelligence capabilities helps us reveal patterns of big data in information-based historical data to do jobs faster and better with the help of technology. This research purposes to verify the model firm's value based on financial ratios, intellectual capital, and dividend policy. The populations in this research are on the automotive sub-sector companies and components that are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) over the period 2010-2019 and eleven companies met the requirements for sampling. Methods of data analysis is based on path analysis and Sobel test which comprise the classical assumptions test, linearity test, the total coefficient of determination and estimation, and hypothesis test through direct and indirect effect. The results of this research indicate that the firm's modeling value based on financial ratios, intellectual capital and dividend policy with outcome findings of financial ratio's viz. liquidity, solvency and profitability ratio did not significantly influence the dividend policy, while dividend policy had a significant influence on firm's value. Furthermore, financial ratios mediated by dividend policy were only influenced by solvency and profitability ratios while the liquidity ratios and intellectual capital factors were not significant effects. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Modeling firm value, Solvency, Profitability, Dividend policy
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Determinants influencing capital adequacy ratio of Vietnamese commercial banks
, Pages: 871-878 Hung Phuong Vu and Ngoc Duc Dang ![]() |
Abstract: This study employs a panel data analysis to identify the factors that significantly affect the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of Vietnamese commercial banks for the period from 2011 to 2018. During this period, the number of banks had decreased from 41 to 31 due to mergers and acquisitions. The variables that are hypothesized to affect the capital adequacy ratio of commercial banks in Vietnam include bank size (SIZE), deposit (DEP), loan (LOA), loan loss reserves (LLR), liquidity (LIQ), return on assets (ROA), return on capital (ROE), net interest margin (NIM), non-performing loans (NPL) and leverage (LEV). The results indicate that LEV, LLR, ROE had a negative impact, ROA had a positive impact, and SIZE, DEP, LOA, LIQ, NIM, NPL did not significantly influence the CAR of Vietnamese commercial banks. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Capital Adequacy Ratio, Commercial Banks, Vietnam
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Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, affiliates and firm growth: Evidence from Vietnam
, Pages: 879-892 Hoang N. Pham and Baliira Kalyebara ![]() |
Abstract: This paper investigates the effect of investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliates (affiliate investment) on firm growth. Using both static and dynamic panel data models with a sample dataset of 2,056 firm-year observations on Vietnam’s stock market from 2008-2015, the study finds that increasing affiliate investment in prior periods had a significantly positive impact on asset growth and net income growth (but not sales growth) of the firms in subsequent periods. In addition, the study finds new empirical evidence that private-controlled firms are more efficient than government-controlled firms in terms of affiliate investment. It is also found that profitability, government ownership and foreign ownership are significant dynamics for firm growth. This research sheds light on the role of affiliate investment as a corporate diversification strategy to boost firm growth, including growth rates of multinational corporations. It also provides important implications about the determinants of different dimensions of firm growth in the context of an Asian emerging economy. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Affiliate investment, Firm growth, Controlling ownership, Corporate diversification, Vietnam
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Efficient market hypothesis and calendar effects: Empirical evidences from the Vietnam stock markets
, Pages: 893-898 Pham Dan Khanh and Pham Thanh Dat ![]() |
Abstract: Vietnam’s stock market although has small scale without a long history of development but the exchange has just started for a massive development. There have also been a number of anomalies, suggested that the market is not efficient. Therefore, there is a possibility that active investors with right strategy can consistently achieve higher profit than the market portfolio. This paper analyzes the statistical and economic significance of the calendar anomalies to propose appropriate strategies or recommendations. Studying the calendar anomalies in Vietnam also diversifies the research scope and validates some hypotheses in the past. In this research, the authors just analyze the monthly effects and the experimental results of this study may have significant implications not only for financial managers, financial advisers and investors but also for government to implement policy on stock market. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Seasonal effect, Stock return, Calendar effect, Dummy Variable Regression, EMH
Open Access Article | |||
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The information gap in corporate annual reports: Evidence from Vietnam
, Pages: 899-912 Thi Thuy Hang Dang,Thi Thu Lien Nguyen, Kim Ngoc Le, Thi Hong Thuy Nguyen and Thi Bich Chi Pham ![]() |
Abstract: This study is an empirical research into the gap between disclosures in annual reports by listed companies and the needs of information by individual investors for investing decisions. The research uses some quantitative methods with the data collected from the annual reports of the top 30 non-financial listed companies having the high market capitalization and good liquidity on the Vietnam Stock Exchange. The authors compare 82 information disclosed by the corporates with the expectations of the investors by using SPSS 22. The results indicate that there is a discrepancy between the perception of individual investors and listed companies about the useful information in the corporate reports. In addition, both the mandatory and voluntary disclosures do not satisfy the requirements of the investors; however, the mandatory information is provided more than the voluntary one by the listed companies. DOI: 10.5267/ Keywords: Information Gap, Investors, Decision-making, Disclosures, Vietnam Stock Exchange
© 2010, Growing Science.