N. Choupani, Editorial member
Gebze Technical University, Turkey
Email: choupani@gtu.edu.tr


Choupani, N. (2008). Mixed-mode cohesive fracture of adhesive joints: Experimental and numerical studies. Engineering fracture mechanics, 75(15), 4363-4382.

Choupani, N. (2008). Experimental and numerical investigation of the mixed-mode delamination in Arcan laminated specimens. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 478(1-2), 229-242.

Choupani, N. (2008). Interfacial mixed-mode fracture characterization of adhesively bonded joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 28(6), 267-282.

Hasanpour, R., & Choupani, N. (2009). Rock fracture characterization using the modified Arcan test specimen. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 46(2), 346-354.

Choupani, N. (2009). Characterization of fracture in adhesively bonded double-lap joints. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 29(8), 761-773.

Azar, H. F., Choupani, N., Afshin, H., & Moghadam, R. H. (2015). Effect of mineral admixtures on the mixed-mode (I/II) fracture characterization of cement mortar: CTS, CSTBD and SCB specimens. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 134, 20-34.

Oskui, A. E. H., Choupani, N., & Shameli, M. (2016). 3D characterization of mixed-mode fracture toughness of materials using a new loading device. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures, 13, 1464-1482.

Nikbakht, M., & Choupani, N. (2008). Fracture toughness characterization of carbon-epoxy composite using arcan specimen. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 41, 738-744.

Nikbakht, M., & Choupani, N. (2009). Experimental investigation of mixed-mode fracture behaviour of woven laminated composite. Journal of Materials Science, 44, 3428-3437.

Oskui, A. E. H., Choupani, N., & Haddadi, E. (2014). Experimental and numerical investigation of fracture of ABS polymeric material for different sample's thickness using a new loading device. Polymer Engineering & Science, 54(9), 2086-2096.

Shamsi, A., & Choupani, N. (2008). Continuous and discontinuous shock absorber, Control through skyhook strategy in semi-active suspension system (4DOF Model). International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial and Aerospace Engineering, 254-258.